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    "Good morning, Papa.." Anya yawned & mumbled as she rubbed her eye. "Good morning, go wash your face, else you'll be late." Loid responded as Anya slowly nodded and walked back to the bathroom. "Good morning, Anya-San!" Yor smiled while Anya pulled over her stool and stood on top of it. "Good morning, Mama." She turned on the faucet and splashed water on her face, using her palms to wash it thoroughly. "How did you sleep last night?" Anya wiped her face with a towel and shrugged. "Anya had a weird dream." She quickly brushed her teeth as she hopped off the stool and ran to her bedroom. She scanned through her drawers and finally pulled it out. She closed her bedroom door and changed, running outside and sitting back down onto the table. "Anya is hungry now. Is Papa done yet?" "Almost, just wait a bit longer." He took the plates and placed it on the table, noticing the time. "You need to go in 30 minutes, or else you'll miss the bus. Eat quickly and go put your uniform on, get your bag too." Papa is too anxious because he thinks Anya is a failure. Anya nodded as she started to eat the food and finished her plate. Yor walked outside and sat down, appreciating Loid's food like always. Around 15-20 minutes later, Anya got up and put her plate to the counter. "Anya will go get changed!" She ran to her room and closed the door again, opening it later with her uniform on and her school bag. "Let's go, Anya-San!" Yor took Anya's hand as she opened the door for her, walking to the bus stop and waiting for the bus. It finally pulled up and Anya held the school door, walking up the stairs. "Have a good day, Anya-San!" "Bye bye, Mama."


    "Good morning, Anya-Chan!" Becky ran over and smiled as Anya smiled back. "Good morning, Becky." They walked down the path as they met the staircase that led to the dorms. "I'm so jealous of the dorm kids, they get to sleep in!" Becky pouted as Damian, Ewen, and Emile walked down those staircases. Becky rolled her eyes as she pulled Anya's sleeve to get her away from them. "Eww, go stay in your dorm for 5 more minutes like everybody else. Or stay in there so we can at least pass you guys." Becky complained and Emilie and Ewen immediately noticed. "Freaks! Get away from Damian-Sama!" "Freaks? Seriously? You three are the freaks! One of you looks like a beaver, another one looks like a stick, and the other one has green hair! You all have horrible genes!" Becky said as an other fought broke out. "Shitty peanut. He looks like one." Anya pointed at Ewen as Becky laughed. "Definitely!" She smirked and pulled Anya, running off as Ewen and Emile screamed at them from behind. "Losers!" "Yeah, scaredy cats!" They continued to yell insults as Damian pushed them. "Shut up, it isn't going to help anything. Let's just get to class, and study." Ewen and Emile stopped as they nodded and smiled. "Yes, Damian-Sama!" "Of course, boss man!" If I want to stand out to father, then I need to keep my grades up..a 100% average or more. I can't allow it to fall..or else, Father will never notice me.

     The bell rang as students fled through the halls and into the cafeteria, where there were 2 lines. "It's definitely been confirmed, these dishes aren't like my chefs." "Becky, what do your chefs cook?" Anya asked as Becky thought for a bit, and started to list a whole bunch of fancy, rich, gourmet things. "It's all pretty good, better than this. They're all world class chefs." Anya gasped as they moved up the line. "World class chefs? Anya wants to try world class chef food!" She smiled as Becky awkwardly chuckled. "Sure, you could. As long as your dad stops by! It's been so long since I've seen my Loid!" Becky sighed and daydreamed about the thoughts of her and him. "It's all so lovely, it makes me want to scream like when I see Berlint in Love!" She squealed as they picked up their trays and found their place to sit down. "Ah, moving out of the topics about Berlint In Love~! Let's be real, you like that brat Damian, don't you?" Becky grinned as she looked at Anya with a mischievous expression. "Second son is a shithead." "Awh! Playing hard to get? You're already so grown up, Anya-Chan!" "Anya doesn't like Second son." Anya started to persuasively shake her head as she continued to deny the idea of her having a crush on Damian. "Don't worry, Anya-Chan! I'll help you out, he probably likes you back!" She laughed and giggled as Damian kept his eye on them. This time without the other two. She doesn't like me..and I don't like that commoner girl. Anya read the thought and swing her head over. Second son? She started at him as he noticed and ran. You don't like her, Damian! You're a Desmond, don't let a commoner in your family!


My break has started, and I don't have any current missions. Loid sighed as got up and fixed his coat. Should I go interact with other colleagues? I could possibly, or go outside to get a cup of coffee. He nodded at his idea and left his office, walking to the front desk. "Good afternoon, Dr. Forger!" A nurse greeted him and Loid smiled back, greeting her as well. "I'm on my break, so I'm about to go sign off for a bit." "Alright! Sounds fun!" She smiled and he nodded, walking towards the exit. "Dr. Forger! We, too, are on our breaks! Could we come along?" A nurse and a male doctor had asked as Loid took it to thought. It'd help my relationship with my co-workers, as long as I don't see those neighbors. They can't stop rumoring about us. He nodded and they all took off. I guess I'll just need to follow along with the story, can't change it now. He looked around for the coffee shop, walking down the block. Y-Yor-San? Loid noticed her walking down the street with a piece of paper in her hands, still with her uniform on. "Yor-San, what are you doing here?" Loid asked as he smiled and Yor looked up, noticing his presence. The colleagues behind Loid gasped quietly and smiled, giggling a bit. "L-Loid-San! I'm just delivering a paper from my boss, are you on your break?" She stood next to him as he nodded. "I am, and my colleagues are accompanying me. Are you free right now? I'd like for you to join us." He offered and the colleagues waved, saying their hi's. "I think it'd be okay!" Yor smiled optimistically and Loid let out a relieved sigh. Good, it won't be so awkward there, now.

Yep, in these type of cases,

Loid + Colleagues = Awkward!!


Loid + Colleagues + Yor = Smooth conversation!!

You'd never think that your handsome, beloved, likable, Westalis's best spy, would be so awkward at small talk. Even if he'd went over many routes of A, B, C, D with each colleague in the hospital. He'd memorize each of their favorite foods, drinks, hobbies, books, and what their weight & height was. This was all going to plan, they crossed the street and found the coffee shop, taking a table outside, with a fancy umbrella to block the sun. Everything was going so well. The colleagues looked like they were enjoying their time, Yor was smiling, and Loid kept his cool. This is good, but this might be suspicious to them. We don't seem to be talking a lot, this could appear like we're on edgy terms with each other. I might need to- "Oh, I'm sorry! I need to go now! I'm sorry, Loid-San!" Yor got up and looked through her purse. "Do you need any money?" Yor asked as she smiled and Loid shook his head. "It's alright, don't worry about it. See you later." Yor waved at him and waved at the other two as she left, walking off. "What a great relationship between you two, Dr. Forger!" They laughed a bit as Loid chucked awkwardly. "Heh, thank you. But, when should be heading back to work soon." They nodded with agreement as they all got up and left, heading back to the hospital.


     "Anya, come out." Loid yelled out as Anya ran out of her room. "Huh?" Loid swiftly ran up to her and picked her up. It was all a blur, he was moving at the speed of light to reach her. "NOO! ANYA DOESN'T WANT TO STUDY!" She realized she had fell for her own father's trick, again. Kicking her legs & waving her hands back and forth, Loid finally responded. "I won't, your uncle will be. He said he was willing to, right Yor-San?" He looked over and Yor nodded. "Yes! He said he'd bring a bit of snacks with him!" "Snacks?" Anya smiled and Loid finally let her down. "Now, we won't study today. But, since tomorrow is Friday, you will be. Behave good and get good grades, maybe I'll get you an award." Anya's smiled widened as she nodded and balled her fists with a determined look. "Anya will work hard for the crunchiest tea cakes and to become an imperil scooter!" Loid's eyes widened slightly and nodded, crossing his arms with satisfaction. "That's good, I knew you'd come around." Loid nodded as Yor looked pleased and put her hands together. "Great job, Anya-San!" Anya just stared innocently at their smiles, batting her eyes. Anya..Anya wants world peace.


Anya has to help Papa on his mission.

word count : 1669

A/N : hi guys! sorry that this one is quite short, hopefully it's fine! have a good day/night!

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