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"I will keep it a secret for now if you would like"

She let out a heavily sigh "before me and eiji became a couple i had a crush on my brother before i even knew he was my brother.......and i still have those feelings and he feels the same.........but i still love eiji nonetheless and not because im pregnant with his baby."

"So what does this mean to you?"

"That im a freak who's in love with her brother and her boyfriend......no else knows about it.....not even eiji"

"And that's why you want me to keep it a secret"

She nodded a bit slowly looking at him "i know that someday he'll find out and probably break up with me....but i kept help loving shoto.."

"I understand." He said. "Well maybe not your exact situation but I'm in love with someone else too" he said

"Who's that if you dont mind me asking?" She said as she sat there wondering who it was

"Well I never learned her name. I was on a work trip, and met her there, we hung out the whole week. She was beautiful"

"It was one of those once in a lifetime type of thing?"

He nodded "yeah pretty much. She was well....very horny and kept dragging me to bed and I was loving every minute of it. So yeah I cheated in my wife and bo she doesnt know."

"Dont worry i wont say anything to her" she said holding out her pinky.

He smiled and held out his. "Thanks" he said

She nodded a bit gently holding his pinky with hers before letting it go.

He smiled and got up. "Ready to head back in?"

"Yea i think so" shebsaid with a small sigh before carefully getting up and walked inside with him

All the lights where out as Eljiro and his mother hand already gone to bed.

She went into his room quietly laying down on the bed before falling asleep

He was already asleep curled around a stuffed shark

the next day came along as she went to the kitchen to get something to drink while she rubbed her eyes a bit.

Eljiro's mother was already awake reading the newspaper while drinking her coffee

She grabbed some water before sitting down starting to drink

"Good morning love" she said

"Morning ma'am" she said looking over at her

"How did you sleep"

"Ok i guess" she said with a small shrug.

"That doesn't sound too sure"

"It's hard getting a good sleep after having an argument and trying to sleep on a small bed while pregnant"

"I feel you there, Eljiro was not a still one. He was always kicking"

"Luckily our baby is in between and they only move when they make room"

She laughed a bit. "You're still early on" she said. "When is your next appointment?"

"In a week or two?" She said as she took another sip of her water.

"Any names yet? I'd love to know what my grandbaby will be called"

"Not yet we've been dealing with a lot of my family problems and school so we haven't had time because he's always patrolling"

"So there's nothing that comes to mind?"

She shook her head no "maybe ill ask my brothers and sister from my dad's side of the family if they have ideas"

"If I ever had a girl I wanted to name her Elvira" she said looking off to space. "I wanted a girl so badly"

"Elvira? That's a really pretty name if i did end up choosing it would you be ok with that?"

She looked back at her. "I would love that"

She nodded a bit with a smile on her face before hugging her gently

She hugged back and kissed her on the forehead. "Oh how I've longed for a daughter. You're going to let me spoil you okay?"

"Oh trust me i already figured you would my dad enji kinda spoil me sometimes"

"Oh? How so?" She asked

"He never knew I existed until my biological mom came into my life"

"mhm I knew that part" she said

"I guess the reason why he spoils me sometimes is because he's trying to make up for not being there when it isn't his fault"

"I guess that's true, but I'm not wanting to spoil you because I feel guilty" she said

She nodded a bit with a small smile on her face.

Meanwhile, at the UA dorms Shoto was in his room when he got a visitor. He heard the knock on his dorm room and went to check it out seeing his older brother

"hey sho i hope you don't mind me coming by i wanted to check up on you" Natsuo said

"no not at all" he moved out of the way letting him in" I've missed you anyway"

he walked in before giving shoto a tight hug standing here for a moment "I've missed you too how have you been? Anything new happen?"

He kind of froze at the hug not used to his siblings being this affectionate. "Mhm somewhat" he said.

he let go sitting down on his bed "oh yea? How are things with you and monuki? I heard you two are getting pretty close from dad"

His face flushed "oh yeah well she and I....we've found some kind of common ground" he said

" that's good what kind of common ground?"

"well I'm sure you're aware of how awkward it was to suddenly gain another sister but for you she was just a random girl. Not for me though she was my classmate a very cute classmate"

"yea i can see where your coming from and what do you mean by very cute? I mean she is attractive but i wouldnt say that about our sister unless..........do you have a crush on our sister?"

"I have since our first year" he said

"that must have been hard for you shoto....to have your crush to be your sister and then try to stop loving her in that way."

"there's no way that I can. Those feeling just don't disappear"

"but its wrong to be in love with your sister you know this it may be legal but you two can never get married"

"that's why I'm not going to tell anyone. Other than you"

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