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He moved in closer laying her down and himself next to her

She laid back with him as get closer it felt weird but in a good way kissing him

"I love you, Monuki" he said "I really do"

"Your making me question a lot of things." She said looking into his eyes as she blushed

"Such as?" He asked

"What would have happened if i started dating you........if kirishima or anyone found out about this........just.......so many things"

"We can keep this a secret" he said "and remember what I said? About how one action can change the future? If you dated me instead you may not have found your family"

"I might have if my mom came to find me but you know how i am with secrets i cant keep them for long especially with how much i love kiri.......the guilt would kill me and stress me out and that could hurt the baby"

"You're right...I'm sorry" he said

"Dont be sorry its not your fault i wanted to kiss you too......maybe if things dont work between me and kiri maybe we could be together but i dont know for sure...........im just happy to have you in my life"

He nodded and cuddled her. "You can just have me as a stress reliever" he said. "For anything you can come to me"

"Thanks shoto" she said nuzzling his chest a bit as she relaxed in his arms.

meanwhile Monuki's mom was waiting nervously for Eljiro and Endeavor to show up.

Eljiro found the meet up place and arrived first hoping that she would be calmer of it was him and not her ex hookup

"enji isnt here is he? I havent seen him in years.......its bad enough monuki found him."

"He is, he's waiting on my signal. And you're the one who told me to tell her" He said

"right....sorry....im just nervous......why did you want to talk to me again?"

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