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"Well what about Kori?" He suggested

"Kori?" She said to herself before looking at the baby in her arms as she nodded liking it "Kori it is"

He smiled "I'm glad you like it. Now whose last name?"

"Might as well go with yours if we're going to get married any time soon" she said as she leaned back in the bed gently caressing kori's cheek.

"Then Kori Todoroki it is" he laid down beside her and put his arms around her

She leaned against him sniffling a bit "I should have stayed quiet.......or else this wouldn't have happened.......he would have still loved me."

"I...I dont really know what you want me to say' he said. he had a sympathetic look on his face. On one hand he was sad she was going through this but on the other he was glad he didnt have to compete with Eljiro anymore

after a few weeks passed Monuki was out of the hospital with Kori since he was clear to leave finally while it was the middle of the night and she was sitting outside curled up in a ball not getting any sleep lately and if she did sleep it wasn't very long as she was getting desperate at this point to get her baby back.

Shoto had woken up from turning over and not feeling her there so he sat up. He went looking for her

She was sitting there planning something in her head while bouncing her leg and tapping her finger on the wood

Shoto checked on Kori making sure he was okay before looking for Monuki and found her on the balcony. "Hey baby" he said "nightmares?"

She shook her head no as she sat there thinking of a plan in her head

He sat there beside her. "You know you can talk to me right?"

"Yea well if I tell what I'm thinking you'll stop me and tell me to leave it to the cops and the other heroes"

He cocks his head to the side, she wasnt wrong "if we did anything we would be arrested too, we dont have our heroes licenses yet"

"I don't give a shit about that's I wanted my child back shoto!" She said yelling out loud enough for anyone to hear before she started sobbing

He flinched when being yelled at."I get that I really do, but they are working on it. There is nothing different that we can do that they cant. They have the resources not us. And dont forget you have a whole other child in there who needs his mom. He cant afford to have you get arrested"

soon enough kori started crying because of her yelling as she gripped onto her head "how can I be a mother when I lost a child........I shouldn't have gotten pregnant in the first place.............I muse be an idiot for thinking I could be happy."

He grabbed her hands and pinned her down to the ground making her look at him. "There are plenty of women who loose their children, some of them die, what happened wasnt your fault"

She laid there looking up at him as tears streamed down her face while she cried "stop saying that! it WAS my fault! If I didn't go against you telling me to keep my mouth shut he wouldn't have left school and taking my baby!"

"You didn't know that he was going to go crazy" he said. "And it's too late to dwell on that now. Enough with this I should have.. what happened was horrible I know I feel awful too. But are you really going to say that you regret having these kids...having my kid?"

"I don't regret it.......I just don't want to be hated and feel alone again......that's all I ever felt growing up before I got adopted"

"Not everyone is going to like you. There is always someone out there who wont, but what is important is the people who love you. I love you Monuki, I'm in love with you"

She stared into his eyes as she started to cry hugging onto him tightly "I love you too shoto......I'm sorry."

He pulled her back up and he held her closely. He held her so tightly it was like he wanted to absorb her into him

She stood there holding onto him not wanting to let go before wiping her tears away and went inside to feed Kori

He stayed outside for a bit with a deep sigh. He thought to himself 'why did Kirishima have to go and do this'

A couple days ago:

The lov had changed disguises and with the help of one Himiko Toga, Kiri was able to successfully leave the hospital with his newborn daughter. They were now in a small car with twice driving.

"so why did we have to steal this baby huh? I mean they're adorable and I could just eat her up but why does she have a special quirk that is beneficial to us or something?" Toga asked

"Shes mine" he said as he held her, his eyes barely even lifted off of her. "And she shouldn't be raised by a cheater"

"The police are gonna be on our asses even more now because of you it's your fault if we get caught because of a baby" she said while she sighed as she never liked the plan from the beginning but now she hated it more

"Oh shut up!" He said. "You act like you dont get your asses handed to you everytime you try something and by a bunch of teenagers at that"

"and you joined the lov just because your little girlfriend made a mistake and begged for forgiveness I would have killed to have someone care about me like that you just tossed it to the side like a petty asshole" she said scoffing a bit

He shot her a glare "a mistake? She did it intentionally. Not only was she fucking her own brother but one of my best friends too. And she didnt even tell me about him, he told me himself after he found out I left her"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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