chptr 57,,''

108 5 1

    Loid stared at the ceiling of the room, not being able to sleep. Damn..the idea of a break from missions seemed good at first. But now, everything feels nothing but anxious. He sighed and sat up straight, turning on the lamp. For some reason, Loid felt paranoid. It was like now that there was nothing to keep him occupied, he wouldn't be running around in the dark. Of course, he still had mission with Franky. But, it'd be the last one for the month. He pushed his hair to the side as he got up and waited, until there was silence in the Forgers' household. He quietly opened the door and closed it as he walked to the front door and slid on his coat, swiftly closing the door. Leaving no trace behind, he slid past the neighbors and quickly walked down the stairs. Loid already felt a bit off edge. This whole, "last mission for the month" thing, didn't exactly flow on his boat. It just left him to one final question, what would he do for the remaining time?


"You're late! The men already went inside!" Franky whispered and pointed at the shop as Twilight's jaw dropped and took off his hat. "Why didn't you call me?" "Why would I? It's the middle of the night! You say spies should never draw attention to themselves, and look at you! Trying to-" Twilight sighed as he fixed his hair and took out multiple darts. "You have the bag, right?" Franky nodded as Twilight slightly titled his head, aiming for the door. "It's no use going in now, we'll just need to wait for them to leave." "What if they don't come this way!" Franky whispered again as he started to worry about the whole situation. "Don't worry. I already set a trap that locked the backdoor. They're also young corrupted students who're trying to steal jewelry at midnight. The only thing that would cross their mind is the amount of money they can get out of that. They'll leave from the front anyways." Franky smirked as he sat back and yawned. "Then let's sit back, relax, and-" A swift sound of the dart, impacting the breeze went off and a body fell. "John! What the-" Oops, another one. The remaining 3 of them turned around confused and slowly were taken out next. Twilight sighed as he got up and dragged the bodies, picking them up and hanging them over his shoulder. "Get the jewels and let's head back to the agency." Franky ran to the entrance as Twilight opened the trunk and tied each one of them, using a cloth to blind them. In such a cruel word, working to keep their lives. Kind of like Twilight and Franky, besides the whole robbery part. They wanted to keep the others alive. Even if it came to their end.


"Here's the jewelry!" Franky put the sack down on the table as Handler looked through it and gave a thumbs up. "It's all good, no detected bombs. You two did good, I might need to pair you guys up again." She smiled and laughed as Franky forced a laugh back, even though nothing was funny. "Well, I'll be taking my leave then. See you soon." Twilight tipped his hat as he was about to leave the agency. "You got them, Franky?" He asked and Franky nodded. "Agents are already getting them." Twilight nodded and left. Finally, the works over with. Twilight, now Loid, was thinking of different ideas to spend time with the Forgers. How would they spend the weekend? Perhaps going to the park? Somewhere fun? Well, anywhere that amused Anya was good enough. But, Yor's happiness and level of enjoyment she felt at those moments also mattered. Where's a place both Yor and Anya would enjoy? He started to think of multiple places they could go to. Don't panic, Twilight. There's still two days until the weekends. You have time to rethink it through and make a plan. He sighed and continued to walk on the cold and empty streets. The quietness was always peaceful, especially on breezy nights like this. He glanced back up and saw that he wasn't that far from the apartment complex. As Loid pushed the door aside and stepped inside, something pressed against his head.

Don't turn around, Twilight.

This didn't seem right. Twilight? Held at gunpoint? This was definitely expected, especially that it was around 2:00 in the morning. He heard a faint chuckle from behind him as his eyes looked behind. Who was this? He couldn't identify who this new face was..

"And they call you the greatest spy of the West, huh? Ha."

The voice, it was a male's. It didn't seem young, but as if this was a teenager. Maybe possibly around the age of 16-20? The first thing went to his mind was the teens they had taken. Did one of them sneak out?

"Turn around to follow me to my car and listen to my orders. Or else." You could hear the gun click and it was loaded. Dammit, what the hell do I do? Twilight nodded and followed him inside, stepping into the car. The man laughed and got in the front seat, turning on the engine as he mumbled something.

"Yeah, yeah..Westalis's great spy. What a shitty joke, ha!" He laughed more as he turned the steering wheel and started to take off. Where are we going.. By the looks of it, it seemed like they were heading towards downtown, which was near a hideout the group use to stay at, but abandoned after the SSS found them before. Around 20 minutes later, they had pulled up and parked at least 3 blocks behind the street. The guy got out and opened the door, pushing Twilight out. Analyzing the surroundings, it was definitely the abandoned hideout. They walked inside and the man sat Twilight down, turning around and looking through some sort of cupboard. "Sit tight and be a good boy, won't-"

There was only one thing you could hear.


The youngster knew he was fucked. Twilight held the gun to his head and whispered. "Don't try to run. It won't end good for you." The guy nodded and held his hands up.

The jokes on him, he was gonna die anyways.


"The only thing we can do is kill him, he already saw my face." Twilight said as Handled nodded and got up. "Alright, then the choice has been made. Head back home, I'm the Handler. I'll handle him." Twilight nodded as he fixed his tie and straightened his sleeve. Some new type of humor, was that pun intended or what? But that was all to the side. Now, finally, he was out of trouble's way. Letting out a sigh, he walked a bit more faster to the apartment complex. By now, it was probably almost 3:00. As he walked on the street, it was fully empty. Nobody to be seen in sight. What the world might look like..if I don't complete STRIX. He was right. If Donovan had gotten away and won, Ostania would die. WISE possibly wouldn't die, since it's a secret agency for the West. But, Yor and Anya would. Even Bond would die or fall back into the whole terrorist situation again. Forced into more painful experiments as well. This really had him thinking.


The thought of loosing Anya, Yor, Bond. The Forgers. It would come to an end.

Loid had thought through the whole process, and made a decision he'd at least let Yor keep Anya, or have her find a better orphanage. Yor. He planned to at least try and stay in contact with her. Bond could possibly stay with her or find a better adoption center. He sighed and stepped inside the apartment, trying to stay the most quiet as possible. Surprisingly, the living room's lights were still on. Yor had a magazine in her hand, but she had already fallen to asleep. Yor? Why is she asleep here..was she waiting..for somebody? Me-? Loid blushed a bit as he stepped closer and looked at her. A pillow helped her head lay more comfortably, and her eyes were graciously shut closed. He blushed a bit more at the sight of her. The Forgers.. Staring a bit lower down, he had his eyes all over her body. His eyes suddenly grew wider as he backed up. Dammit! What the hell are you doing, Twilight! Yor's too innocent for this..she probably doesn't even know a thing about the birds & the bees! He rubbed his eyes and softly had a smile fade onto his face. Picking up Yor, he slowly and gently stepped inside her room and placed her on the bed. He took the blanket and covered her body, closing the door behind him with a sigh.

The Forgers..

Missions can wait, spy jobs can wait.

Family, always comes first.

word count : 1574

A/N : hi guys! happy Friday and sorry for posting this late and not writing in weds & thurs again! might just be a schedule atp! also, tysm for 3.1k reads and 70+ votes! it means so much that you guys still read the fanfic, even if I don't release daily writes! there will be more chapters to come, and more chapters to enjoy! (hopefully) tysm again, and have a good day/night!

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