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     The memory ended there, because if Yuri had thought about it any further, he'd probably break out into tears. Dammit! That child's lucky! To wish I'd be her so sis could love me like that..damn! Yuri groaned with frustration as he ut his hands in his hair, not hearing Yor approaching him. "Yuri, don't give up so easily, it's okay to be a bit mad sometimes, but don't let it get the better of you!" She sat down next to him and put her hand on his back. "I'm not trying to, but it feels like whenever I try not to, it just does!" Yuri threw his back against the couch and slowly started to quietly sob. "I'm such a burden, are you able to handle me while I can't handle myself..I can't even compete to your strength, sis.." Yuri asked as Yor softly smiled and looked at him. "The reason I'm 'strong' is because I've stayed strong for you, Yuri. You're the reason why we're still here, because you helped me through it. You're not a burden, Yuri, you're worth fighting for." Yor reassured Yuri as he stared at Yor for a few seconds, before breaking down. "S-Sis!" Yuri cried as he hugged her and she smiled, hugging him back. "Don't worry, Yuri, it's alright!" He got back up, wiping his tears and letting go of the negative emotion. "Well, if the chihuahua girl is so important to you, sis, then I'll tutor her! I'll..try not to be so hard on her.." Even though I wasn't! Yor smiled as she put her hands together and called Anya back. "Thank you, Yuri!"


     "Another mistake! Er..right there, you don't add, you multiply. Why are they even teaching children this-?" Yuri asked as Anya shrugged. "That's why Anya hates school, and studying." It wasn't exactly why, but it was a good portion of it. "Well, let's fix the mistake and move on." Yuri continued to teach Anya as Yor watched from afar, feeling better that Yuri had calmed down and grew a smaller liking to Anya. Ah, I feel so much more relaxed now, Yuri and Anya won't fight anymore! She smiled as she heard the telephone ring, and they all took notice of it. "Don't worry about it, I'll answer it!" Yor said as she quickly walked over to answer the phone.

"Why, good evening, Thorn Princess."
"Shopk-Boss, you shouldn't call me on this line, it's a bit dangerous.."
"Heh, well that was my bad. It's good you answered, we have a new mission for you."
"Oh! Well..I can't stay to chat here, I'll come by."
"Alright, it's a better idea anyways, in case if this line is being tracked. I'll see you in a bit."

He hung up as Yor put the phone down and looked to Anya & Yuri. "You two keep studying, I need to go out to fill some things out in city hall! I'll be back soon!" Yor waved as she left the house, leaving Yuri a bit suspicious. That's odd..why didn't sis leave with her uniform? She left with her regular clothes and her coat! Anya looked over and read Yuri's thoughts, thinking of a quick excuse. "'s ok, Unkie! Mama is just probably going to hang out, friende After working! So Mama has a break!" Anya reassured him as Yuri thought about it for a second. It seems like a lame excuse..but whatever sis wants is fine by me! Yuri nodded and Anya let out a sigh of relief. "Hey! This doesn't mean you get excused from studying! We still are! So don't daze off, look back at the paper!" Yuri scolded Anya as her jaw dropped and she dropped her pencil. SHOCK!!


     Hmm, I wonder what Shopkeeper needs? Yor looked around as she stepped inside the familiar garden, admiring the flowers and sceneries that were displayed. "Wahh, it's so pretty!" Yor exclaimed as Shopkeeper walked over with a pair of gardening scissors in his hand. "Welcome, Thorn Princess. Glad you came, we have another client for you." Yor smiled as she asked who it was. "Just like Lorelei's, you're posing as another bodyguard. She's a singer and people have admired her for a while. The SSS already has it covered, but we had one of our double assassins check the information, and they were missing one of the members. They've already raided their hideouts, but this one was able to flee beforehand." "Why didn't the double assassin tell the chief?" They strolled around before sitting down under the roof of the usual gazebo they always did. "Getting the SSS more involved than they already are is was probably already assumed by the stalker. Chances are they have a plan, but they don't know Garden is getting involved. If we keep this hidden and just turn him in as a regular citizen, there'll be no reason for us to kill him. Unless it's necessary." Yor frowned as she put the teacup back down. "But I'd love to kill him! He'd be such a nuisance to the singer.." "Like we've talked before, unnecessary blood is never needed to be stained on our hands." Yor nodded as she took another sip.

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