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Anya hopped off the bus as it drove off, and Anya saw herself back at school. She sighed and started walking to the main gates, listening to the chatter around her. It seemed really lively, and full of energy, in a negative way. Today was the day before midterms, meaning this would finally seal if Loid's tutoring and her studying would pay. She soon found Becky by her side.

"Good morning, Anya-Chan!" Becky waved and Anya looked over, replying with another 'good morning.'

"Heh, soo..are you worried for midterms? I'm not too worried, because my dad got a tutor! He's like..super old—but really smart!" Becky said and Anya shrugged.

"The chances of Papa and Mama kissing in front of Anya balances with Anya's scores." She said determinedly, and Becky gasped slightly.

"Seriously? You've never seen your parents kiss before? You've never seen my Loid kiss!?" She gasped again and Anya nodded, and she had Becky heartbroken. Becky is too obsess with Papa..

"Well..if my Loid is happy with her, I'll help you, Anya-Chan! I'll show you everything I know!" Becky stated and Anya smiled, feeling just as exhilarated as she did, vise versa. They walked back to class happily and more excited, while Damian was watching from afar.

"Damian-Sama, why are you looking at the lame raccoon girl?" Emile asked and he immediately snapped out of his trance. He angrily looked over and snapped.

"Dammit! No I'm not! Stop assuming such things!" He yelled and the two of them jolted back, also drawing a few kids' attention. Anya and Becky looked over too, and Becky sighed.

"Gosh, he's so hotheaded." Becky sighed and rolled her eyes, while Anya was daydreaming a bit. Second son's name sounds like dammit, hehe. She giggled and they walked to class, finally making it to first period.

"Good morning students." Housemaster had said, same the whole class responded back with the same 'hello.' Everybody had settled down and taken their seats, taking out their textbooks and notebooks. The housemaster took something from the drawer in the desk in front of him.

"I will now be taking roll call." He started reciting names off the sheet, and more & more students raised their hands, reporting back to his call. It kept going until it reached Damian's.

"Damian Desmond." The Housemaster said, and there was no response. He repeated his name again, and still no response. Saying it one more time with no response, he finally walked up to him and said sternly.

"Damian Desmond. Quit daydreaming before I punish you with a tonitrus bolt." He said and Damian finally snapped out of his trance again.

"Y-yes, sir." Damian frowned and a bit and the Housemaster walked back to the front. He gritted his teeth as Emile and Ewen looked at him sadly. Dammit, she had me not focusing again! Now I might get myself in trouble..He clenched his fist and had his hand pressed against his cheek, and elbow on the table.

I don't know why I keep telling myself I want to help her..but something's telling me to not, because she's a commoner! But if I do..I'll be able to help her, and maybe they'll reward me because I helped someone! And..I could get a stella! And father can finally notice me! He smiled slightly and felt satisfied with his plan. I'll asked after class then.


The bell rang and students left classrooms as they started getting ready for lunch. They packed their bags and left, while Anya was waiting for Becky. Damian had told Ewen and Emile to go ahead, and to not wait for him. They nodded and left, and so he approached the two girls. Nobody had noticed him, so he cleared his throat to draw their attention.

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