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"I wonder what would have happened if we did end up dating do you think dad would have seen my birth mom in my features at all?" Monuki said

He looked at her, "probably you do look a lot like her but then again quirks are weird. Some quirks seem like they could be related to each other but aren't"

She nodded in agreement before looking up at him "if we did end up dating and we found out that we were related do you think we would keep dating or break it off?"

"Based on my feelings for you now... where I do know...I would probably still be in love with you" he said

She blushed a bit heavily as she stared into his eyes wanting to kiss him but she held back

He held her hands "I cant even explain how much I envy Eljiro but I don't really want to share you either I just want you to be mine"

"You should be careful about what you say shoto eijirou could walk in at any moment and hear you"

"Its just so frustrating" he said

"I know i know but if he heard you he would probably be disgusted and break things off with me and then the news will catch on"

"Are you disgusted with me?"

"No I'm not i want to be with you just as much as you want me but......i still love eijirou and i feel so conflicted"

He stayed put for a moment before following her out. He hugged her from behind, kissing her neck. "What if once a week we went on a date. We could tell everyone that we are just hanging out as siblings"

She felt his arms around her as she leaned her head back against him thinking about the idea as she slowly nodded "alright alright"

"that sounds good?"

She nodded a bit looking up at him "yea we just gotta be careful with the paparazzi"

He chuckled "i know"

She turned around looking around a bit making sure no one was looking or outside before kissing him softly

He was more than happy to kiss her back.

after a moment she slowly pulled away and walked back inside

He followed her in. "So what now?" He asked

"We start planning on what day would work best for us to hang out"

"Wednesdays? I'm free most days but weekends might be too suspicious"

"Wednesdays work" she said with a nod to check the calendar on her phone.

"so what do you want to do? We can go back and forth on our dates"

"Well it would look suspicious if we went to a hotel to make out so we could go to the movies and somewhere to eat"

"well it's not so suspicious for us to be in either of our rooms" he said

"That's true but anyone could walk in if we don't lock the door or close the blinds"

"Those aren't hard things to do plus people shouldn't be just walking into our rooms anyways"

She nodded a bit as she looked into his eyes sitting there

He sat on her bed, "so now that we got all of that figured out what should we do for the rest of our time today?"

"I don't know what to do you want to do?" She asked curiously as she sat on her bed.

He shrugged "I don't know either. I don't know what all you'll allow me to do"

She gently pulled him in and kissed him softly while she closed her eyes

He curled around her as he kissed her back

She kept kissing him as she gently gripped onto some of his hair.

He let out a soft moan as he slipped his hand under her shirt rubbing her belly numb gently before going to grope her breast

She let out a small soft moan liking the way his hands felt on her body as she slowly slid her hand down into his pants.

He kisses her neck as he slowly undresses her

She slowly took off his clothes knowing that this was a bad idea but she liked the idea of this.

Once fully undressed he pulled her on top of him "take the lead"

She blushed a bit heavily looking down at him "are you sure you want me on top? Im pregnant with possibly multiple babies"

"well that way I don't squish you" he said.

"Well That's true" she said as she gently took his dick sliding it inside of her as she bit her lip

"And what do you mean by possibly multiple?" He asked as he took a breath in when it went inside

"I'm a cat remember? Cats have litters when they're pregnant" said as she slowly moved her hips up and down biting her lip

"You are a human with a cat quirk you're not a cat" he said

"Same difference" she said as she placed her hands on his chest as she kept going slow while biting her lip

He grabbed her hips as he thrusted slightly

She leaned her head back as she loved how he felt inside of her

Shoto moaned and moved his hips as his hands played with her tail

She blushed heavily feeling his hands on
Her tail as she felt her body get weak as her tail was really sensitive.

He pulled her down for a kiss

She leaned down kissing him back feeling happy that they were doing this as she moved her hips faster.

After a few minutes of doing this he climaxed, thinking there wouldn't be an issue since she was already pregnant

She came with him moaning a bit loudly before laying next to him panting a bit as she smiled feeling happy to have sex with him.

He curled up next to her. "I'm sorry I'm making you cheat on your boyfriend" he said.

She looked at him kissing his head gently "you're not making me shoto.....i sadly want this too"

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