chptr 28,,''

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It had been at least a month since the incident in the building. Luckily, everything was intact and residents were able to retrieve lost items in the building. What Loid worried most about was his files and classified documents inside. Hopefully they don't decide to go peek through it, it might seem "illegal" to them or some sort. That uneasy feeling had kept Loid distracted for a while. Just then, a hand was waving in his face. Anya looked up at him. Yuri was the one who waved his face. "Helloo? My sister is talking to you!" Loid snapped back and looked to Yuri, then Yor. Yor awkwardly smiled as she laughed a bit. "Oh, no, it's ok. Thank you, Yuri." Yuri scoffed at Loid and sat back down properly. Don't worry, sis! If he ever ignores you again, I'll immediately get this guy killed! A wave of shock sailed through Anya's face in horror. Oh no! Don't kill papa! If you do, unkie, then he'll be dead and I'll be back in the orphanage! Nooo! "I'm sorry, Yor, what was it you were saying?" Yor looked back up to Loid from her plate. "Oh, nothing..I was just asking if you were ok." Loid smiled and nodded at her. God, sis has a type! This man doesn't even have the decency to respond! I'm definitely going to get this man killed! Anya looked back in terror. Noooo! "Unkie" had finally noticed Anya's surges of shock. "Is..she ok or something?" Yor and Loid looked over and Anya nodded. "Yeah..Anya is ok.." Papa definitely won't be after he spaces out into space again!! Loid excused himself from the table and told everybody he had to leave early for his supposed job. Yor didn't suspect a thing, while Anya just knew everything. Yuri, on the other hand, had laid no trust into any word that came out of Loid's mouth. Loid left the house and Yuri's mood seemed to be uplifted, now Yuri had Yor to himself. It wasn't exactly typical siblings behavior, but it was definitely Yuri's.

Yor thanked Yuri as he hugged her one last time. This was one of those time Yuri could only get so close to Yor for so long! Besides their childhood, of course. Today, most of the residents from the apartment complex the Forgers had lived in would be returning to collect stuff and move back into the house. Some stuff was burnt along the way, so those stuff was paid for too. The two of them walked in the line as Yor carried Anya. They walked over and the people handed over the papers and belongings. Something had seemed off with one of the workers. Yor looked up and stared at him in the eye. Loid started to sweat for a second. What the- does she recognize me through this mask?! He gently shook his hand and Yor focused back, taking the bags into her hand. The worker had brought something specific to Yor. "Here, this goes to somebody called Loid Forger. I'm assuming he's your husband?" Yor took the files that were in a folder. "Yes, he is, thank you." She carefully placed it into her purse and walked up the stairs with it. "Miss, do you need help with carrying anything?" "No, it's alright. Thank you for the kind gesture, though." Yor smiled and went up the stairs as the workers' jaws dropped at her strength. Loid shrugged and smiled it off, it was just one of her quirks that made Yor, Yor.

  Yor was trying to make everything look regular like the way it was. She moved the planted pots a few time. Is this how it looked like before? She stood there, moving the pot back and forth. Yor decided to leave it like it was and looked through some other boxes, they weren't labeled at all because how would then know who's stuff was who's? She just decided if she saw something that was Anya or Loid's, she would move it to that room and try not to touch it. She moved a few textbooks to Anya's separate box and found the Penguin she had attempted to stitch up. Oh, it's the penguin! Yor had moved it but her hand slipped and something fell from the penguin. Why is there some..secret code inside of the penguin? Gosh, why was there a secret code in the penguin? Yor pulled it out so she could take a better look. It was some sort of code that had to be decoded with some type of secret language. Yor shook it like she thought something would come out of it. She realized how dumb she looked and placed it down onto the dresser near her. She sat back down on the floor, unraveling and unpackaging more furniture, and a lot more codes, to come.

    Loid walked into the telephone booth and was sent down to the WISE agency. He walked in as a few people greeted him, asking how he was doing after the fire and just generally. He stepped into the office and Handler turned around. She tipped up her black hat that covered her hair, looking up to Loid. "Nice to see you again, Twilight, after these few weeks." He nodded and apologized how he wasn't checking in every once in a while and didn't make any sort of contact. He went on about how the building was set in flames and that he had stayed in his brother-in-law's house for that time being. Handler understood and had let him to sit down across from her. "So, do you have anything new about Operation STRIX? Anything else about it?" Loid nodded. He had been able to picked up a few details about Donovan. He had Franky find some information about him and Donovan attended some type of politic meeting around last week, taking more about the world destruction and war. Franky caught some photos and tapped a clip or 2 until he had to head out before they noticed him. Handler nodded in approval and took the files and got the videos. She thanked Loid for his hard work and sent him back home. He walked down the street and decided he could pick up a few pastries for Anya and Yor. He ordered a small cake and a muffin with tea for Yor. A small treat, but it was simple. He picked up the brown bag and folded it as he walked down the street, the sun was already setting and the orange-yellow sky looked dazzling. Even though red was a totally different color to these two, it reminded him of the beauty of her. The sun's rays settled lightly on his face and the wind blew. It, again, reminded him of Yor's comforting expression and love.

   Loid opened the door and walked into the apartment and looked around for Anya and Yor. Anya was probably in her room, Loid had thought. The first thing he did see was Yor on the floor, having her head rested on a box. She was tired out from all the unboxing, probably, and dazed off before she knew it. He decided to put the pastries away first before coming back. When he did, Loid had smiled and a pink-ish hue laid across Loid's face as he picked her up and brought her to her own room. He laid her down and pulled the covers over her. He bent down to push a strand of hair on her face and pulled back up her sleeve to her shoulder. Before leaving, he had left a peck on Yor's cheek and closed the lights, closing the door quietly behind him. Somebody had giggled in front on him. What the- Anya was standing there, grinning and laughed. "Anya, I thought you were asleep!" Anya nodded mischievously. "Anya was, but she heard papa open the door and woke up! You and mama are flirting!" She ran around Loid and laughed. "Hey, Anya! That isn't nice to make fun of others, you know. Besides, we aren't flirting!" Anya ran off to the living room and pat Bond lightly. She turned on the television and watched Spy Wars as a new episode was ready. Loid walked over to the box Yor had opened and saw a few short pieces of paper on the dresser. What is this? He picked it up and looked through it, scanning it thoroughly. He realized that second that it was some of the secret coded information on the strip. Why was it here though? He picked it up quickly and brought it to his room before anybody else could find it. He would just need to decode it later tonight.

    Loid sat in his room, with his night lamp on. He looked word for word and decoded the messages. Later, it finally cracked. It had said, "This is a message from the WISE AGENCY. You are an agent who's working a crucial part for Operation STRIX. Twilight, please meet us at [address] on Thursday night, 11:40 PM. An important meeting is being held at this address and more details be revealed about Operation STRIX." Seriously, this much just for this short message? Loid didn't want to complain but he just decided to attend and go along. He couldn't do anything about it anyways. He pushed it away into a file on the side and turned off the night lamp, the light turning off for the night.

word count : 1614

A/N : hi guys! hope everybody is doing good and sorry that this note is short lol. have a good day/night!

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