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     Yor sat on the sofa as she read a magazine about "100 Ways to Please Your Husband." She felt embarrassed reading this, but she had to. It was for the sake of her and Loid's relationship. Camilla and Sharon had offered her this since they had been observing her motion so carefully. "Guys! That's so mean!" Camilla scoffed and rolled her eyes. "For the love of god, shut up Millie! You were literally laughing earlier too! Don't act like you weren't!" Yor didn't even realize they were talking behind her back but she took the book politely. Am I really such a bad wife? She flipped to the next one, specifically 34. Step 34, know how to cook. Damn, this was something Yor might've needed to skip. But this was such an important chapter, according to the author, of course. Yor slowly scanned the whole page of the article, it talked about how cooking was such an important chapter for females in relationships. Yor didn't know that this article was slightly sexist, but she got up and picked up the phone. She dialed Loid's hospital and sent a call to Loid's floor. Like always, he didn't respond. He was always so busy! Yor couldn't blame him, he worked hard. The beep had went off and interrupted Yor's thought. She waited a few seconds before actually talking. "Hello? Loid, I have a request for you, when you come home."

  Anya was excited to get back home. She just wanted to see Loid and Yor again, or her parents. She got off the bus and skipped back to the apartment. She knocked on the door and waited there. "Mama! Papa!" She stared at the door and waited for somebody to open the door. Yor opened the door and used her hand to blow a bit of air to her face. She was tying her apron onto her back, and she had her hair back in a ponytail. Loid walked behind her and moved his hair to the side. "Welcome back, Anya-San!" "Mama! Are you and Papa flirting?" She blushed and shook her hand with her hands in her face. "No! We aren't.." "Why would you think we're flirting, Anya? I don't think Becky is a good influence on you." She shook her head and pleaded with Loid. "No, Papa! Becky is Anya's only friend!" She pulled onto Yor's apron and hugged her. "Anya is sorry!" She started to run to her room. "Anya won't disturb Mama and Papa anymore!" She ran in and closed the door. "Don't scare her so much, Loid!" "Don't worry, Anya knows I don't mean it." They walked back to the kitchen and Loid looked at the cookbook. "Do you want to go by recipe or maybe try something ourselves?" "I don't mind anything!" Loid drifted his fingers around on the cookbook and stopped to point at one. "Let's try something simple, shrimp pasta. It's an easy one in the book, apparently." Yor nodded and took out a cooking board from a drawer. Loid got some shrimp out of the freezer. "Loid, what if I mess up from the book, and the dinner doesn't taste good?" Loid had a comforting smile. "Don't worry Yor, I'll step it out, each way."

  Anya was scared to eat. She held her fork hesitantly and chuckled. "Mama..this food..lo-oks good!" Loid stared down Anya and she sweated at his glare. Just eat it Anya, it isn't so bad. Besides, I helped Yor make it. Just eat it. Yor held her hands together. Hopefully she likes it! I don't think it'll be bad, Loid helped me make it! She kept a smile on and waited for Anya to take a bite. She could feel their eyes all over her, and she didn't want to make either of them upset. Just eat it, Anya! Shaking, Anya dived her fork into the pasta and swallowed nervously. If Anya dies, then all of her stuff goes to Bond! But my inside tummy stuff will go to the grave with me.. She took the fork and brought it closer to her mouth. Before eating it, she looked at Loid. Just. Eat. It. Loid's thoughts had made it seem like he was just about to explode, but he kept a cool face on. "I— It's ok, Anya-San. You don't need to eat it if you don't want to!" A wave of guilt hit Anya and Loid's death stare didn't help, at all. Please don't die! She ate the forkful of pasta. Surprisingly, it was actually a bit good. Anya's eyes didn't widen and sparkle, like how she use to when something tasted nice. But, it was improvement. At least she wasn't on the ground and hysterically choking. "You like it, Anya?" Anya nodded. It just needed a bit more seasoning, and it'd be fine. "Mama, the pasta is good!" She continued to eat more and Yor clapped her hands happily. I can finally cook something besides stew! Yor had felt fantastic and appreciated Loid's help. "Thank you, Loid!" "It was nothing, Yor. I could help you anytime." Anya giggled while chewing. "Heh, Papa and Mama are flirting!" Yor shook her head and Loid looked towards Anya again. "Anya, no we aren't! Just eat your food, we need to study later." "Noo! Anya doesn't want to study!" She quickly ate the food on her plate and ran to her room. Loid let out a sigh. "Anya's so stubborn sometimes.." Yor walked over and placed her hands onto his shoulders. "Don't stress out about it, Loid. Anya's just being a child! Once she's all grown up, she'll start to realize how important her studies are to stay in Eden!" Loid had a small beam from on his face from Yor's soft smile. "Yes, maybe she will. Thank you, Yor." Her smile, full of sunshine, had lit up the room. "Of course!"

  Loid had walked into his room after putting Anya to sleep. Of course, he had to force Anya to study first. After Yor had been done washing the dishes, she kind of, disappeared. She just wasn't around and he wasn't sure why. She's probably in her room. Loid felt a bit suspicious so he knocked on the door of Yor's room. "Yor-San, are you there?" He waited for a response, but nothing came out. Didn't she say something about cleaning the house? He went back outside to check one more time. He looked around the house for a bit. Loid decided just to walk into Yor's room to see if she was there. "Yor?" He lightly pushed opened the door, and he looked around. Standing near the mirror was Yor, in her Thorn Princess uniform. She was looking at herself in it, was she admiring herself, or something? Loid couldn't help but think it was agreeable if she thought she had looked nice, Yor pretty much did. With Loid staring, Yor had noticed and felt embarrassed. She covered the parts that had her upper body exposed and shook her head. "I'm sorry, Loid! I didn't mean for you to see me like this!" Loid just basically stood there, staring. He realized Yor had said something after noticing the  heavy red hue on her face. Damn it, I've been staring! He slapped himself and brought himself back to reality. "I'm sorry Yor! I di-" "Don't slap yourself, Loid." She walked over and touched his cheek. "Are you ok?" This time, Loid had that red hue on his face. Shit, she's close. He sheepishly chuckled and swallowed the bowling ball in his throat. "Yeah, I'm fine, are you?" Yor looked at him confusingly. "Yes? Is something wrong?" This was awkward. "Oh- I- sorry, I didn't mean to say that. I-ah, meant to say— you look nice." She blushed even more and slightly looked down at herself. "Oh, thank you, L-Loid! But, you should head to bed. I'll change." Loid nodded and left the room.

  Loid sat on his chair and stared at the files on the desk. Intersection of 42 and 17 avenue? He sighed and put his hands in his hair, laying his head to the top of the chair. God, even more missions? Can't Handler have somebody to take care of these side missions? He sighed and closed the files as he looked back up to the clock. 12:43 AM? Geez, I should head to bed soon. Somebody had knocked on Loid's door. Who could it be? Loid moved his hair back and walked over, opening the door. "Yor? Why are you still awake? It's nearly 1:00 AM." She folded her hands and looked a bit tired. "Sorry Loid, I don't mean to disturb you! I just saw that your light was still on, so I just wanted to check if you were alright! Are you?" He nodded. "Thank you for caring, Yor. Yes, I'm ok. But you need to go to sleep, or else you can't focus tomorrow." "Alright, but could I sleep here for tonight-?" Yor smiled awkwardly and Loid's ears and face went red. "I-uh, did something happen?" "I mean, not really. I was just reading something earlier today, and.." She went on to explain about how the magazine said something about couples should always take the chance to get closer to each other, unless there was something going on. Yor didn't want it to seem like they were fighting, so she just wanted to try it out. God, I don't think she remembers what happened last time she left me in the same room as her.. He couldn't deny her cute face and how she pushed the hair out of her face and behind her ear. Loid couldn't tolerate her standing there, so he let her in. "Y-yes, you can, Yor." She smiled happily and Loid let her in. "Thank you, Loid-San!" "No worries. Let's head to bed for now, then. It's pretty late. We both have work tomorrow, too." She nodded and laid down. "Alright, goodnight, Loid." She pulled the covers over herself as Loid got on beside her. "Goodnight, Yor."

word count : 1724

A/N : hi guys! sorry ik this one is dry asf and this wasn't really going anywhere soo lol. but tmrw it'll def get better sooo yeah. have a good day/night!

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