chptr 27,,''

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For some reason, that specific night had made Loid and Yor feel a bit more closer than they were in the first place. Yor could talk to Loid more casually and Loid could help her cook better without them getting awkward. Anya was all for it. She snickered and put on that mischievous grin she always did in front of Damian. Loid was starting to forget the whole "spouse and spouse" act for the mission, and focused a bit more about his new family. They finally seemed like a perfect family. Unfortunately, Loid's job as a spy and working for WISE was still continuing and Operation STRIX was still in motion. Handler was already starting to get suspicious and catching onto Loid's act he had been playing for week. She had really started to consider Fiona's request about her being the new role for the wide. It'd be hard to get rid of Yor and getting everybody to not focus on their status, but it was definitely something she could take in mind. Fiona then walked into the room that Handler was devising in. Sylvia looked up and Fiona crossed her arms, looking down to her. "Any new ideas, missions?" She shook her head but tipped her hat. "No, but there is a new issue." Fiona looked a bit confused and raised her eyebrow. "Briar. She's starting to get in the way of Operation STRIX. Loid, he's starting to loose his guard." What? This isn't the Twilight I know! Yor, she's definitely up to something! Loid nodded and took up the deed. "You need to somehow get Yor Briar out of the picture, she's starting to affect the mission." Fiona nodded determinedly and left the office, taking some of the files about Yor with her. Fiona looked over them, inspecting it closely. How will I get these annoying Briar out of the way? Should I get her brother involved? Should I kill her? Have her run away from Ostania? All of these ideas did 't seem bad, until you really start thinking about Fiona's incredibly disgusting details into it. But, Fiona wouldn't back down from whatever was in her way. Especially world's safety and Loid.

  A few days passed from this thought, and the Forgers were doing their causal routine they did everyday. It was just Loid, Bond, and Anya today, since Yor had to stay behind to do something. Suddenly, something went off in the hall. The loudspeaker was playing something? "Attention, residents. Lockdown mode I. Take route C, staircase B to leave the building until police and authorities arrive." Loid's heart dropped as Anya looked over. An intruded had entered the building. Anya peeked over to Loid. "What's wrong, papa?" Loid hastily walked back and picked up Anya, closing the lights. Bond ran with them and followed. He had signaled them to a safety shelter in the apartment, as every single one had. The securities had said to leave the apartment complex, but it would be too risky if they did. They could've spot them before they had been left the door. Loid brought them to a safety hatchet the apartment had and signaled them to walk in. Before entering, Loid took out a gun and walked into the hatchet. Anya clung onto Loid's shirt tightly, as she whispered. "Papa, wha-what's wrong?" They had all entered as they sat down and closed the hatchet's door. Anya kept denying it and wanted to go back to her room and get Chimera. Anya was still "confused" about what was going on but it didn't seem good. At her time in the laboratory and the orphanage, Chimera had helped her get through the tough hours. Loid held onto Anya's arm and picked up her face. "Don't worry, Anya." Loid didn't want to scare her but Anya already knew what was going on. Tears started to slowly stream down Anya's face as Loid placed her down near his side. Bond whimpered near Anya as she held onto Bond next. He wiped her tears carefully and calmed her down. Loid held Anya close to her chest as screams and shots were heard. Loid aimed his gun out and ducked to the side of the hatchet. They could hear the door to their apartment bust down and footsteps walked in. Bond was shaking a bit and Loid had Anya to the corner to keep her from any supposed harm. Loid carefully whispered in a gentle tone. "Anya, don't worry, you'll be ok. I'm right here." Loid stroked Bond quietly as Anya nodded and stopped crying. Footsteps approached them quickly. Loid pulled down the trigger and aimed towards the hatchet door. Anytime now..

   Fiona ran into the headquarters and slammed on the door of Handler's office. She rushed in and put her hands on the desk. Handler looked up to Fiona's huff and widened her eyes. "WHY IS THERE A GROUP OF ARMED MEN AT TWILIGHT'S SUPPOSED APARTMENT COMPLEX?" Handler got up from the chair and called in recruits as they got cars to drive down to the address. Handler walked over as the bodyguards walked behind her. Authorities had stopped her and police cars pulled up to the destination. Fiona was worried for Loid's safety, as he was one of the best spies from Ostania and Fiona's undying love for him yearned for Loid. The police and authorities pulled out a megaphone as they spoke into it. "THE AUTHORITIES AND POLICE HAVE ARRIVED, STEP OUT OF THE BUILDING WITH YOUR HANDS UP." Nobody had came out, of course. Some of them decided to wait at all entrances and exits the intruders could've left with. Fiona looked up worriedly at the window as Yor ran over to the apartment complex. She looked up as visibly, her heart sank. Somehow, fire had started in the apartment and more people flooded down the stairs and exits. Most of them looked fine, a few were injured though. Is Loid and Anya still in there..? She looked around for them in the crowd and they were nowhere in sight. Yor was starting to question if she should go inside and go look for them. She gripped onto her jacket as she quivered and breathed heavily. Everybody had thought that everyone was evacuated as fire trucks and the firefighters parked down the street. Of course, the three of them knew that Loid, Bond, and Anya wasn't out yet. Just then, it was like God descended down to them and had made some miracle. Loid had ran out of the building with his gun fired at the front door. Loid's arm was holding onto Anya and Bond ran behind them, barking at the intruders from the inside. Anya was still able to retreat her stuff animal from her room before the intruders had realized what had happened. The police were confused and authorities signaled the firefighters to start to take out the fire. Anya looked around at everybody. I-it's, the strange woman! Who took out mama and gave us Bond! She then also saw Fiona. Shock! Love woman! Yor ran quickly towards them and hugged Loid tightly, holding onto Anya too. Bond ran around them and Loid hugged Yor back. "Mama!" Loid had saw the teary eyes Yor had when she saw Yuri again after his disappearance. Yor buried her head into Loid's chest and he rested his chin on her head. Anya's mood was immediately uplifted at Loid and Yor's love. Fiona looked down in disappointment. I don't want to seem jealous or clingy, but I really can't bear this.. Fiona turned her heel and walked away from the building. Fiona couldn't accept the fact that Loid already had a special somebody in his life.

   Rain poured down the windows as you could hear the crickets chirping too. Loid looked out of the window and looked into the night sky. Earlier, Yor was able to call Yuri and to their beck and call, Yuri had let Loid, Yor, Anya, and Bond stay at his house for the time being, until the building was finished or until they had found somewhere else to stay. Well, Yuri was more than happy to let Yor stay. Elated, even. On the other hand, Yuri was not so willingly for Loid and Anya. Yuri thought of dogs as cute sometimes, but he didn't want the fur to get all over the place. Yuri arranged a room for them. "I mean..Loid and the child can sleep there with the dog. Sis, you can stay at my room! I'll sleep on the couch!" Yor declined the offer, this was Yuri's home after all. In the end, Yuri basically forced Yor into his room and picked up all his SSS stuff as he arranged it with care and love for Yor. Loid and Anya settled down and was getting ready for bed as Bond curled up next to them. Anya yawned gently and lied down onto the mattress. "Papa, when are we going to sleep?" Loid looked over to Anya from his watch. "We could head to sleep right now, we'd just need to tell your uncle then. Stay here for now." Anya nodded as Loid got up from bed and walked to the living room. Yuri sat there, reading the newspaper. "Yuri, Anya and me might be heading to sleep. She's tired." Yuri nodded as he didn't look up from the newspaper. "Alright, goodnight.." Loid looked at him for a bit. "Thank you for letting us stay here, Yuri." Ack- What! He looked up a bit flustered. "I-! It's fine.." Loid gently smiled and walked back to their room. Anya was already asleep, so he turned off the lights and tucked himself into bed too. It might be a while until they could go back to their original home, but this was all they could get for now.

word count : 1681

A/N : hi guys! sorry for not posting yesterday, my hands getting better but it was at a more bad state then today. glad it's fine now but everybody, have a good day/night!

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