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It was another day in the Forger's household. Anya was attending school at Eden, a prestigious school for the elegant. Eden has been built from over 500 years, roughly having 2500 students in the school from ages 6-19. It is hard and it was hard to get accepted. Luckily for Anya, her telepathy skills helped her out and was able to barely pass. Now, Anya has just got off the bus and entering the courtyards of Eden.

"Good morning, Anya-San," yelled Becky as she was running over to catch up. "Good morning, Becky" said Anya, with no enthusiasm. "Why so glum? Is it because of midterms?" Anya nodded slowly and sadly as they kept walking to class. "Anya doesn't like midterms. Anya's scared now." Becky's face filled with horror when she had realized today was midterms exams. Becky sharply gasped and continued to rant about it.

Just then, Damian and his sidekicks were walking by. "Pfft, midterms are easy. All you need to do is just study your notes the night beforehand and after classes." "Yeah! You girls are weak", said Ewen. "Second son!" Anya used her cheeky grin and thought to herself. If second son thinks he can ace this test, Anya will use her telepathy on him. Then, Anya will get good grades and make Papa proud. Then he can be my friend after seeing how smart Anya is- "Hey! Stop grinning so much! You're so stupid, Uggo!" "Ugh, why are you so annoying! Just shut up!" "Oh yeah, pigtails?" Ewen and Emile laughed at Becky and Anya, but Damian was silent. He was obviously flustered and he stomped on the floor. He made one more rude remark and ran off, having the others follow him.

"Ugh, stupid boys!" The bell rang and Becky grabbed Anya's wrist and ran to Mathematics for their first exam. When they arrived, the substitute had just called Anya's name. "Anya Forger." "HERE! ANYA IS HERE!" Not elegant, no elegance at all! "Forger, please quiet your tone! If I hear it from you, you will be punished with a Tonitrus bolt!" SHOCK! He looked away and continued to read the attendance. Apparently, the math teacher was out again so the Housemaster had taken his place instead. He had handed out the test and used his ruler to hit the desk. "You may now start." Everybody had raised their pencils and started to fill out the exams.

Millions of thoughts flooded through Anya's head as she started to use her secretive skill. 3x30? 70? Is it A? I hate this teacher! Mommmmyyy! Anya was about to pass out until she focused her mind on one specific mind, Damian's. Damian started to think through his tests and he had completed it in the span of 30 minutes time. Wow, Second son isn't stupid after all. Anya wasn't the smartest kid in class either, but she wasn't the dumbest. There had still been millions of kids who had failed their exams before, lower then Anya's 31%. So, Anya started to erase some answers and changed it to be incorrect. Anya grinned again and let out a small giggle.

The bell ranged once again and the everybody walked to the front in a single file line and handed the Housemaster their exams. Emotions like disappointment, shock, approval, and a face with no slight change appeared on his face. The moment he saw Anya's, his jaw dropped. He knew he shouldn't had been looking at other student's answers, but who would know? Anya did and she smiled smugly. WHAT? HOW DID ANYA FORGER WITH THE HORRIBLE HANDWRITING ACTUALLY DO DECENT ON THIS TEST? Anya turned her back and looked back at the Housemaster one more time, and smirked again. Anya felt like she was in Spy Wars.

She sat down in the cafeteria as Becky came along to join her. "Anya-San! How do you think you did on your test?" "Anya thinks she did better then last time." Anya knew it as well. "Oh, that's good. Mathematics isn't my best subjects so I think I probably got under a 90%. But I don't mind, as long as I get a passing grade that isn't 60% below!" How does rich girl keep her cool like this. Anya started to eat some of the school lunch. Anya's eyes widened as she saw the snack they had this time : PEANUTS! Anya opened the bag and started to eat them one by one. She looked over to Becky's tray and asked "Can Anya have your peanuts?" Becky had looked at her but then gave in. "Sure, I guess, I don't really want it anyways." Anya took her bag too and opened it to eat it as well. She then went around the whole cafeteria asking everybody the same questions.

[After School]

Anya had just hopped off the bus and walked to her front door. She opened it and walked upstairs to her apartment. When she opened the door, she yelled "Anya is home!" As she took off her shoes near the door mat, she looked back up and saw her mother, Yor, sleeping on Loid's shoulder. "Mama and Papa are flirting." "No we aren't, and don't wake up your mother!" "Oh, did Anya say that out loud-" Loid sighs, "Do you want anything to eat?" "No, Anya has 7 bags of peanuts." "How'd you ge-never mind, do you have any homework?" Anya shakes her head and runs to her room to put her stuff down. She runs back out and straight to Bond. "Bond! Anya is back from school!" She holds up his mouth and fluffy fur as she smiles. Bond barks and startles Yor awake. "Huh?" Yor blinks twice and opens her eyes. Loid pats her head and says "Anya's back, sadly, she doesn't have any homework." "Oh! Well, welcome back, Anya-San!" Yor gets up and Loid has a blank face. Now I'm desperate for her to sit back down next to me, I feel like we were just getting to- wait, the hell, Loid? Your Twilight! You can't let her get in the way..

Yor went to the kitchen and took out the hot cocoa for Anya. "COCOA" Anya gets up and takes it from her hand. "Thank you mama!" Yor's eyes twinkle and she smiles back, "No problem, Anya-San!" Anya sits back down and turns on the television and just as she thought, Spy Wars were on. She took a sip of her drink and had Bond sit next to her. "Remember, don't drink that Bond. It'll kill you." Bond whimpered as he remembered his bad memories. Anya patted his head and said "It's ok bond, cocoa is good." Loid looked confused at Anya, how was that going to help? Loid got up as well and opened the kitchen light. "I'll start dinner now. Is there anything you guys want?" "No, Anya just doesn't wanna eat mama's cooking." Yor looked at Anya and quietly frowned. Loid looked at Yor, "What about you, Yor?" "Oh, nothing. I don't mind." Loid nodded as he started to prepare the meal.

Anya sat down on the table when it was ready. Today, they were having one of Anya's favorites, Hamburger Steak! Anya's eyes widened and glittered when she saw it. She jumped in her chair before Loid scolded her to stop and she would hurt herself if she continued. Yor came out and sat down as well, smiling. "Thank you for the meal, Loid-San!" Loid smiled with a "No problem, you guys can eat now. I'll just finish some dishes." Anya didn't hesitate and ate the food on the plate. All the running around with energy made her hungry. Yor got up and went behind the counter and said "Loid, you don't need to work so hard, let alone you work so hard already! I'll do the dishes when we're all done eating!" "" was the sound his heart made when Yor put her arm on his shoulder. Loid put it down and nodded to Yor. "Alright, thank you, Yor!" Just before Anya was going to say it, Loid cut her off with a glare. Anya looked away and continued to eat. Yor giggled softly. Whenever she did that, Loid would always feel warm. Damn, why is she like this? Loid walked over to Bond and gave him his dinner too. Bond already started to chomp away. They all sat down and ate their meals, as one, happy, family.

word count : 1419

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