chptr 18,,''

204 6 1

Anya had just gotten off of the bus and headed inside to Eden. She strapped her backpack as Becky walked along side her. "Wow, today's Friday! That means schools off for the weekends!" Anya nodded with enthusiasm and smiled. "Yeah, Anya is happy for the weekends so Anya can see Mama and Papa!" "Yeah, seeing Loid was nice!" They walked inside the school grounds as an announcement went off. "Good morning, students of Eden. For today, classes will be delayed until 9:50 AM. Please stay in your dorms, the cafeteria, or the gardens for now. Thank you for your cooperation, and have a good day, students." The speaker went off as small cheers went around the area. Becky and Anya smiled until Damian, Ewen, and Emile came out. "Hey, don't take this as a break or anything. You guys should probably study for now for midterms and Stellas." Becky rolled her eyes and Anya didn't look amused. She knew that both her and Damian and 3 Stella's and both had 1 Tonitrus bolt, so there wasn't much to worry about. She didn't take his comment seriously, but she did want to soon become an imperial scholar to make Loid proud. Anya nodded and Becky looked a bit shocked. Becky whispered, trying to keep her thoughts away from Damian's nosy ears. "Whaaatt? You're taking his advice?!" Anya looked back and nodded at Becky, turning her direction toward's Damian again. "Ok, Second son! Anya will study like you said and become an!" Damian blushed at her cuteness and frustratedly left, trying not to let anybody see. The other two ran over with him and Anya smirked. "What was that?" Becky was still confused and Anya looked over to her. "Anya only said yes so she can make Papa proud.." Becky's face lit up and understood. "Ohh! If so..then of course you can!" Anya smiled and laughed.

   Yor sat at home alone today. For some reason, City Hall had been closed for a week or so and people wouldn't be able to work for a while. Yor was confused too, why the building was closed. It's not like you can close City Hall! Right? Yor hugged the pillow like she always did and wondered. Loid today also had a long shift. Speaking of Loid, she looked over at the hall and saw that Loid's door was slightly opened. Should I go check what he has in there? Yor stopped herself from getting off the couch. No, Yor! You can''re invading his privacy! Yor mumbled to herself and pushed herself down. Later on, she decided to get back up and go make a cup of tea for herself. As she poured the boiled water, the phone rang on the dresser. She put down the kettle, turning down the stove's heat, and placed her cup on the table. She walked over to the dresser and picked up the phone. Before she could say anything, a voice cut her off. "Twilight, handler has assigned you a new mission that needs to be complete by this following Friday." Yor couldn't say anything, who was Twilight? "You need to go to the warehouse to kill some hitmen down the block on Melatonin Av-" "I'm sorry, Twlight? He's not home." The voice stopped and hung up the phone. Was that..Fiona? Yor wondered what that "mission" was about and a bit startled when the call had suddenly stopped. Why is Fiona calling somebody at our apartment called Twilight? She turned around and walked over to the cup of tea she had made, sitting down, wondering who Fiona had meant.

  Fiona slammed the phone down on the desk as she stared at the telephone. Why wasn't Loid home!? She finally realized today was Monday, not Tuesday! Only on this Tuesday had he have a day off and they had already arranged the call at the certain time. Somebody had called her to go pick up some classified files to study for the week. Fiona was ready to slam her head on the desk as she got up to go get the files and documents. Dammit! We're screwed! That woman just picked up the phone and now she might catch onto the whole act! Fiona shakily walked to Handler's office, knocking on the door before opening it. Handler spun her chair around, legs crossed and raised down her glasses. "Here for the files?" She had turned around to grab some from the drawer. "Uhm, yes." Fiona knew she had to tell Handler right now about the situation before it was too late. "By the way," Sylvia turned her head and looked at her, placing the files on the desk. "I..might've just called at the wrong hour to Twilight's apartment and he wasn't the one who picked up..the wife did." Her eyes widened as she heard this. She slammed her hands on the desk and she looked at her, dead in the eye. "How much did you tell her?" "I told her the mission's idea and loc-" Sylvia looked like she wanted to strangle her. "Go. I'll deal with this later." She sat back down. Talk about bipolar.. Fiona nodded and apologized, leaving the room.

  Sylvia had a feeling she needed to execute a plan quick, before she had spilled anything. She talked a bit with the guards, then thinking to herself. She decided she would needed to find her again and do something with her memory, perhaps? She told herself not to, it seemed a bit too extreme. She finally decided that what she was going to do was definitely not needed and not so convenient, but it was one of the last choices on the list. After this, I'm going to really need to have a stern talk with Nightfall..

  Loid had finally came home from the hospital as his role of a phycologist. He picked his bag from his desk and left the hospital, checking out for the day. As soon as he left the hospital, thoughts had filled his head. He walked down the street, waiting for the light to turn green. I have an assigned mission for tomorrow and need to finish Operation STRIX soon, before Desmond makes his move. Cars stopped as people walked on the road, one of them being Loid. I also need to go back home and help Anya with her studying and homework, if she's still even awake. This'll not be easy. Around 20-25 minutes later, he arrived at the apartment complex. He walked up, waving to a few neighbors. Then again, the nosy 3 had stopped him. Is this a routine at this point? "Hey, Loid! Funny seeing you here on a late's it going?" They all smirked. "It's nice, I've just came back from my job and now I'm going to help my daughter with some responsibilities of her's. She's probably asleep right now, though. What about you ladies? On this late night?" Loid asked them the same question, trying to act polite as he did. They giggled and made sarcastic gasps. "We're doing totally fine! But..hey, it's pretty late, isn't it, girls?" "Oh..yeah.. it is!" "Definitely!" They shared the same look around the three and Loid looked at them with a smile. Personally, 9:43 isn't too late. "We'll be heading off now! Have a good night, Loid!" They giggled and left, turning the corner. He sighed and walked to his apartment. Why, why on this floor with these neighbors?

   As he walked into the room, Anya was no where to be seen in the living room, she was probably already asleep. Yor peeked her head and looked at Loid with a smile. "Welcome back, Loid! How was work?" Yor walked over, again helping him with his stuff. "It was a bit complicated, a patient lost control but focused themselves again." Yor looked a bit worried at him. "Oh no! Are you ok?" She touched his face gently with her soft hands. Loid blushed as he nodded. "Yes, I'm okay. Thank you for worrying, though." She looked back up and blushed too, nodding. "Well, are you hungry? Today you had a long shift!" He shook his head as he smiled. "Today there was provided food so that was nice, but hey, are you tired?" She shook her head as she analyzed his care for her. "No, are you? I can give you a massage if you want!" He chuckled as he heard that. "No, I'm ok. I think I'll go take a shower and then I'll head to sleep, alright?" She nodded and pat his head. "Good night, Loid-San!" She walked into her room as she closed the door behind her. Loid was left stunned at her affection towards her. wasn't a lot, but it still worked for him. He blushed as he touched the top of his head and his cheek. Mmm..I can't stop thinking of her..

word count : 1533

A/N : hi guys! Sorry for posting late, again.. I js needs finish a lot of stuff first then I can write. Hope you guys enjoyed today's chapter and have a good day/night!

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