chptr 19,,''

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          Tuesday had finally came for the family and Anya was so glad that school was over..for now. She didn't have to go today since it was closed for school events. Yor smiled too since she didn't need to work, even though she basically couldn't for now. Anya was lying on the couch and looked into space, thinking to herself. Wow, Anya is happy school is over but now Anya is bored! Her thoughts opened up in her head and eyes widened as she looked up on the ceiling. Loid looked at her and took the opportunity of Anya's boredom to go outside have some fun. "Hey, guys!" Anya looked up and Yor's attention went to Loid as well. "Why don't we go out for a bit and have some fun?" Anya's eyes had stars and gasped. "An ooting?" Loid nodded and smiled, Yor agreeing. "Then let's go! This'll be nice for our bond!" Bond barked as he thought they were taking about Bond. "Where are we going, Papa?" "How about an amusement park? There's one not too far and we could drive over and try out a couple of rides?" Anya nodded her head until she was dizzy. "Ye-yes, Papa! Anya wants to go!" Yor stopped Anya before she was going to fall over. "Anya-San!" Loid arched down and held Anya straight before she got her vision back. "Can Bond come?" Loid got back up and thought, the amusement park we're going to has a sign of rules which one of them states that it doesn't allow any sort of animals inside.. Loid shook his head and Bond was shocked. "Borf!" Anya frowned. " can't come?" Loid nodded sadly and Anya pat Bond. "It's ok, Bond! When Anya, papa, and mama come back home, we can play again!" Bond nodded and curled up next to the television. "Well, I'll have to call Franky." He took his phone and called him. A few minutes he needed to persuade Franky to, as he wouldn't give in. Loid whispered to him, "Come on! It won't take too long and too late so can't you just do it for once?" Franky screamed through the phone. "FOR ONCE? FOR ONCE, I'M SAYING NO! I'M NOT YOUR BABYSITTER, I'M THE GUY WHO GETS ALL THE INTEL!" He hang up and Loid looked at the phone. "Alright, he said he wasn't free to." Loid had just went through the route just to call Fiona instead. Luckily, Fiona reluctantly said yes and she said she was coming in a bit. "Alright, Anya, get changed. Yor, you can too. We're going to the amusement park."

   The amusement park was full of laughter and cheers, sounds of games going off, and people winning all around. Anya smiled as it looked so fun to her. Loid was barely amused at this "amusement" park but he gave in for the mission. Yor looked a bit surprised at the amount of people and how packed it was, it was something she had never seen before. Back then, at her hometown, it was deserted and barely anyone was around but her and Yuri. She smiled as Anya was running around. "Papa! Can we go to the rides?" Yor looked surprised and Loid nodded. As they were walking towards it with the sound of Anya's humming, the back of his eye saw somebody following them. He was easily able to identify her, Handler? What was she doing here? Why is she tailing me? Did I do something wrong? He walked a bit faster to the rides and looked down at Anya. "Papa, look!" She pointed at other fathers holding their daughters on their backs. He looked back at Anya and sighed. He picked her up and she giggled. Yor's smile turned into laughter as they all were in a second. Hmm, it seems like he's doing good so far..

   They had just gotten off the ride of the rollercoaster and Anya was jumping around. "That was fun!" Yor nodded too as she tried to push a smile on her face, even though she was really dizzy. Anya peered around and saw a few suspicious guys, staring at them. She read their minds as she looked at them silently. "Heh, that lady looks like quite the gal!" The other two nodded and smirked, licking their lips. Eww, they're disgusting! Anya looked back around and tapped on Loid. He looked at her and pointed at them, saying, "Papa, they think mama is cute!" "What?" He looked confused but turned around and saw them. Oh, god. Loid gave them a stern look and picked up Anya. Yor was oblivious but Loid wasn't so he put his arm around her. Yor blushed as she looked at Loid, puzzled. Loid turned around and looked at the men. "Hey guys, take a walk." He turned back around and they left, the men looked insulted and screamed curses right at them. Definitely not a good influence on Anya. Yor looked behind a bit but turned her head again. She decided not to say anything because she didn't want him to let go of her.

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