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Fuyumi nodded. "Alright well I'll support whatever you decide"

"Thanks fuyu" Monuki said as she hugged her gently "ill only drop out if i feel like its not safe for me anymore"

"Okay. But make sure you enroll into some where else then. You need a proper education" she said

"I will ill look at normal schools near here as a back up plan and talk to dad about it"

"What other specialty would you like to do? As you know, I'm a elementary school teacher." She said

"I don't know honestly i had my mind set on being a hero i didnt think about anything else"

"You're still young so you have time to think about it." She said. "And once you do, I'll help you find the best college for it"

She smiled happily as she nodded then soon enough she heard the front door and natsuo's voice as she walked over. "welcome home"

He looked at her. "Oh...uh hey"

Monuki gave a faint smile before going to the kitchen as she was feeling a bit hungry while her tail swayed behind her.

Fuyumi followed out and saw her younger brother. "How was your class?" She asked

Natsuo "hmm? Oh it was good how was your day?" He asked curiously.

monuki started to make herself a quick snack.

"My school had classes canceled so I was home all day" she said

he nodded a bit glancing at her feeling neevous and unsure of what to say

Fuyumi tilted her head "alright what's the matter?" She asked

"i dont know how or what to talk to her about i mean she just appeared out of no where saying that she's our half sister and everything" Natsuo said.

"Well it happens." She said "just take some time to get to know her"

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