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    Yor stood around patiently, as she watched Loid dust off and lay out the patterned cloth. He had fluffed a bit of the pillows, so their backs wouldn't hurt from the tree's texture. Anya clang onto Yor's leg as she held onto her. "Mama, can Anya go play with Becky when Papa is done?" Yor looked down and nodded. "If Loid doesn't mind, then sure!" Loid looked over while he picked out the baskets. "Well, I wouldn't mind. Do you want to eat a bit before you go?" Anya nodded excitedly.  He was finally able to set everything up and sat down, not breaking a sweat. The weather was amazing for a picnic; the breeze was gentle and the place had looks lively. The laughter around all of the people were really setting a mood. Trees and bushes were a fascinating green, and the flowers were bright. Anya had looked back up to Yor before she went to sit down next to Loid. Wow, Loid seems like he knows what he's doing! He doesn't seem tired at all.. Yor's eyes could only stay at Loid's upper arm while Anya giggled sheepishly. "Mama?" She realized she was staring and apologized, sitting down to Anya's side. Loid picked up the basket near him and pulled the lid over to the side. Anya's eyes widened in surprise and her mouth couldn't help but widened as well. "So many treats!" There was a bunch of them, specifically macarons. They were all prettily wrapped with thin napkins and placed in order. Color coded! Yor had picked these treats out since she knew Anya had a sweet tooth, and Yor didn't mind to enjoy one every once in a while. She hadn't realized most of them were in the color of the rainbow, she just chose whichever one looked good. Anya had just reached over for one, it was green and had pretty yellow filling with a bit of dipped chocolate. She ate it in one bite and her eyes glimmered. "Papa! It's so good!" She wanted to get another one, before somebody had started talking to the crowd. "Greetings, students of Eden, and parents! We are glad to have you here at this school event." Claps were applauded and some students even cheered. The housemaster had finished his speak, introducing multiple places with different layouts of food and a few fun games for children. Anya took one more and took another one for herself. "Anya is going to go play with Becky now!" He nodded as he waved and Yor yelled, "Have fun!" She smiled as Anya ran over to Becky and jumped around. It was unexpected, especially from the soothing quietness, but Loid had wrapped around his arm on Yor's waist. She didn't mean to jolt up, as if she was scared, but she had flinched for a second. "Are you ok, Yor?" She nodded and gave him a sheepish laugh. "Y-yes, I am." Loid had put his back to the tree and sighed as he looked up to the sky. Yor put her head onto his shoulder and Loid blushed a bit. Yor felt like dazing off a bit, but she didn't try to because this was a school event. Loid noticed Yor's eyelids becoming heavy and her eyes, looking down at his body. "Yor, are you sleepy?" She shook her head softly and Loid put his other arm onto Yor's leg. "If you're tired, then you can go to sleep. Don't worry, I'll wake you up once we need to leave, alright?" She nodded her head and closed her mouth. The tiredness had caught up with her and she was already asleep. Loid had brought her in closer, towards his chest as he put his hat onto her head.

   After a few talks and chats with others, a bit of exchanging food and treats, and at least 20 minutes later, Yor had finally woken up and Anya was already back, eating most of the macarons. She was stuffing her face with all of them as Loid tried to slow her down. "Anya, don't eat so much all at once. You're going to choke on all of them and die." Anya looked up and stopped, taking one more to eat it. Yor opened her eyes and lifted her head slowly, away from Loid's shoulder. He had noticed and looked over to her. "Yor, you're awake." She nodded and scratched her neck. "Mama! The cookies are good!" Loid stopped her from continuing her praises about the treats. "It's macarons, not cookies." She looked up at him, curious, and nodded. "Ok, but the macaroni is good!" "Macarons!" "Ok, macaroons!" "Macarons!" Becky ran over and stood near Anya. "Anya-San! Do you want to come swim with me? Martha will keep an eye on us!" "But..Anya can't swim! She'll drown again!" Becky rolled her eyes. She pointed a finger up. "You didn't drown, you were saved by your father!" My Loid! So heroic! "Second of all, I can teach you! Or Martha could too!" She smiled and Anya looked at Becky, then looking back at Loid. "I don't mind, as long as Martha watches you two." Anya looked back to Yor and she had nodded too. "Yay! Anya can swim! Anya will try!" Becky smiled enthusiastically as Anya bent down and looked through the bag. "Anya can use her swimsuit now, too!" She took it out and ran off with Becky. Yor had faced her direction towards Loid. "It's nice that Anya can now try and swim!" Loid nodded and smiled, looking at Yor's body, especially.. "Loid-San, is something wrong?" He stopped staring and snapped out of his trance. "Sorry, nothings wrong." He smiled awkwardly, and Yor just smiled back, sweetly. Loid had suddenly remembered a bit of his plans for Operation STRIX, WISE had told him about it the other day. "Hey, I'm going to talk a walk around the corner for a second. I won't take long." Before Loid could leave, Yor had gotten up and touched his arm. "I can accompany you, Loid." Loid had wanted to make some excuse about how he wanted to let her rest. But, the temptation of walking around with Yor. The temptation of them walking around, alone. Two adults, man and woman, Loid and Yor. Loid couldn't resist. "Y-yeah, sure." A smile formed across Yor's face as Loid held onto her arm.

   Loid and Yor walked over to a blocked off forest that led up to Eden's Academy. The event had made some arrangements so nobody could go further into the forest, and so there'd be no possible animals that could ruin the picnic. Yor walked over to the ledge of a tree stump and sat down on it. "The trees here look so pretty!" Her eyes dazzled at the sight of the bright light. Loid couldn't help but smile as well, crouching down near her. "Yep, they are." Yor got up and strolled to the side and got a better look of the sight. Loid basically just followed Yor around that same, small, area. She finally sat back down at the tree stump again and sighed, crossing her legs. "I don't know why I decided to wear a jacket in this weather.." She let out a sigh of air and took off her jacket, laying it on her lap. "Loid-San, are you hot?" Hot—kind of like you.. Loid stopped and tracked down his thoughts. God, what was with him? "Not really, I can help you hold your jacket." He took it from her legs and she smiled up at him. "Thank you, Loid." She moved over and allowed Loid to take a seat. He smiled back and sat down next to her. The awkward silence was real, but him touching her hair strands had made her blush and the silence was broken with Loid's smile and laugh. "I like your new perfume, it smells nice on you." He placed his hand onto her cheek and she blushed, putting her hand onto the back of his hand. "Thank you, I like your suit!" She took her other hand and touched his tie. Just pull a bit harder and I.. Loid couldn't contain himself, he just dived in for the kiss. He planted one right on her lips and stared into her eyes. It was everything he thought it was, soft and just like a dream.

Loid held Yor's face in her hands and continued to kiss her. Yor was shocked but she wasn't complaining, she had been fantasizing about this too. She pulled onto Loid's tie and put her hand onto his arm. Loid had let one hand go and let go, pulling Yor's waist onto his lap. She sat down and blushed, looking away. He cleared some hair in the way of her lovely face. "Don't be shy, Yor." He whispered and smiled. She looked back at him and stroked his hair with her hand. He continued to smother Yor in kisses until she was red. This was definitely not how she thought the picnic go. She was worried for Anya, what if she came back all of a sudden and didn't see them anywhere in sight? Yor's mind wondered in those thoughts but were soon drifting away from Loid's affection. He had finally let go of her lips and she let out a breath of air. She laid her chest onto Loid's and had her head next to his. "Tired already, Yor?" He teased her and Yor was flustered. "I didn't know you would.." He chuckled and held onto Yor's back. "Is it already—ending?" Yor had looked like she didn't want it to end anytime soon. He grinned at her wanting to continue. "We're just getting started, Yor..don't worry." She held her head lower and blushed a lot more. "Don't tease me, Loid.." He would want to tease her all day, specifically, in a special somewhere.

word count : 1703

A/N : hi guys! Sorry for not posting yesterday, I was just busy with studies and today I didn't feel like writing, but then I felt this artistic spring inside of me so I did lol. have a good day/night!

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