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"to start a new life.....ive done things that i regret and i just want to start fresh." she said looking at Eljiro.

"And what if one day she would like to contact you?"

she stood there for a moment before hesitantly giving him a piece of paper that had her phone number on it

"And um, are there any genetic things we should know of?" He asked

"she has a baby brother.....he's in middle school and his name is kaoru" she said giving him a photo that had the school's name on the back of it.

"I meant like...um if we uh one day have kids ourselves" he said

"im not getting what your trying to say" she said a bit confused

"Uh seriously?" He sighed. "One of the things adopted kids always have issues with when they are older is that they don't know of there is something wrong with the genetically" he said. "Certain things can skip generations sure but can be passed on and present in their children that they might have. Like bad eyesight, that's a common genetic thing."

"i dont think so my son has pretty good eye sight but anything could happen"

"Like I said it's the most common one, it was just an example of something. That's why i asked if there was anything else like that. Also what about Monuki's father?"

"i rather not talk abour him..." she said looking away a bit.

"Monuki might want to know"

"i..i........i had an affair with endeavor..."

His eyes widened. "She looks nothing like him are you sure?"

"im positive.....she mainly takes after me.......you can ask him yourself...."

"What about DNA testing?" He asked

"that is an option.....but you should go to the hospital for that"

"That would be hard to explain..." he said looking off to the side

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