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   "So you'd think I-we, wouldn't notice?" Loid crossed his arms as he stared coldly at both Franky and Anya. Yor just stood there, acting like she knew everything. Yor nodded for no reason. "What do ya mean?" Franky chuckled to try to blow off the steam and put his hand on Loid's shoulder. "You two, come with me. Yor, you can stay out here." She nodded again as Loid picked up Anya and dragged Franky along with him. He shoved them inside to his room and started to raise his voice. "Why would you try to mess up me and Yor's date?" He balled his hand into a fist as Franky started to nervously laugh again. "Haha..L-Loid! We'd never..Anya wouldn't! Why would you think she'd do such?" Franky responded in more of a baby voice as he stood behind Anya. "Papa, scruffy wanted to spy on you!" Anya pointed at Franky as his jaw dropped and Loid softly chuckled. "A-ah! Anya! One way to rat me out.." Franky murmured under his breath as Loid glared at Franky sharply. "Don't do it again, Franky. Or else you'll regret it." Loid pointed at the door as Franky gritted his teeth and left the room. Heh..Anya's getting better at her missions!


     "Good morning, Anya-Chan!" Becky ran over while she fixed her beret and slowed down as she reached Anya's speed. "Good morning, Becky." Becky sighed as she stared at the path that they were walking on. "Are you nervous about midterms? It's today!" Anya gasped as she looked at the clock. "Anya didn't study white Papa!" She could feel and hear the beating in her heart as Becky smiled warmly. "Ah, the thought of my Loid makes me feel better! Thanks, Anya-Chan! I feel so much better!" Becky smiled as she closed her eyes and let out another soft, and more relaxed, sigh. If only it was that easy for Anya.. Anya looked back down with a bit more of a gloomy expression. "Sorry, Anya-Chan, was I not suppose to say that?" Anya shrugged. "It's okay, Becky." If Loid wasn't a spy, and he was Anya's biological father, then Anya wouldn't have felt that sad. She just wasn't sure if her dad's love for her was real. After the mission, he'd leave them. Anya wasn't looking, and had bumped into somebody. "Ah!" Anya fell down as she looked up and saw Damian, with his two lackeys behind him. Anya gasped as she got back up and Ewen & Emile stepped forward in front of Damian. "You commoner! Don't get your filth on bossman's clothes!" They pushed her back down and she stared back at them blankly. "Shitheads." Anya murmured as Damian blushed in embarrassment and the two of them continued to yell at her. "Don't call him that!" "Yeah!" Becky helped her back up and scoffed. "Shut up! You don't that to girls!" Becky took Anya's wrist as she dragged her away from them. Anya stared at Damian and he looked back. "Second son?" She quietly whispered and he blushed as she said that. Commoner..

"Keep your eyes on your own paper, and you may begin the test!" The teacher raised the ruler in his hand and begun the test. Anya stared at the test as she looked down at it. Anya must do good so Papa & Mama will be proud! So Anya can also help Papa with his mission! Anya looked down at her test as she read each question. T-time..Anya and Bond looked at the big bong clock Anya should know! Anya felt the tension in her shoulders as she tried to recall the time. Mmm! If the long hand is at the 6 little mark thingy..and the smaller one is at the very should be..err..t-twelve? 12:30? Papa says to count by 5s..5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, f-30! The time is 12:30! What if it's the other side...n-no, it's 6:00? No, 12:30! Anya wrote it down as she let out a relieved sigh. Like Papa says, the world is in danger, if Anya doesn't become an impwerial scooter, Papa's mission will fail! Second son's Papa will kill Mama & Papa..Becky will die..second son will die..Bond will die..A-Anya will die! Anya has to help Papa! She shooed away the dark thoughts and put on a determined face as she stared at the board. Anya will save world peace! And Anya will save Papa's mission!


The bell rang as the students put their pencils down and looked back up. "Times up, you may hand your papers over as you are leaving the class!" Students got up and left their chairs as they walked to the teacher and left the classroom. Anya got up as well and walked over as Becky handed hers in and waited for Anya. "That was so intense! How do you think you did, Anya-Chan?" Becky asked and Anya shrugged again. "Anya did ok, Anya just hopes she did good enough for Papa." Becky gasped with adoration and hugged Anya. "That's so sweet, Anya-Chan! I hope you do just as good!" She smiled and Anya smiled back. "Fank you, Becky!" Anya giggled as Becky laughed as well. "Anyways, I'm starving! Hopefully they have something good this time..especially since we took midterms!" Becky exclaimed and Anya nodded with agreement. "Will they have peanuts for Anya?" "Hmm..I don't think so, but I could bring some for you if you'd want." Anya gasped and nodded. "Yes, please, Becky!" "Of course! We're best friends, I'd do anything for you!" "Would Anya get a lifetime of peanuts then?" Becky sheepishly giggled as she took off her beret. "Heh, uhm, maybe. I don't know if I could get that much!" Anya kept a smile on anyways and they took a step closer in the line. They both picked up their meals and sat down. "Lord Damian! Look, it's the punks!" Emilie pointed out as they walked past them and laughed. "Ugh, what's their problem? We didn't even do anything wrong!" Ewen and Emile ran back over and started talking again. "Yeah, like that punch wasn't anything!" "You didn't even say sorry!" Anya looked down and stared at her food. "Anya did say sorry! And quite frankly, she didn't even have to!" Becky replied as they continued to yell at each other.


      "Papa! Mama! Anya's home!" Anya opened the door and walked inside as Bond ran up to her and started to lick her face. "Bond!" She fell to the floor as she laughed from the ticklish feeling, and Loid stepped outside to help her up. "Welcome back, how'd midterms go?" She shrugged as she dusted off whatever dust there was on her uniform. "Anya's starting to understand. Can we have hamburg steak for dinner then?" She asked and smiled. It doesn't work that "I mean, sure. Since you're slowly starting to adapt to the studies and tests, then we can celebrate it, I guess." Anya smiled wider and jumped around as Bond tailed around her. "Yay! Anya will go study in her room then!" She ran off as Bond followed behind her and Loid softly smiled. This is good for Operation STRIX, Anya's grades are slowly improving, and it's going well. I'm not sure if she wants another dog, or an award for something, though. Loid walked over to the couch and sat back down as he read the newspaper., B cipher. There's another side mission? You can't be serious.. Loid sighed as he got up and took his coat off the rack. "Hey, Anya. I'm going to the supermarket. Stay here and study, don't run off anywhere unless Yor is home." "Okay!" Anya yelled back as Loid left the apartment. These new missions are starting to get out of hand, I can't even have one moment to play the everyday father role for STRIX.

    Loid reached the photo booth as he stepped inside and took his picture. The seat slowly elevated down as the elevator door opened up and revealed the agency. He stepped inside and walked towards Handler's desk, with a few agents greeting him on the way. "I got a B cipher, what's the problem." Handler fixed her hat as she folded her hands together. "Nice seeing you, Agent Twilight. This mission requires two field agents, which'll be you and Franky." Shit..I'm not sure if he's still mad at me or not.. "Your mission is just like the one you did quite awhile back. There's stolen jewelry from some unknown country, and has hidden in somewhere. I had some agents find some leads on where they could've taken it, and where they come from. Your mission is to get the jewelry back, and bring in the people who stole it." She slid a folder to Twilight as he picked it up and looked through its contents. "Group of 5? This won't take long, will it?" Handler shrugged as she got up. "Well, you need to perform this late at night. The five of them only appear at times around midnight, so this won't be such a problem." He nodded as he put the folder away while asking one more question. "Is there anything else?" She shook her head and sat back down. "No, there's nothing else. After this, I'll give you a break."

A break?

"As in, from missions?" Handler nodded and softly smiled.

"Go have some fun with your family."

word count : 1635

A/N : hi guys! sorry that yesterday I didn't post anything, I was basically sleep deprived and couldn't keep up! hope this is good for you guys and have a good day/night!

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