chptr 23,,''

171 5 0

xDamian's POVx

I laid out my textbooks and notes on the table as I reviewed them over and over again. I need to become an imperial scholar to bring honor to the Desmond's. I can't disappoint father, last time I did, he wasn't so happy. Mom keeps telling me that I should stop being so hard on myself, but she can't say any of that in front of him. He always gets frustrated and mad that nobody agrees with him and then leaves the room. Suddenly, a bunch of timers go off. I jolted in my seat and turns around to see what the ruckus was. I rolled my eyes. Ewen and Emile yawned and stretched as they got up from their beds. "Ah, good morning, Lord Damian!" I turned back around to finish my studying again. I flipped the page from the textbook to the next lesson. I could hear the students changing and leaving to the bathroom to take a shower. Everybody doesn't know how to actually prepare for this school. This is a prestigious school people are attending, so that's why I'm trying so hard too. At least, that's what people say. They say I'm hard working but this is the bare minimum. They just don't know what they're going to be put under later.

xNarrator's POVx

People entered their classes as everybody else did. Damian took a seat, Ewen and Emile following behind him. Anya and Becky laughed a bit while they sat down. Damian blushed a bit at the sound of her laughter. "What are the uggos laughing about? Losers!" They laughed and Becky looked up at them. "God, shut up, Ewen!" Emile looked back down at them. "Loser, she's a freak! She looks like Frankenstein! Ha!" They laughed at Becky and Anya. Anya didn't look impressed. "Frankenstein? He's the scientist-get your facts straight, Emile! You can't even understand a simple story, god!" They were laughing but they stopped. Damian got even more red. "Damn it! Stop embarrassing me, you two!" "Yes, Lord Damian!" Anya giggled as Becky looked back at Anya. Damian blushed again. Anya suddenly was able to read Damian's mind. She looked back and stared at him. God, she's cute.. Anya blinked twice and Damian looked at her. "Uggo, stop staring at me!"

Loid ran down the corner of the hidden base and hid, ducking down behind the table. "Where the hell he go?" Their voices slowly faded as he heard their footsteps fading too. Loid had just escaped from getting killed by these 2 fugitives he needed to bring back to the agency. He waited for a bit, then standing back up and checked the corner, they weren't sure where Loid was and stood their confused. Loid pulled out his darts they had given him, and reached out his target to them. Loid shot down both of them on the same time. They dropped to the floor and passed out. He checked to see if the cost was clear. Nobody was there, so he got back up and walked towards them. He checked their pressure and picked them up. He called the agency to tell them that the mission was fulfilled. They confirmed that Loid was able to leave for the day, as they'd be coming to collect the fugitives for later interrogation. He sighed in relief as he took his hat and placed it back on his head.

Loid left the base and started to walk back home, picking up some pastries on the way. Behind the wall, was Yor. She had saw everything that had happened in the base. She was just about to greet him, until he took out his dart gun and shot the two. She was shocked herself. Does Loid do that to his patients? No way! Yor wasn't sure what Loid's real occupation was, but it definitely wasn't based on psychology. Yor slowly walked into the base and looked around. The two men were still passed out cold, and as Yor reached down to look at their state, a group of 6 men with glasses on, black suit and tie, walked into the room. Yor got up and ran to hide behind a cabinet. She looked behind a bit and saw them picking up the 2, dragging their bodies out quickly. As they did, they chatted with each other a bit. "It'll be the last mission for this week. Ya think Twilight's gonna take a break?" "Probably not, he never does! Always takes it so serious." "Yeah, it seems like him. But hey, at least we don't gotta do the dirty work instead. We just need to drag him outta here." They chuckled a bit to each other and picked them up. Who's Twlight? It's that name..again. Yor thought to herself who Twilight could've been. They left quickly, so Yor came out. She decided she would not bring it up and instead ask at the time it was meant for. Besides, she had a mission tonight.

Loid sat at home by himself. He wondered where Yor would be. Isn't it time for her to come back home? I thought her shift ended by now. He sighed and got up and closed the door as he left the apartment. He left the pastries on the table before he left. He decided just to wait for Anya outside in the sitting room downstairs for Anya and possibly Yor. He looked at his surroundings, and around 15 minutes later, Anya had walked off the bus and entered the apartment. She looked and saw Loid. "Papa!" She ran over to give him a hug and Loid got up. "Nice to see you back, Anya." She nodded and Loid picked her up. "Let's go upstairs." "Where's mama?" "She has a later shift I think. Don't worry, she'll be back soon, hopefully." Anya nodded as they went upstairs. At this point, it was like a loop everyday. But, this time, they were actually waiting for him at his door. "Loid, your home? Nice to run into you!" Loid held in his sigh as the 3 ladies were back. "It was nice running into you three, as well. If you excuse us, I need to bring Anya in. She's tired." "But Anya-" He covered her mouth and smiled. They giggled. "Oh, we don't want to keep you waiting! Have a fine day, Loid!" He nodded back and left. As they walked inside, Loid finally left in that sigh he held in. "Anya isn't tired though!" Anya was let down by Loid's grip. "I just needed some excuse to get away from those 3." "So papa just has no friends-?" "Hey, I'd say I pretty much am. I have to talk to different patients of all ages and personalities everyday!" Anya laughed and nodded, grinning.

Yor had walked out of the dark hall, assassin mode on. She had just executed another politic with another stubborn idea to kill the world food supply. She really started to doubt herself now. Why am I still doing this? Yuri is fully grown and has a secured and safe life. He doesn't need my protection. Yor spun her stilettos and placed it in the back of her dress. She knew it was late, and she knew Anya would be asleep. Loid definitely wouldn't be though. She wasn't sure how to walk in with her black dress. She would just need to think of some excuse. She walked down the street and her thoughts distracted her as she crossed the street. The car honked as it almost hit her. Yor was jolted back to life and continued to cross the road, making her route down back home. She took a 20 minute walk back home, and entered the apartment complex. She walked upstairs and lucky for Yor, the neighbors weren't here to bombard her with questions of her being out this late. She stuck the key into the lock and twisted the doorknob. She walked in and took the headband off her head, untying her hair. Surprisingly, Loid wasn't anywhere. He's probably asleep then. She saw she had some remaining blood on her hand so she went to the bathroom to wash it off. After she took a shower, she changed into her night clothes and walked toward's Anya's room. She wanted to check if she was really asleep, and she was. She was sound asleep and snoring, tugging on Chimera. Yor smiled sweetly and closed the door quietly. She then walked over to Loid's room. Again, she opened the door quietly and Loid was asleep on the chair, holding files in his hands. Yor didn't want to seem nosy so she gently picked them up and closed them, placing it on the corner. She didn't know how to get Loid off the chair without waking him up. She just decided to gently pick him up and put him on the bed. With ease, she picked up Loid and laid him on her arms. She placed him down and picked up the sheets, covering him. Loid was definitely asleep, she could the air lying on her face. She gently kissed him on the cheek and turned off the lights.

word count : 1583

A/N : hi guys! hope this chapter is good and sorry that these might not be as detailed, I'm starting to loose a bit of ideas so if u guys have any suggestions plz write a comment to help me out! have a good day/night everyone!

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