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Loid breathed heavily as he walked closer and closer up the stairs. He covered his stomach and looked up weakly. God damn, Twilight! You're a fucking top agent! What are you doing in this situation? He managed to walk up the stairs, one by one. Ah-about approximately, 23 more stairs. He held onto the railing and stepped up the stairs, moving his legs. His whole body felt like it was on fire. He let out a heavy sigh. He pushed himself through and got onto his supposed floor. He stumbled over to the door and somehow was able to grab the keys out of his bag. He pushed it onto the key lock and opened the door. Finally, I'm back. He collapsed but pulled his grip onto the wall. He took off his hat and was able to place it back on the rack. As he unbuttoned his jacket, he felt a bit tipsy. Suddenly, without controlling his balance, Loid had basically fallen to the floor. But, his hands has once again, held the pressure from his body and pushed himself up. Loid winced and felt like crying. I'm not a damn child.. I'm a top agent from.. As he was looking down and crucially thought to himself, a familiar set of footsteps was heard closer. It couldn't have been Bond, he was definitely asleep. Was it Anya? Yor? He slowly picked up his head and saw a pair of legs, bending down to his level. "Loid-San? Are you ok?" She looked down as their eyes met each other. How is she still up? He scratched his head and quickly realized he was staring. He covered his stomach again and chuckled. "Sah-sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." Yor smiled sweetly and helped him up. "It's alright, don't worry, I'm not so tired right now. Why are you out so late? Is your stomach ok?" Shit, I need an excuse! He, again, laughed it off and responded. "Yes, I'm alright. Sorry that I was out late, something happened at the work office so I came back late. Anya is asleep though, right?" She nodded and lifted his hand off his stomach. "Does your stomach hurt or anything?" He shook his head. Thank god it's not bleeding through the shirt.. She nodded as Yor helped Loid up on his feet. She took off his jacket for him and hanged it up onto the rack. "Here, go take a shower and get ready for bed so you can go to work!" She gave Loid and small hug and told him goodnight before leaving to her room. Damn it, that was close. I need to keep myself on my guard. I almost got caught.

Loid tossed and turned on his bed as he tried to push away the thought of even more stress building up on himself and world peace. I need to complete Operation STRIX soon, or else world peace might just crumble. How would Loid get closer to Donovan? There were so far no leads, and Loid didn't know that Anya had somehow gotten closer to Damian. Anya and Damian are practical enemies, rivals even. How are they going to forge a friendship for me to enter the Desmond's house? He scratched his head and pulled the covers over him. Damn, this is going to bug me all day—or night. Loid felt frustrated as his fingers ran through his hair, then gripping onto the pillow sheet. God, this is going to catch up to future missions. Loid let out a sigh and got up. He'd just walk to the kitchen and grab a cup of water, maybe it'll help him calm down and fall asleep. He slipped on his slippers as he opened the door, leaving and made his way further towards the kitchen. He grabbed a cup from the cabinet and poured a glass of water for himself. He drank the whole thing in one sip. He washed it in the most quiet tone he tried to and placed it on the drying rack, walking back to his room. Luckily for him, the water had apparently helped his sleepiness catch up with him and in a few minutes, Loid's eyelids were shut and he was sound asleep.

*beep* *beep*

Loid's dream didn't last for long as his timer went off, interrupting all of his thoughts and his sleep. He looked over to the clock, 5:00 AM. Is it even a weekday? It wasn't, actually. It was Saturday and Loid closed his eyes again, hoping to fall asleep. Finally, Loid could catch up with the sleep he had needed ever since he became a spy. He dazed off until there was a heavy knock on the front door. Wha-what the-? Loid got up and rubbed his eyes, pushing his hair back. He got up and opened his door, walking towards the front door and looking to see who it was. "Fiona? What are you doing here? Is there something at the agency?" "Good morning to you too, Twilight." Since when did she ever get somewhat of sarcasm? "Handler had asked me to come over and discuss over Operation STRIX, she also wants to know how it's going so far." He allowed her in. "I need to get ready first then, why'd you come at 5, though?" She sat down and brushed her coat off. "I had to come early since it'll get busy in the afternoon for me." He nodded and left to the bathroom. Fiona cleared her throat and covered her mouth with her hand. She blushed a bit with her red hue on her face and thought to herself. Mission..Operation STRIX..l-Twilight.. Awkwardly, Fiona sat there for around 15 minutes. Loid stepped out and sat next to Fiona. "So, what did you need?" Fiona quickly hid her face until she calmed down. "Handler, she wants to know how STRIX is going, and I have some more information about it." He nodded and quickly remembered his before hand response to these type of questions. Yes, he has these. "Well, it's going well. Anya's academics are slowly improving and so as her relationship with the younger child of the Desmonds. Her school life doesn't have so much rivals yet. I've also gotten closer to Donovan too. I was able to have somebody go get some information and picture of the meeting. Allow me to go get them." Loid excused himself and walked towards his room, quickly coming back out with some of the pictures Franky took. He came back out and handed it to Fiona. She quickly analyzed them before placing it back in a different file in her bag. "Good, Handler also now needs you to go sneak into the room where all grades are being held in Eden. She wants you to take a few looks at some of them." Fiona showed Loid which ones and then also told him that he would need to go sneak into a libary where classified documents and folders were being held, as a worker who went by the name James Okla. Loid sighed but had to go in later tonight, since his shift was at night hours. That was all needed for now, so Fiona decided to leave early. Even though she didn't want to, she couldn't disobey one of Loid's rules for spies. Don't engage with any unnecessary interactions with other spies, for this was an actual agency for the actual world. Fiona made her leave as Loid sat back down and let out a deep sigh. God, I hate it when this happens.

Anya tossed around on her bed as she snored. Wah-world pea..peanuts.. Loid walked into the room and woke up Anya. It took her a minute or two just to fully wake up and fully process that she was no longer on her dream with her beloved snacks. "W-wha? World peace!" "Anya, we need to attend a school event. It won't take long, but we have to leave around 7:00." "Pa-papa, it's 5:23-ish, Anya is tired!" Anya laid back down on the bed and pulled over the covers. "Anya doesn't want to goo!!" Loid pulled the covers back down to show Anya's face. He basically lifted her up and had her sit up straight. She rubbed her eyes gently and yawned. "It's too early, papa! Let Anya go to sleep, so she can go back to her dream.." Damn, somebody get this arrogant child up! She's being so uncooperative.. Anya jolted back up and ran out the door, running to the bathroom. SHOCK! ANYA CAN'T BE SENT BACK TO THE OR-ORA- Anya stopped in her tracks. H-how do you say it? Or..orphan..orphanage! Yeah! She ran back and went up the stool, grabbing a towel and turned on the faucet. Why'd she run out the moment I brought up the uncooperative situation.. it's whatever. He went towards Yor room to check if she was up or not. Yep, she's asleep. Should I wake her up to take her to the event or.. I probably should, for our cover and looks from others. He walked over and sat on the bed next to her. "Yor?" He gently touched her waist and pushed her hair. "Yor?" Loid waited there for a few minutes. Probably wasn't a good idea for her to go to sleep so late. He allowed his fingers through his hair and he bent down towards her. Loid knew he'd probably regret getting so close to Yor later, but he gave Yor a small kiss on the face. Yor woke up suddenly and looked up at Loid's face. "Loid?" She straightened her back and got up. "Do you need something?" He smiled and placed his hand onto Yor's cheek. "Good morning, I just needed to let you know that me and Anya are attending a school event so if you wanted to come with us, we wouldn't mind at all." Yor looked at Loid and nodded. "Okay, I'll come then." "Alright, just get ready soon. We're leaving at 7:00." Yor had nodded again and before leaving, Loid gave Yor a "good morning" kiss, even though it wasn't exactly morning to Yor. Yor was shocked and blushed as she touched her cheek. Loid left the room that moment.

word count : 1771

A/N : hi guys! sorry that I didn't write the last 2 days, I was busy with things and stuff. hopefully you guys can understand and have a good day/night! (I'll be trying to write on the weekend)

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