chptr 51,,''

120 4 6

Fiona was walking through the halls of the hospital and held the books in her hands. She could feel her anxiousness overwhelm herself. Of course, she couldn't let anybody see it. She kept her calm and emotionless face on for everybody to see. For some reason, Loid wasn't here today. Why wasn't senpai here today.. he couldn't be sick, right? By the way, for a little context :

• This whole story takes place at least 5 days after the whole zoo trip
• Loid was here before this day as well

  N-no, Twilights-senpai could never come down with a disease, right? No, he couldn't have! Loid, or..Twilight, was a top agent in the agency! It couldn't be possible! She felt the sweat form on her skin and she quickly brushed it off. No way. Twilight-senpai must've just taken another mission, or something about Operation STRIX. Fiona reassured herself with the thought and continued to praise him. Wow, Senpai is so hard working, he never lets us down! I love you, senpai! Fiona felt a small smile creep onto her face while she stood in front of her locker. Today, she had to work with a few other patients in Loid's office. She was now "promoted" to his personal assistant, which Fiona had felt so lucky for. She had to sit down with at least 4 people tonight so they could talk and understand their problems. She wasn't looking forward to it, since she couldn't be there with Loid. But, in order to keep his cover, she'd have to do it. As long as it's for Senpai, then I'll do it! She told herself over, and over again, that their love was unbreakable. Nobody, could break it, but the man himself.


"L-Loid-San! Are you ok? You seem ill!" Yor sat down next to Loid on his bed as he stared to the ceiling. "I..I think I'm alright. I should probably call off work, though. It wont be safe if I go." Yor put her hands on her mouth and looked around. "Sh-should I bring you to a hospital?" He shook his head and Yor nodded. She got up while she held Loid's hands in her own. "It's alright, I'll get you some tea and I'll call the hospital for you! Just get better, and get some rest too!" She let go and dimmed the lights as she walked off. did I get myself into this mess? The bad guys couldn't have possibly sneezed or let out a few coughs on me, right? He was right, how did he get himself into this situation? It felt unbelievably unbearable and the pain was only getting started. He pulled the sheets over his body and turned over as he tried getting into a warmer position. "Loid-San! I called the hospital! They said it's alright and they hope you get better! And, sorry to keep you waiting, I have your tea now!" Yor stepped closer and placed it on the table while warning him to let it cool down before drinking it. "Thank you, Yor-San. I feel better already." Her eyes widened as she blushed and stepped back. "T-that's nice to hear! I'll..I'll go get Anya changed and get her to the bus stop! For now, please, go to sleep!" She left and closed the lights while she closed the door as well. My..sickness, it could be a step up for Phase 4! This could get me and Yor..closer. Handler wouldn't mind that I do this, right? She's the woman who told me to break off all relationships with families for missions. She shouldn't have a word in this. But, then again..I can't just use my disability to help me with it..I shouldn't be using this to my advantage.. I shouldn't use Yor like this, it feels..wrong.


"Bye, bye, Mama!" Anya waved as she hopped onto the bus and Yor waved back. "Have a good day at school Anya-San!" A smile spread across both of their faces as the bus drove off and Yor stood up straight. The smile faded off as she fixed her coat and turned away. The bus top was a few blocks away from their apartment, so it wouldn't take long to get there and back. She was walking down the street to the complex, but she saw a familiar face looking at her. Fiona-San! Is she here to visit Loid-San? It didn't make sense, work hours for them weren't over yet. Did she call of work as well? Was she not feeling well either? Fiona had noticed Yor saw her and picked up the pace as they both met at the gate near the stairs. "Fiona-San! How are you doing today?" She closed her eyes and opened them again, looking at Yor with a bit of a glare. "I'm doing good, how about you." Yor stepped aside to let her through. "I-I'm doing good, too! Are you here to visit Loid?" Fiona nodded and looked to the doorway. "Yes, I am. Is he feeling fine?" "Yes! Wait, no, he isn't doing so well. But, he'll probably be happy to see you! Come inside!" Fiona nodded and walked up the few stairs as she stepped inside, holding the door for Yor. "Thank you!" They both walked upstairs in an awkward silence until they reached the apartment. Yor opened the door as they both stepped inside.

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