chptr 9,,''

312 13 4

As Loid put down Yor onto the couch, Yor thanked Loid and touched his hand. Loid smiled and said, "Do you want anything to drink?" Yor shook her head, "No, I'll be alright!" He nodded back and left to the kitchen to make himself tea and hot cocoa for Anya. Fiona glared at them when she noticed how he had started to shake a bit. He can't be falling in love with this freak? She can't tutor the child correctly, and not only can she not cook, she's in a horrible state right now! She'll slow down the mission, and she can't even get a hold of herself when she drinks! Horrible.. Loid had looked at his hand and lightly blushed. Dammit it's doing it again! Whenever he felt like somebody touched him affectionately he would spasm a bit. He put his hand down, trying to concentrate on making the drinks so he wouldn't spill any. He was able to and placed the drinks on the coffee table. "You want anything, Fiona?" "No, it's quite alright, Dr. Forger." She started to speak again with the spy dialect. "The potatoes are on good price for this week. (Why were you shaking earlier?)" Loid had seem to get the idea and looked at Fiona. "Oh, are they? I might just go get some for this weeks dinner then. (What do you mean? I wasn't.)" "Definitely, they're on sale for at least 15% off I believe. (Yes you were! Did she do something to you?)" "Alright. Can I also have a word with you, Fiona? (Stop it, we're going to the other room.)" Fiona got up and followed Loid to his room. Perhaps he wants to ask me something about the mission and getting rid of her! Yor looked up and whispered to herself. "Are they talking about me?" She frowned and looked down, putting her hands the side.

Loid allowed Fiona to walk in first and locked the door behind him. "So what?" "Fiona, first of all, the shop's ideas are getting old. We need a new topic." "Is that it?" "No, secondly, I was not shaking. What had you think of such?" Fiona had got up and pushed Loid onto the bed. "Loid, I think this Yor women is getting to your head. You've been lately. The other day you couldn't even look at her in the eyes without you turning red! Did something happen?" Loid sighed and put his hand to his face. "No, nothing happened. All that happened was just me and her..having a serious talk the other day." It was more then that. Loid was just trying to find an excuse to talk to Yor more often because he had started to develop something, but he kept pushing it away. He didn't know why. Fiona went silent when the room did too. "Did she hurt you?" Loid shook his head. "No, we just had to talk about something then." Fiona had pushed him, back on the sheets. She pulled up his shirt collar and said, "Tell me when you were talking about." Dammit, I knew those upper body lessons were no good for her, she's gotten stronger! Loid had pretend to cough like he was being choked. She loosened his grip and lifted her hand, sitting down on the bed with him. "Sorry, but answer the question." He sighed and started to talk. "All I said was about..the..Eden school. We might need to apply more documents about it to keep Anya on." "That's no use to talk about!" Fiona got up and left the room. Before she turned the knob, she said, "Tell them we were taking about marketing." "Marketing what??" Fiona left.

Anya was looking at the television, watching Spy Wars. Yor looked around and saw Fiona coming out of the room with Loid behind her, sweating. Yor looked up at his confusion. "Are you ok, Loid-San?" Loid looked at Yor and said, "Yeah, I'm ok!" She smiled as Fiona picked up her coat and scarf from the rack. "I think I'll be heading my way now. It was nice seeing you, Dr. Forger." He nodded and Anya waved as Yor waved too. She opened the door and left, closing it behind her.

I really don't understand, how could Loid go waste time for the mission to go look for somebody that suits the role of a wife and choose..her? The handler could've just dialed me for it! She clutched her fists as she looked back up and used the elevator to go back downstairs. As she clicked the button and walked inside of it, she turned back around and the doors closed. She's definitely in the way. Loid is now so..unsteady. It's like sometimes he's so unprepared for anything!

Loid went to the kitchen and decided to start to make dinner. As he checked the fridge, he realized there wasn't much groceries. He went over to the coating rack and took his coat, hat, and keys. "I'm going to go to the store to pick up some groceries. Anya, make sure you don't do anything naughty. Yor, just rest and heal yourself. I don't want you to get even more hurt then you already are." Yor and Anya nodded as Loid made his exit. Yor got up and walked toward's Loid's room. She opened it and looked around. She slapped herself lightly when she realized she was staring at his bed. Stop it, Yor! Don't be so nosy.. She closed the door gently and walked to her own room. She sat down and sighed, why am I snooping around? I can't be jealous of the bond between Fiona and Loid, right? She got up again and looked down at herself, cut up arms and legs, and 2 broken ribs. She sat back down and sighed lightly as she dazed off to sleep.

Loid came back with groceries from the shops and a few secretive files from the agency. He placed the groceries on the table as Anya ran over to give him a hug. "Papa!" He pat her head lightly and said, "is Yor home?" Anya nodded and pointed at Yor's room. "Mama is in there." He nodded as he went over and opened the door and took a peek. Yor was asleep again. He walked over and tucked the strands of hair on her face behind her ear. She looked so soft and fragile as he took a blanket and placed it on her. He bended down and finally decided to take a peck. She's soft. He turned back around to go make dinner.

Yor yawned as she got up and walked over to the light to turn it on. She walked to the mirror and used a comb next to her and brushed our her hair. When she was ready, she used her headband to bring it back and walked outside to eat. "Oh, Yor-San, your awake." "Yeah, sorry that I was asleep for so long!" "No worries, just come sit down." Anya ran over and sat down on her chair. "Mama!" Anya for off again and hugged Yor. "After dinner, you need to study and then go to sleep. "Anya doesn't want to study!" "You need to, or else you might get kicked out of Eden." Anya gasped dramatically. She could think of all the scenarios in her head of what could've happened. Anya nodded and said, "Papa, Anya will try her best in school so I can get peanuts!" He nodded in approval and set her meal down. "Yay!" She started to eat her meal one by one and by time it was 7:40, she was done. "Papa, can Anya play with Bond and then study?" Loid sighed. "Alright, just this once." Anya ran over to Bond and hugged his head. Yor got up to do the dishes but Loid stopped her. "No, it's ok Yor. You need to rest or else you can't heal. Here, take your painkillers." "Oh..thank you, Loid-San." She took the painkillers and insisted on helping. "I don't mind, you should rest.." she said, as she tilt and laid her head on Loid's upper arm. Loid place his hands around Yor's arms and firmly said, "No, I'll do them." He gently pushed Yor out of the kitchen and went back doing the dishes. Yor's heart bumped as she walked over to her room. She covered her eyes with her palms.

Later on, everybody was ready to head to bed and Yor went to go put Anya to sleep. As she turned off her light and closed the door, Loid had pinned Yor too the wall. Yor blushed a light pink as her jaw slowly dropped. Is this too early? Loid started to doubt himself but it was probably already too late. He gently kissed Yor's soft lips. Yor's eyes widened as he did. As he let go, Yor was rose red and could barely breath. Loid let go slowly and left to his room. "Goodnight, Yor." He closed his door and left. Yor breathed heavily as she ran to her room and closed the door gently. As she did, she asked herself, what just happened?

word count : 1559

A/N : wanted to add an extra chptr today lol, but have a great day/night everybody!

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