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He was quiet for a moment. "Can I keep this?" He asked

"You want to keep a stick that i peed on? And what are the results babe"

"Yes I do. And did you not look?"

"No i was too nervous to look thats why i handed it to you"

"We're going to be parents" he said

She opened the door looking at the positive test as she didnt know how she should feel.

"Are you okay?" He asked "do you not want this?"

"No i do want this i just dont know if i should feel happy i don't know how my family is gonna react and everything"

"Just focus on what you want" he said and kissed her

She kissed back before hugging him and hid her face in his shoulder.

He rubbed her back. "I've got ya" he said

after school Monuki went to shoto to tell him the news "hey shoto?"

The bi-coulored male looked up, he was doing his homework "yeah?'

"How would you react if i said i was pregnant?"

He looked at her for a moment woth a shocked look on his face. "Are you?"

She nodded a little looking at him "y..yes"

"So..I'm going to be an uncle?" He asked

"Yep but how do you rhink dad is going to react? Im scared....."

He shrugged. "If he gets mad then I'll protect you" he said

"Thanks shoto" she said hugging him a little then after some time she gathered the asui and todoroki family so she and kirishima could tell the news.

Eljiro has a bit of a scared look on his face

"Thanks for coming guys........i um.......i have some important news to tell you"

The family was able to guess what it was, but they didn't say anything. Why else would the be gathered up like this.

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