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Monuki smiled brightly as she moaned softly.

After a few minutes he finished and pulled out. "My family should be home soon"

She panted a bit as she started to get dressed

As if on cue the door to the house opened. "Eljiro you here honey?" A woman said

after getting dressed she walked out with him to see his mom "hello you must be his mom I'm Monuki Asui"

"Oh I've heard so much about you" she said and hugged her

She hugged back with a smile on her face "i would hope so"

"We are so excited for the new editions to the family, aren't we honey" she looked to her husband who was nodding

"I'm excited too I can't wait to meet my baby once it's time" she said rubbing her bump a little.

"Do you have any names picked out?" She asked

"No we don't we haven't had time since he's working hard to be a hero and I've been getting to know my family"

"Ah yes because you're a Todoroki now aren't you." His father said

"Yes i am but the asui family will always be my family since they adopted me and raised me as their own"

"right right we understand" his mother said

She nodded a bit with a smile on her face "if you need help with dinner i dont mind helping out"

"you're our guest we'll take care of it" she said

"Alright i cant wait to taste your cooking ma'am"

"it's very good" Eljiro said

"Well now your just making me hungry babe" she said with a smile on her face kissing her cheek softly.

He blushed a lot more than normal

She noticed how much he was blushing as she giggled.

He looked shyly at his mother who had a look of amusement on her face

"Your so cute when you blush baby~" she said as she gently squeezed his face

He pulled his head away. "Please not in front of my mother" he said getting embarrassed

She nodded a bit as her smiled dropped slightly then once dinner was ready she sat down at the table eating quietly

"I didnt mean to snap at you" he said apologizing

"Its fine" she said as she continued eating resting her head on her hand.

"is it because it seems like you're mad at me"

She didnt say anything else as she kept eating.

He looked at her for a moment then shook his head and went back to eating

After dinner Monuki was washing the dishes as she stood there focusing on cleaning.

Eljiro was leaning on the door frame. "Care to tell me why you're upset?"

"Its nothing ill get over it....." she said as she soon finished cleaning and started to dry off her hands.

"So it's going to be like this is it? This is what you want out first argument to be about?" He asked

"Well its stupid of me to get upset over nothing right? And besides is just my hormones making a huge fuss out of nothing right?" She said throwing the towel on the counter and walked away from him needing some air.

"I didnt say that!" He yelled after her

She sat down on a bench outside sighing heavily as she rubbed my stomach a little trying to calm herself down.

There was a creek and someone sat next to her

She turned her head to see who was next to her.

It was Eljiro's father. "I over heard you're guy's argument. What's the matter?" He asked as he rubbed her back. "I'm here to listen"

"I was just being myself and teasing him a little in front of his mom and then he snapped at me and of course with my fucking hormones i took it personally."

"Well, as someone who knows them. His mother tends to go overboard on teasing him and making fun of him ever since he was little, she thinks it's cute and funny but there have been a but times shes embarrassed him" he said

"Maybe its because i spend too much time with my brother since he's around me more the eiji is.......he doesnt snap at me when i tease him like how i teased eiji."

"Well your brother may be used to teasing since he has siblings but our dear Eljiro is an only child"

She nodded a bit as she sat there looking down.

He would continue to rub her back and then Eventually he started playing with her hair. The man looked nearly identical to Eljiro just older and a bit of facial hair.

"You should get back inside.....im just going to stay out here until im tired"

"Its alright, my wife is asleep and Eljiro needs to reflect on why you're upset. Why dont we get to know each other"

"Well if you wanna know my life story my mother had an affair with endeavor and out me up for adoption thinking he didnt want me because she didnt want their affair to be knowm to the world and then i got adopted into a family of feogs ironically enough and then my mother visted me one day at school telling me who my family was found out about my half siblings and my dad and then i got knocked up sooooo"

"Sounds like you've been a bit overwhelmed." He said with a soft chuckle

"You have no idea" she said rubbing her face she wanted to tell him other things but she kept it to myself "the only time i feel like i can relax is with my brother shoto"

"Not with Eljiro?"

"I barely spend time with him anymore since he's always on patrol or training"

"I see. Now be honest with me. Do you still love him or are you only with him still because hes the father of your child? I dont want you to feel pressured because I'm his father"

"If you want me to completely honest will you tell him or keep it a secret?"

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