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"Anya is tired." Anya walked out of her room with a tired and blank expression. "Good morning to you, too." Anya groaned and sat down on the table. "Anya is going on a trip to the zoo, can Papa sign this?" She pushed the piece of paper closer to him as he picked it up. Nothings fake here, everything's fine. "Why didn't you give me this yesterday?" Anya shrugged and was thinking of an excuse. "Ah-Anya..A-Anya was too tired, Anya tried studying!" You literally sat down and watched the television the moment you were back. But, I'll give it to her. "Alright then, but just hand this in quickly. If you don't give it in before the trip, you'll be left behind for the sharks to eat you." Papa's lying again. "Okeh. Anya is gonna go get changed." She hopped out of her seat and ran to the bathroom. Anya at the zoo will see big birds, giraffes, stripped horsies, pink bi- Anya's head lowered down to the sight of blood on the floor and her jaw's dropped. SH-SHOCK. She bent down and touched the blood which was probably dried up. "A-ah, Papa!" Anya called for her father and waited for a response or a solution. "What?" He looked towards her and Anya moved over to let him see. Blood? "Uh..Anya, go eat first." She nodded and ran off. Dammit! Is Yor on her period or something! Can you still be on that at this age-!? Loid ripped off a piece of paper towels and wiped it off the floor. He threw it out in the trash and looked around in the bathroom. The first aid kit got moved. Maybe she hurt herself? He closed the lights and walked back to the kitchen. He'd just have to wait for a response from Yor.


"Anya-chan! Are you excited to go to the zoo?" Becky smiled and jumped around as she waited for Anya to respond. "Anya..uh..a-Anya! Anya needs to"

  Hopefully Anya doesn't upset Damian anymore, it's not going to help with STRIX. It won't be so easy. This could easily get to Donovan and he might just pull the trigger for war. But then again, he doesn't show so much love and affection  to Damian at all. He's no imperial scholar yet, he has no means to his father at all. It's not likely if he does start world war.
(This is Loid's thought)

   ANYA NEEDS TO HELP DAMIAN! SO WORLD PEACE WON'T GET CRUSHED! (Ignoring the last two sentences..)

  Becky looked a bit confused and brushed it off. "And?" "Anya! Anya needs to find..second son! S-so..she can be friends!" Anya nodded her head and Becky looked a bit irritated. "He's so rude with his henchmen. Really? You want him?" Anya nodded. To be friends with! "Oh well, you're still so young, Anya! Still so in love, it's alright!" Becky laughed as she put her hand to her mouth. I can still take care of her! After all, she's still a child! Anya glared and put on a smile back. SHOCK! BECKY THINKS ANYA IS A CHILD! "Anya will go walk herself now, see you at class." Anya ran off as Becky tried chasing after her. "Anya! Don't run! Did I say something wrong?" Damian had his hands in his pocket while Ewen and Emile laughed. "Pathetic! Look at her! She's so desperate!" "I know, right?" They broke out into even more laughter as Damian ignored them. She has a closer bond to Anya than I do..I can'! I cannot! Why should I care about a commoner? I'm a Desmond! This was a mistake just getting close to her! Damian gritted his teeth as Ewen and Emile looked over to see what was wrong. "D-Damian-sama, are you alright?" "Y-yes, I'm fine." He crossed his arms as he hastily made his ways to the doors and having the two of them follow behind.


  "Students of Cecile Hall, please choose a classmate or a dear peer of yours, to accompany you on this trip. We'll be using the bus and it'll be a 30-40 minute drive. Grab your notebooks and pencils, as long as your school bag. Once you have a partner, come along to the front of the school gates for the headcount." Everybody squirmed and scurried around to find a partner. "Anya-chan! Let's be seating buddies!" Becky smiled and Anya gave a somewhat judgmental look. "Eh? What's wrong?" "Anya might sit with second son." Becky's jaw dropped as she pulled Anya's arm. "Anya! Seriously? You two wear cute for a while, but come on!" Anya has to help and complete Plan B for papa! She shrugged as Becky gave her a firm hug while frowning. "Please! Anya, what do you want? Peanuts? Snacks? Charms? I need to sit with somebody!" Anya shrugged again and crossed her arms. "Ok, then. Let's go!" Becky smiled again and thanked Anya. "Thank you, Anya! You're so mature! Thank you!" Anya let go of the frowning expression and began to smile again. "Thank you, Becky!" They ran to the front as Damian stared from behind. "Boss man, m-me and Emile are going to sit with each other! We understand how you like to sit we decided we'd let you!" They nodded their heads and felt proud of their excuse. "Alright, you two can. Just go, don't wait for me." "Ye-yes!" "Alright!" They ran off and have Damian his space as he spaced out. Father..father would never allow me to be friends with such a low life. She has no title, no status, no respect or anything. But..I can't help..but..wonder about her.

  Everybody was laughing and chatting on the bus. Damian sat in the back, alone. In front of his seats were his minions. And to the left of his seat, were Anya and Becky. Anya had purposely chose to sit closer to Damian so she could "keep an eye on him" for Plan B. Everything is going good, Anya has infiltrated second-son's base! "Anya? Anya-chan! Listen to me! Did you hear a thing?" Anya quickly turned her head and shook it. "It's alright, all I was saying was that we should definitely get together sometime for a play date!" Anya's eyes widened and nodded her head. "Ok! Anya will ask Papa and Mama, and maybe Anya can go!" "Alright! I'll take you home today, and we can ask your-" "I-I want to go too!" As Becky and Anya slowly turned their heads around to see who had just cut off Becky, Ewen and Emile butted in next. "D-Damian-sama! You want to hang with those losers?" "Yeah!" Second-son? "No! No I d-" "second-son wants to play with Anya and Becky?" "NO! Da-dammit, no I do NOT!" Damian raised his voice as Becky rolled her eyes. "Good, because we weren't going to invite you anyways!" He balled his fist as Becky smiled slyly. "Can Second-son still come?" "A-Anya!" Damian got up while the bus was still moving and yelled, "NO! I DON'T WANT TO COME! I-" The bus shook and everybody looked around. "Sit down, Damian! The back of the bus is the most dangerous! You made your point, geez!" Becky yelled back and he folded his arms as he did. L-losers. Anya felt something sink in her heart. Anya feels bad.. "S-second-son, sorry that you can't come..Anya wanted you to!" His cheeks went red as he trembled and turned his back towards them. "I.." He clicked his tongue as his eyes peered back. "It's fine.."


  "PENGUINS!" Anya's eyes sparkled as she jumped around at the sight of them. "I know, right! They're so cute! I could get one of those, actually!" Anya gasped dramatically and stared at Becky with a pleading smile. "Becky! Can you get Anya one for Christmas!" Becky awkwardly chuckled and titled her head. "Maybe..but talking about Christmas, it's winter! Why would they bring us to a zoo at winter?" Anya shrugged back and looked around for Damian. Where's second-son?

  Awh! These penguins are so cute!

It's so cold! I don't want to be here anymore!

Tigers! Crocodiles! They're all so cool!

"Damian-sama, look!"

  A-SECOND-SON! Anya flipped her head around as Becky swiftly dodged it. "What the-Anya! What are you looking for?" "S-second-son!" Becky frowned again and put her hand on Anya's shoulder. "Anya-chan, are you fine? Did he do something? You're acting so clingy towards him!" "Ah-Anya isn't cl-clingy?" Becky pat her on the back and gave her a reassuring smile. "It's fine, Anya! If you like Damian, then of course, I'll ship it! It's kind of cute, I guess?" Damian had overheard them and stormed over. "Stop daydreaming about me! You creeps! Uggos!" Ewen gasped as both of them ran over behind him. "Yeah! Freaks! Stop crushing! You're just like everybody else!" W-why is Anya crushing over me!? She's a commoner..I-I'm a Desmond! I cannot upset father! "A-Anya doesn't like second-son at all." She bluntly blurted out and Damian staggered back. "Then what was all that!?" "Yeah!" "They are really freaks!" "Ugh, shut up! You guys never stop talking!" They continued to yell at each other as Anya stood behind Becky, staring at Damian. W-why is she staring at me? She can't actually like me..right? In a calmer tone, Damian asked Anya. "W-what are you staring at.." Anya's eyes had sparkled as she looked at Damian even more. "S-STOP IT!" Damian!s ears and cheeks went red and he blushed. "S-sorry, second-son..Anya does like you..!" Damian had enough of Anya's "sorries" and frowns. But quite frankly, this was different. She..liked him? No way! Well, that's what Damian told himself. He didn't want to embarrass himself and endure this torture anymore. "I-IT'S FINE! I FORGIVE YOU, ALRIGHT! STOP IT!" He got even more red as the blush and anger grew and he ran away. "D-damain-sama!" Ewen and Emile, again, ran after Damian. Becky groaned and laughed at how stupid they looked. "God, boys are weird!"

word count : 1816

A/N : hi guys! Sorry for not writing much today, and yesterday! I was actually working on this yesterday, but didn't finish. today I wrapped it up and this one is kind of Damianya. It's not really but I tried to write one, lol. It's kind of hard for me to write a ship about children but hope this one is fine! Anyways, Christmas is coming up and I'm rrrreeeaaaallllllyyyyy excited for the new movie! Hope you guys are too, and hopefully, you guys also have a good day/night!

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