chptr 24,,''

168 5 0

        Earlier today, Yuri had asked Yor if he could come over to dinner. Yor had politely accepted it and told Loid the news. Loid smiled and says, "Great I'll make dinner." Yor left to her room for some issues and when Loid heard the door close, he let out a brief sigh. Yuri and Loid had never really gotten along. A bit of interjecting comments, a little bit of insults, the usual stuff. Loid hopped that it wouldn't happen this time. But, Loid didn't realized what would hit him and the other 2 like a wrecking ball that night, at that late hour.

    Yor calls out Anya from her room to come eat, and she runs over, sitting down. Yor tells Anya to eat first, so later on when Yuri comes over, the adults can eat together. Anya protested, as she wanted to see Yuri again. "You can have a small wave with him!" Anya nodded but she didn't look exactly pleased. She was hopping for more interesting interactions but this was all she could get. Around 7:40, somebody rings the doorbell. Yor gets up and walks over to the door, opening it and there standing, was Yuri. "Yuri! It's nice to see you!" Yuri smiled and nodded. "Hi sis!" In his hand were a bundle of flowers, and of course, 6 bottles of wine. Yor had smiled back, but Loid peeked over and his face dropped. Yikes, 6 bottles? Loid prepared himself for 2 drunk adults in the house, not ignoring the fact that Anya was there as well. He let out a quiet sigh and walked over to the front door and smiled as well. "Nice to see you, Yuri." Yuri looked and him and nodded. "Er..nice to see you too, Loid." Anya peeked out of room and looked to Yuri. She waved at him and Yuri's attention seemed to attach to her, so Yor turned around. "Anya!" She ran over and picked her up, walking back over. "Yuri, it's Anya!" She smiled and Yuri looked at Anya, dead in the eye. Anya was a bit shocked. "..Unkie is scary.." "Wh-what?!" Yor pat her head and placed her back down. "Don't worry, Anya-San! Just go back to your room." She nodded and ran back. Yor greeted Yuri one last time and invited him to the dinner table.

   Yikes, that's a lot of wine. It was a hefty amount. Loid looked down at it and Yuri finally decided to cork one open. "A drink to me and you, sis!" Yor smiled and nodded. "Loidy, too, I guess.." Loid looked a bit skeptical but gave in. A glass wouldn't hurt, right? Loid poured himself one and they cheered. Yor laughed and Yuri laughed as well, slowly feigning as he looked at Loid. A just in about 20-30 minutes, Yuri and Yor were at least down to their 8th glass, alcoholics at this point. At one point the conversation started to drift into their real feelings and Yuri started to mutter. "G-god, that pah-pink haired child is th- tHe..devil!" Yor looked at Yuri. "Yuri, why would you-you, say th-tHat?" Yor asked. "Sis! You cANT, blame me!" It started getting into some screaming match between them, Yuri defending his point, and Yor defending Anya. Loid tried to laugh it off between them, but Yuri and Yor looked at him dead serious with a glare. Loid stopped himself from laughing from that moment moving forward. Yuri got up and started yelling, about how he hated Anya's stupidity and Loid's behavior to Yor. "Gah-God! They're just SO ANNOYING-" Yor got up next and yelled back at Yuri. "LEAVE TH-EM, ALONE." Yor wiped her mouth as they kept screaming. Somebody get these two some help. Loid got up next and tried to calm down the atmosphere. "Hey, hey, guys. Anya's still here, let's just try t-" Yuri's screams had cut off Loid and they continued again. Loid looked behind the two and saw Anya. She looked a bit red. Loid walked over and bent down at Anya. She wiped a tear. "I-is, Anya..that annoying?" Loid immediately felt bad for Anya and pat her head. "No, no. You aren't, Anya. Yor and your uncle just seem to be having..a bit of a disagreement." Anya nodded and hugged Loid. "Don't worry, Anya." He picked her up and told her that she should go to her room for the time being.

   Loid had came back to the two and they were still at it. "GOD, YOR! PLEASE, THIS IS STUPID!" Yuri yelled and Yor and she pushed him toward's the wall. She clenched her fist. From previous episodes of Loid just getting crushed by Yor, he knew something wasn't going to end well. Starting off with Yuri's face. Loid held back Yuri and reached his hand over, dusting Yuri off. "Get your hands off me, LOIDY!" Ok, geez. "Yor, calm down." "DON'T TELL HER WHAT TO DO, SHE'S MY SISTER!" "And she's my wife." Yuri looked angrily at him and Loid knew in a flick, he could easily destroy Yuri. Loid and Yuri started it fight instead. "GoD, SIS! GET A HOLD OF YOUR DOG!" Yor looked a bit confused. She responded in a more calmer tone. "Wha-which one, b-Bond, or y-you?" Yuri looked insulted that he just got called a dog. Sooner or later, Yuri decided to make his leave. He cried a bit and handed Yor his flowers. "I-I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME, LOIDY!" "B-But, YuRi, you're dr-drunk!" He shut the door and slammed it. Hopefully the fine for their sound wouldn't be too high. Yor looked a bit sad and said she'd be going to her room. Loid sighed and nodded as she left. He washed the dishes and as he finished, he decided to check on Anya again. He walked over to her room and checked, Anya was asleep. Well, it's nice that she decided to go to sleep on her own. Loid closed the door again and put the dishes away afterward.

    It was later on that Loid finally decided that it'd be the time to check on Yor. He didn't want to rush her or anything by bombarding her with questions. He knocked the on the door lightly and asked, "Yor, are you ok?" There was no response. Yor just opened the door silently and looked at him. He could see that she was crying a bit. Definitely not ready. He smiled a bit and tried to calm down the tension and the tears on Yor's face. She closed the door and he heard the door pop, probably locked. He turned around and regretted his decisions. Probably too early, maybe I can talk to her a bit more later or something. The doorbell rang. Is it Yuri? Did he forget his leash or something? He walked over and opens the door. There, standing, was Fiona. "Oh, greetings, Nightfall. Do you need something?" "I just need to discuss something and an upcoming mission." He nodded and allowed his inside. They sat down at the couch as they talked about their new mission. "We need to take out these two delinquent of fugitives. SSS supposedly had them locked up but they somehow got out and now they're on the loose. Next known position they'll be at is the abandoned diner down the street, it's not too far." Loid nodded as he listen carefully, having files handed to him. There was a bit of an awkward tension. Fiona finally broke it. "Where's Yor?" Loid sighed. "She got in an argument with her brother." "At this age?" "Geez, let loose a bit, Fiona. It was a mature one, anyways." Fiona nodded. I knew she wasn't fit for the mission that could possibly save lives, then loose some as well. "I had a feeling she might've not been the best role for a wife." "It's still working, we have good cover and she's done quite well. I wouldn't doubt her abilities." Fiona raised an eyebrow at him, "Really?" "Yes, she was about to kill her brother back there. I've seen it before too." Fiona had memories of her getting crushed in that tennis match, and leaving immediately after that. "Yes, I can recall a few moments of that." The room had another awkward tension. "You have anything new?" Fiona swallowed her tiny amount of guilt. She let out a sigh. "Twilight, Handler wants me to become the official position as the wife for Operation STRIX."

word count : 1463

A/N : hi guys! Sorry for leaving off at another cliffhanger.. I kinda wanted to lol. tmrw you'll get the chptr for it! And as always, have a good day/night!

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