chptr 26,,''

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Yor got up from bed and looked around. She pulled the covers over her body as she straightened her back, scratching her head. She gently pushed her hair behind her shoulder and looked to her left. Loid had his back to Yor as she looked over to him. She looked back over to the chair and saw her dress and towel lying there on it. She got up gently, trying not to wake up Loid, and went to get her stuff. Holding the dress and towel with one hand, she turned the doorknob and exited the room. Yor ran to the bathroom quickly incase Anya came out of her room at any moment. She closed the door lightly and turned back around and let out a sigh. God, what did I do with Loid last night? It's was already obvious what they did, but Yor didn't really want to say it out loud. She also refused to believe that Loid was the one who pulled the cards on her. She decided she'd probably need to take a shower and put the dress in the laundry for now. She turned the water on and stepped inside.

xLoid's POVx

I could feel myself waking up and turning around. I looked to the clock and looked at the time, 6:32 AM. Luckily, today was the weekend so there'd be no need to get up early for work. I pulled himself up and laid against the bed frame as I let out a gentle sigh. I feel a bit soothed today for some odd reason, no idea why. I feel a bit stiff all the time so I looked at my body. God, I'm naked. Why am I naked? I stopped to think for a moment but I could feel the horror rising inside of me. I pulled on the bed sheet and looked at the slightly opened door and heard the shower running. There were 2 pairs of slippers too on the floor next to the bed, though. There was only one answer to this whole thing. I probably got really drunk and somehow slipped up with Yor. Dammit, this was a betrayal to Ostonia. I can't get any closer with this family than I already have, this is for the mission. The Forgers aren't a real thing. I could feel it all flooding back to me, that specific night. I can't allow this to happen again. I need to focus on the mission and all other side things too. The shower stops and I can hear footsteps. I probably shouldn't do anything about it, it's definitely Yor. Things might get awkward quickly. What I do remember is Fiona telling me that she was suppose to be assigned as the new wife? It couldn't be, Handler would never just randomly change the role or assignment midway into the mission. It isn't likely that she would do that. I keep telling myself that I can separate myself from Yor, Anya, and Bond, but I can't. I don't know how to fix it and I thought about coming clean to Handler, but it never ends well in these situations. I don't know what to believe at this point as one of Ostania's best spies, but what I do know is that if she really says something about it, I'm not loosing them.

xFiona's POVx

   I'm really hoping that Handler takes consideration into what I said. This "Yor" woman doesn't seem like the correct position for Operation STRIX. Considering the fact I don't think me and Handler trust her, she might just need to get out of the way. I need to be part of Operation STRIX for Loid. It's no doubt that Yor is obviously using Loid in the first place. The last time I saw her, she was always trying to act so kind around him for some odd reason. She's definitely bad news to WISE. I was going to report back to Handler about this situation, but she'd just say something about me overreacting and not taking me seriously. But just push that to the side for now, I'm currently going to see Loid for a work matter at the hospital. I really will be talking to him about upcoming missions though. We have one today and we need to complete before midnight in a matter of time. I don't think early in the morning won't be suspicious, so it'll be ok if I come over.

xNarrator's POVx

   Fiona had came over to the Forger's residence, again. God, how much missions to we have together at this point? Fiona sat down at the couch and made herself comfortable. Yor and Loid sat on the other end facing Fiona. Anya yawned as she walked back out of her room. Loid looked at her and asked, "Anya, are you tired?" Anya nodded and ran over to Loid. "Did you go to sleep late yesterday?" Anya backed away. "No! Anya just had a bad dream, and wanted to find you. But papa's door was closed! So I went to go find mama, but mama was gone!" Loid stopped and blushed, Yor blushing awkwardly as well. Is she already catching onto what me and Loid did last night? Anya's face dropped. Well, Anya knows now! Anya murmured something and ran back to her room. "Mama and papa are flirting again!" In front of Fiona, seriously!? Loid apologized to Fiona and she nodded back. "So, I heard there's a good price on the market of green onion. You could go get some. (There's a new mission assigned to us.)" Loid quietly sighed. "Really? Then we'd have to go check it out. (Again? What's the mission this time?)" Yor smiled as she had no clue what Fiona and Loid have really meant. "Yeah, why don't we go out sometime just for the grocery shopping. (It's about this evil crook who's on the run from police about vandalism and more.)" Loid nodded and looked back to Yor. "Would you like to come sometime, Yor?" Yor looked back at him and nodded. "I would love to!" "Great, we'll arrange sometime." Fiona nodded and twitched her eye. Loid awkwardly smiled. What the-what was that for? Fiona was just getting closer to him for this once, and it was ruined by Yor once again. Fiona got up. "Well, I'll have to get going now. (Meet me at the agency later at 6:00.)" Loid and Yor got up too. "Alright, we'll see you around." Yor helped Fiona with her stuff. "Get home safely, Fiona!" Yor closed the door and looked up at Loid. Loid blushed at the sight of her and turned his back. God, it's getting to me again.. Yor smiled behind him and walked to her room. She sat down at let out a sigh. Besides sibling love, Yor finally discovered what true love felt like for the first time.

word count : 1204

A/N : hi guys! Sorry that I didn't post this yesterday! I like hurt my right hand so it was hard to js write with my left (it isn't my dominant hand) today I'll try to write another one for u guys as a sorry. have a good day/night!

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