chptr 14,,''

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      Anya had just come back from school and she had already settled down onto the floor, watching Spy wars. Just then, the phone rang. Yor approached near the phone to pick it up. Oh no! Anya forgot to tell papa and mama that the school wants to see the parents for the children's activities and stuff because Anya is too dumb! Anya had totally forgotten and fell to the floor with a hit. Loid looked back to see what had happened and Bond rushed over to look at Anya. "Borf!" She had answered the phone to see what it had said. She nodded and responded back, then quietly saying goodbye and placing it back on the hold. "It says the school is having a function!" Anya looked back up and nodded. "Why didn't you say so?" Loid asked. Anya just didn't want to tell them but she made a worthy excuse. "Uh.. Anya forgot." He sighed as he looked at the table. "When is it?" "Tomorrow at 5:00." Loid nodded as he continued making dinner. "Well, then we'll need to prepare our clothes for tomorrow and also get ready. Do you know if there's going to be any interviews?" "No, they just want to talk for 2 million hours." Yor smiled and giggled at Anya's sarcasm. "After dinner, let's review and study some of your tests and then you can go to sleep." "Anya doesn't want to study! Anya wants to play!" "It's ok, Anya-San! You can study and then tomorrow you can play for a bit!" "Ok!" Loid was surprised at how easily Anya would listen and obey Yor's words. Maybe she was just more gentle. He sighed and looked back down at the cutting board as he cut the carrots.

  Yor walked into her room to check some of the dresses she could wear for the event. Just then, Yor got a phone call. "Hm?" She walked over and picked it up, placing it close to her ear with her palm over it. "Hello?" "Greetings, Thorn Princess." "O-oh! Hello, Shopkeeper! Sorry, I didn't notice it was you!" "It's quite alright. I have a new mission for you to carry out." "Alright!" "It's tomorrow around 4:00. We were going to plan it out later but we couldn't since there would be too much of a crowd. There's going to be a politic meeting about serious matters and this target isn't quite the kind person we thought he was." "O-oh, I-" "His name is Scott Willis. He plays as a politic member in this secretive group about trying to stage and ruin the plans of the government and children. We need him eliminated since he's the one who carries out all the information." "B-but, sir." "Yes?" "I might not be able to..I have an arrangement for something." "Oh, it's fine then. We just needed one of our best assassins to carry this out but since you're busy, it's alright." "No, no! I can do it.." "Great. Are you sure about it though? I csn cancel it and assign somebody else if you need." "No, no, I'll do it! I might just report back a bit late if so." "Alright, thank you, Thorn Princess." He had hung up the phone and Yor put it down, sighing. Oh no! I need to make to the function on time and as well as this assignment! Yor sat down but then got back up and paced around the room. Yor stopped and thought of a plan; I'll just need to complete this. I'll tell Loid and Anya that I'll arrive later and they can go on. As they do, I'll just go kill Willis in no time! Yor sighed for a breath of fresh air as she got up for dinner.

  It was around night and Anya had just settled into bed. Here, I'll just go to Loid right now! She walked towards Loid's room. She knocked on it lightly and softly spoke, "Loid-San?" She didn't want to disturb him if he was asleep, even though he didn't even really sleep in the first place. Loid opened the door and gave her a questioned look. "Yes?" "About tomorrow..I can still go to the function! It's just I can't walk with you guys. Yuri isn't feeling well so I want to stop by to check first and then I'll come along!" Loid thought it was a bit suspicious how she couldn't just check on him earlier or later instead of needing to do it right before the function time. But, he didn't want to cause any commotion so he just decided to comply. "Alright, hope he's ok. But hey, you should head to sleep for tomorrow after work." "Thank you, Loid-San." Yor didn't even know what she was doing but she tilted towards Loid and inched in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Loid blushed and he went red and froze. "Y-Yor? Wha-?" Before Loid could finish, Yor had already said goodnight and left to her room. Loid was confused but actually frozen, even though he was red. He took his hand and touched his cheek and looked at his hand. What..just happened..

   Anya and Loid waved towards Yor as she waved back and she walked toward's the subway to "see Yuri." Yor didn't actually mind seeing Yuri right now. But, if she did, he'd probably question her and ask why she was here all of a sudden. Yor just went towards the subway station but she turned the corner before she entered. She looked around and went down the alleyway towards the building. She looked around and saw the stairs. She slowly walked over and took her jacket off. She slowly creeped into the entrance and looked around to see the hallway deserted. Where's everybody? Just then, she could hear a low and faint footstep approaching. Yor quickly turned around and saw a few bodyguards trying to take her out. Yor ran up the wall and stabbed the men swiftly. Slowly, they fell to the ground with a bang. Others ran out to see her and ran towards Yor. She dodged each one of their attempts of grabbing her and stabbed them as well. She looked around for the nearest sink. Yor turned on the sink and it ran as she tried to get off all the blood. Yor couldn't hear a thing over he thoughts and the running faucet as her actual target ran to the corner and hid behind the wall. As he reached his arm out towards Yor's back, his finger pulled the trigger and..BOOM! A shot went off and the bullet pushed through her back. Yor was pushed against the sink as she turned back around and looked at whoever was behind her. Shoot! It's my actual target! Yor wiped the running blood off her mouth and pushed through the pain as she ran up towards the wall and down back. This time, Willis wasn't even sure what happened so he froze and was quickly stabbed and he fell to the floor with a groan. Yor winced and scanned around at the room, looking for anything that could cover her wound. She walked over to a cabinet as she saw there was a roll of a compression bandage on the shelf. I-I'll just need to use that.. She slowly arched her back and limped a bit to the shelf as she reached up for the bandages. She took it down and started to unravel it. She took the roll and started to aid her waist with it. She sighed as she took her coat to put it back on. She slid her arm through each hole and she looked at the clock. 4:37  She still had time to go pick up her dress and make it to the function. I'll just need to push through and do it for Anya! Yor exited the building and decided after the event, she'll go visit Yuri and maybe do something with him to feel better. This time, she'd just say she wanted to go and visit Yuri. He'll probably forget his lurking suspicion by seeing his sister again!

  Loid looked back at his watch while he sat at the bench outside of the school. 4:42 When is Yor going to be here? He didn't want Yor to miss it and have Eden getting the wrong idea. We might just need to go in without her. Anya laid on Loid's arm as she was almost about to daze off. Becky ran over and squealed when she saw Anya and Loid. "Anya!" Anya jolted back up and looked at Becky. Loid is here too! "Rich girl!" "Hey, Anya. Don't call her that. Isn't her name Becky?" "Oh, yeah." "He knows my name!" Becky whispered to Anya. Loid was a bit embarrassed how Becky was kind of obsessed with him. She smiled and had a grin over her face. Loid awkwardly smiled back as he scanned the yard, looking for Donovan Desmond and Yor as well. He sighed and Becky fantasized, squealing with Anya. "He isn't taken right? Right!" "Ah-papa is with mama!" Becky jumped and Anya was getting dizzy.

Yor exited the tailor as she limped her way toward's the school's entrance. Yor had a white laced sleeve with a white dress. Yor clenched onto her stomach from the pain and staggered. Unfortunately, the neighbors were down the road Yor was headed. "Ah~Yor! My, my, you look nice today!" "Yes, yes, you do!" "T-thank you.." Yor forced a smile onto her face as they surrounded around her. "So, why do dressed up? Your husband did anything?" "N-no-" "Hmph! If he did we'll make sure to help you Yor!" "No, no..everything is alright. I'm headed to a school event to meet him and my daughter there." "Ohh! School event..where does your daughter go to?" "Eden.." "Wow! Eden~ My, how lucky!" "Yeah, wish I could send my son there!" "Thank you, hopefully you can. Now, I can't be late. S-see.." Yor couldn't even finish her sentence, she just walked off. "Hmph, I'm telling you! That guy did something!"

  Yor just needed to get to the school, finish the function, return home, and visit Yuri.

word count : 1760

A/N : hi everyone! sorry for not posting on tues, wed, and thurs! I was really busy but now I'll start writing again! hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and have a good day/night!

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