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"Straight forward and to the point. You'll make a great hero when you get older" he said.

"Its better than beating around the bush isnt it? Especially with a situation like this?" Monuki said putting her id back in her wallet sniffling a bit "so will you join me to the hospital? I know your working but i want to know"

"I wouldn't say this situation is that pressing, you have lived years in peace without this information, dont you think it could wait until the end of shift?" He asked crossing his arms

"Seriously?" Monuki started to laugh a bit out of frustration looking up at him "you think i lived peacefully without knowing who my parents were? Ever since i was a child i knew i was adopted and i always questioned myself why my parents gave me up but i pushed those thoughts down and always told myself to be considered lucky since not every kid gets a chance to be happy and end up having a good family..........we are going to the hospital right now and that is final"

"Young lady, even if you do happen to be my daughter that doesn't mean I would have known of your existence. Based off of what you told me, the time line adds up it makes sense that you could be bit that doesn't mean I've been out here in the know that I had another child other than the three I have right now." He said "not to mention that I have a duty to uphold as the number two hero not to some little girl who wants to know who her daddy is"

She clenched onto her sleeve feeling a bit hurt by what he said as she stood there "how long until your shift ends?"

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