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he sighed a bit nodding before slowly walking over to where Monuki is as she goes to sit down at the table being careful of her tail and looked up seeing him.

"Hey, Monuki" he said as he said down across from her

"Hey natsuo how was your day?" She asked curiously before taking a bite of what she had made for herself.

"It was okay. What about your vacation?" He asked

"Its was great me and eiji had a lot of fun together" she said with a smile on her face

He nodded. "Im glad that you did"

"Maybe when you feel comfortable enough around me we could have a day for us to hang out and talk or something?"

"We are talking right now" he said

"Yea i guess your right" she said with a awkward smile before taking another bite of her food.

"Im sorry for making you feel uncomfortable and unwanted before"

"You dont have to apologize i probably would have felt or acted the same way if someone you never met before suddenly became your half sister so dont worry about it ok? Im just glad that i know my roots"

He nodded "its not you I was upset with" he said

"You were upset at dad for sleeping with my biological mom" she said as she offered him the rest of the food she made.

He shook his hand at the gesture. "Our mother has been through so much because of him. To the point these in a mental ward. The last thing she needed was him cheating on her"

Monuki nodded a little understanding where he is coming from "then what is the lie we tell her?"

He shrugged "as of this moment she still doesn't know about you"

"Thats probably a good thing then i wouldnt want to ruin anything or get caught in a crossfire" she said looking down a little

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