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"You look..really happy, today, Yor-senpai! Is your husband doing anything special? Anniversary? Honeymoon?" Camilla smirked and took a step closer to Yor. "Huh? Oh, it's nothing like that!" Millie gasped and ran over next to Camilla. "Are you pregnant, Yor? Are you having your first child!?" Yor blushed and Camilla glared at Millie, murmuring a few words. "No..I'm not pregnant! It's just a date, and I already have a step-daughter!" Sharon raised her eyebrow and Camilla finally understood. "Ohh! I forgot, you do have a daughter! You know..since they both go to Eden, your kid and Sharon's should probably go meet up someday!" Camilla suggested and Sharon shrugged. "I'm not sure if they're in the same halls, but we could give it a try." Millie and Camilla looked over at Yor and asked, "What 'hall', is your child in, Yor-senpai?" "Er..uhm, h-hall? Yes, hall..something that starts with a C?" Sharon placed the cigarette and pushed it down onto the ashtray. "Cecile hall? Then, I'm pretty sure they don't. But, I mean, it'd be nice to do so anyways. What about tomorrow?" "Y-yes! That'd be nice..I think Anya would be willing to?" She smiled and Sharon nodded. "Enough about children, now. Let's talk about guys!"


"Thank you, both of you, for coming in today." Handler put her hands together as Twilight nodded. "It was no problem, but what's the issue?" Nightfall asked and Twilight nodded again. "It's an important mission. Nightfall, you're being targeted. Garden, they want to kill you." Her eyes widened as Twilight looked over with a confused expression. "Doesn't Garden only go after the bad ones? Why is Nightfall on it?" Handler shrugged and closed her eyes. "It doesn't make sense, but the only thing we can do now is kill the assassins." Twilight shook his head in response. "No, we can't go through with that. If we kill them, it only gives them another reason to kill us." "What else should we do then, Twilight?" Handler raised an eyebrow with a suspicious look. "Shouldn't we instead pretend to go into hiding, and let them think WISE was taken down by the SSS?" Handler scoffed and forced a fake laughter. "That's the most stupidest idea I've ever heard, Twilight. We're going through with my idea." Senpai's ideas are always amazing, don't underestimate him. Twilight sighed as he placed the hat back on. "Can't this cause some type of trouble between WISE and Garden? The SSS will catch on sooner or later. Isn't this another reason to cause war, even though Desmond isn't involved? He'll find a reason to join in later, and everything won't be so easy sooner or later." Nightfall nodded with agreement as Handler put her hand to her chin. "Actually, you might be brighter than I thought, Twilight. Then let's not go into fighting. But, if anyone or anything pulls a move on the assassination, then we take that assassin out. Nightfall, if you're being attacked or hunted down, call the agency and we'll get the agents on them." "Sounds like a plan."

Twilight left the agency and walked out of the photo booth. What's with Nightfall? WISE is a known agency, but it isn't known for its 'evil' doing. Nightfall isn't doing anything suspicious, right? Loid knew today was his day off, but he'd just tell Anya and Yor that it wasn't, so it didn't cross their minds that he had went somewhere else. Especially the neighbors, the first thing they'd thought of would be him cheating. To be honest, all of their "conspiracy" theories were getting out of hand. One day, they had went over for a playdate with their kids. The moment one of the moms had accidentally open their a door to their room, there was a stack of papers and photos of Loid, walking over to one place and another. When Yor and Loid had seen it, it was all mixed feelings. Shock, creeped out, scared, worried for these peoples mental health, all sort of it. Was this a cult of a bunch of stalkers', or the Gods telling them that we really need to get the police involved? It seemed extreme, but Loid thought it was a good one. It would finally get them off their tails, and considering the fact of many women being sent to prison for the tiniest of things, they'd back off. Besides, Yuri was part of the SSS. Seeing that Yor was involved, he'd throw these women in a cell in no time. But, on the same time... The idea of Loid cheating, causing Yor to leave him, seemed brilliant to Yuri! But, if we were being realistic here, he'd take his job seriously, and he'd be willing to get rid of the three of them.

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