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It was the same situation, again. They all sat there, awkwardly. Nobody uttered a word out of their mouth. Even the dog didn't want to say anything. Loid looked a bit confused but wasn't sure what was going on. They're both quiet, they must've been discussing about me, among themselves..or they've talked about me behind my back! What if they leave me last second, Operation STRIX is done for! Loid looked taken aback. His eyes widened in some type of worried look, and he swiftly exchanged looks with the both of them. Papa and Mama were flirting! Anya rubbed her hands together and snickered under her breath. Operation STRIX might crumble! It might just fall apart! Yor ate a bit of her food and looked uncomfortable. I couldn't tell, was that Loid or somebody else last night who had attempting to strangle me? What did I do wrong? I thought I slipped my hands perfectly through and.. Yor's eyes stared down to her plate as Anya giggled. Heh, mama and papa flirt! Anya could hear them! She cheekily grinned and had the whole thing in her head. Bond laid back down in the corner and scratched his head. If only Anya had known what really happened.

The silence is killing me! Loid balled his fist and felt irritated as the idea went through his mind. He swallowed and looked back down to the clipboard in his hand. Next patient should be around 34 seconds. He looked back up to the clock and watched it turn, slowly. The quiet, and slow, ticking played through his mind as he waited the hand to rest at 4:20. At that second, somebody had walked into the room. Dr. Forger had his attention gazed at the woman, she was in blonde hair, and had green eyes. Her lipstick was somewhat a dark red. "Welcome—Ms. Redwood. How's your day been going so far?" She settled down and placed her handbag on her lap, protecting it like it was her child. "Twilight. Take a hint." Loid had finally noticed it was Handler, but he didn't let that emotion slip onto his face. "Is there any updates on Operation STRIX you'd like to share?" He felt like he was the one being interrogated now—or interviewed. He looked down to his fidgeting hands, and stared back up to Handler. He lifted his arm and started to talk. "There's this uneven tension between the thre-four, of us. I've already suspected something has been going on, Yor. She's leaving at late hours for business meetings. Last night, some commotion had went on and it seems like there's something unspoken." Sylvia sighed and brought her fingers to her forehead. "Twilight, we've talked about this before! Talk it out with your family, maybe even choke some secrets out of them for goodness sake." She sighed and Twilight felt a bit ashamed. "You're one of WISE'S top agents, and yet—one of the most easiest topics to cover is what you're struggling on! Do you see where we're sitting right now?" She pointed around the room. "Your job! You talk to people about their feelings! You're a therapist at this point!" He nodded and was determined to make sure he'd get this issue solved.

Loid was basically sobbing into his pillow. That "comforting" chat wasn't so much of a success. Bond had scurried over for pats on the head and affection every five seconds, and Anya wailed and begged for Yor and Loid to start making out. Loid had brought Yor to his room to talk more seriously about the matter and maybe it wouldn't have been so complicated if Yor hadn't kicked him in the chin. Loid was still tipsy but the whole situation replayed in his mind in seconds. I was just trying to talk to her! I got a bit closer and she flinched! Sooner or later, she brought the tip of her shoes to my face and sent me flying! He was literally hit against the wall and back to the floor. Yor helped him up and kept apologizing before Loid had calmed her down and let her leave the room. Dammit, this is bullshit! What was a good idea as in just "choking" the words and secrets out of Yor? Loid already helped himself to heal his wounds but nonetheless, the talk hadn't gone so smoothly as he expected. What was he doing wrong? What even happened last night? Did somebody break in with a gun? Threaten her? Had some type of information about her? Blackmail? Loid hysterically cried while he lied on the bed. What the fuck happened.

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