chptr 17,,''

201 7 0

It was 12:34, the lunch period in Eden, and students sat down to eat and chat with friends. Anya had just settled into her seat, with Becky joining her. "Anya-San!" Becky yelled and sat down next to her. "How's the food?" Anya looked at her and nodded. "It's good." Becky smiled. "Glad to hear that!" Becky took out her lunch from her lunch bag. For the week, Becky usually ate the school's provided meals. This time, she had her owns. She twisted open the cap and ate the meal that the chefs had prepared. Anya remembered last week's thoughts ate the dinner table. "Becky?" Becky looked at Anya. "Can you come over to Anya's house so we can play? You can stay over to sleep too!" Becky looked a bit skeptical but then her expression immediately changed, becoming elated. "Yes! I'll come!" She smiled joyfully, with thoughts of her being able to see Loid. "Ya-" "pfft, losers!" Damian remarked with Ewen and Emile cracking up in the back. "Yeah! What Lord Damian said! You girls are so stupid!" Becky looked at them in an annoyed way. "Ugh! Shut up, Damian! And his weird sidekicks..or something!" They laughed and Anya just ate her lunch. 'Second-son, do you want to come to Anya's house?" Becky looked shocked, Ewen and Emile had a blank face. Damian started to get red. "What! N-no! I'd never want to go to your house! Uggo!" He ran off and the others chased after him. Becky sat back down. "Good one, Anya! Now they're gone and we can eat again!" "W-Wuh? Oh, yeah.." The truth was that Anya wanted Damian to go, so he could get closed to Loid and they could create world peace, and maybe finally, have a loving family.

  Yor was in the living room when Anya opened the door. "Hi mama!" Yor looked over and smiled, "Welcome back, Anya-San!" Becky peeked behind Anya and Yor was a bit surprised to see her. "Who's this?" "This is my friend, Mama. Becky!" Becky waved as she greeted Yor formally and Yor smiled sweetly. "Then, do you girls want anything to drink?" "Anya wants hot cocoa!" "No, I'm ok." Yor nodded and walked over to the kitchen and Anya had directed Becky to her room. "This is Anya's room! You can put your backpack there." Anya pointed to the corner of the floor, with a shelf there as well. Becky nodded and took her backpack off, placing it there gently. "Are we gonna do homework or are we gonna play? Gossip maybe?" "Anya wants to play." Becky nodded and they ran around in Anya's room, laughter eroding out of it. Yor heard them and felt a bit warm when she heard them, just like how she and Yuri used to play when she was younger in her free time.

  Yor had called the two out and Anya ran out of the room, Becky behind her, chasing after. They both sat down and Anya took a sip, feeling relaxation. Yor sat down across from them. "So, how is Eden to you, Becky?" Becky looked up and responded to Yor's question, "Oh, Eden is fine. The exams aren't too hard and the lessons are good. There's just these three boys..the-" Yor looked a bit shock. A crush at this age? Anya looked up from her drink and interrupted Becky before she could finish. "The three boys and Second son and his friends! Anya tried being friends with them but Second son got mad.." she took a second sip. "They call us mean things too!" Becky nodded. Yor understood and looked at the clock. "Oh, if they're like that, then you can tell an adult about it! If they don't believe you, just use the trick I taught you on them, Anya-San!" Anya nodded and Becky looked at her. She whispered, "what trick?" Anya grinned and finished her drink. Yor had taken it from her hand and brought it to the sink. "Well, you two can go play or study right now!" "Ok, mama!" Anya ran to her room, of course, Becky behind her as well.

  Anya closed the door behind them and Becky questioned Anya. "What trick?" Anya giggled and told Becky how Yor had taught her that punch she used on Damian and Becky looked a bit surprised but amused. "Woah, your mom taught you that? I thought it'd be my Loid! Speaking of Loid.." Anya didn't want to hear another one of Becky's stories about her dad's amazingness. "Becky! Papa is cool, but Anya doesn't like papa like you do!" Becky sighed but still daydreamed about him. I wonder what mama would think if she heard Becky saying this about Papa! Becky went on and on as Anya thought about it. Anya poked Becky out of her trance and proposed, "Becky, can you help Anya with her homework?" Becky stopped and looked at her. "I..don't know.." "Please, Becky! Pleasee!" Anya was begging and Becky finally gave in. "Fine! But I'll only help, I'm not giving you the answers!" Anya's smile widened and got up. "Anything works! I just want to make Papa proud! He says I need to get better grades.." Becky's face dazzled when she heard Anya say that. "If it's my Loid, then sure!" Wow, Becky  is obsessed with Papa..

Loid turned the knob and opened the door, taking his hat off as he walked in. Yor got up and greeted Loid, helping him with taking his stuff and placing it down. "Welcome back, Loid-San!" Loid smiled, responding to Yor. "Thank you, Yor. It's good to see you too." He gave her a genuine happy look and Yor blushed. To break the lovely tension, Anya ran out of her room with Becky walking behind her. "Papa!" Anya hugged him and Loid pat her head back, seeing Becky behind her. "Oh, good to see you, Becky." Becky smiled. "Hello, Mr. Forger!" Becky didn't know how to put it but she loved seeing Loid in person, besides the little photo she took from Anya. Eek! Wow, Becky is obsessed with papa.. Anya let go and told Loid, "Becky helped Anya with homework so now it's done!" "Wow, thank you, Becky. Maybe you can just be Anya's tutor." Loid laughed and Yor chuckled. "I maybe could be, I just need to see my schedule if I can!" Becky smiled and Anya looked unfazed. Wow, Becky is a good liar. Better than mama. "Well, you two go play now. Me and Yor will be going to make dinner. Becky, you're staying for the night, right?" Becky nodded and Loid gave her a small smile. Anya dragged Becky back to her room before she started to stare and squeal at Loid. They walked into Anya's room, closing the door again.

  "So..Anya! Have any crushes or anything? Know any gossip or secrets?" Anya shook her head. "So, you don't got any secrets, what about crushes?" Anya shook her head to that too. "Oh, come on! You don't like Damian or anything? I thought you did! He definitely likes you!" "No, Anya doesn't like Second son and Anya doesn't think second son likes me." "Ugh..ok, fine.. Obviously, I like Loid!" Anya rolled her eyes and sat on her bed, listening to Becky's fantasies over her and Loid.

  Everybody was just about to head to bed cause of the time of night. Becky yawned on Anya's bed as Anya walked back in from her shower. "Are you tired, Becky?" Becky nodded as she stretched. "Yeah, we should probably be heading to sleep now." Anya nodded and laid down on her bed. She put her cap on and maid space for Becky's sleeping bag. "Good night, Becky." "Good night, Anya." They fell asleep and the room went silent. A few minutes later, Becky tapped on Anya. Anya looked over and Becky and questioned her, "Yeah?" "Anya..I don't mean to seem to be acting spoiled or anything right's just, can I sleep on the bed?" Anya looked puzzled. "Why?" "I don't know, I just don't feel comfortable.." Anya got up and nodded and got off the bed. "Thank you, Anya-San!" Anya responded in a sleepy tone, "it's ok.." Anya laid down on the sleeping bag, tucking herself in. "Good night, Anya-San!" "Good night, Becky."

word count : 1417

A/N : hi guys! hope you guys liked the chapter today and have a good day/night!

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