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"tell me what exactly?" Natsuo asked looking at his younger brother with a concerned look in his eyes.

"about our relationship" shoto replied.

"i mean there's nothing much to it right? Your just siblings hanging out occasionally?"

Shoto scoffed. "If you revert had a night with her like I do then maybe you would understand. Her touch, being near her its addicting"

he listened to shoto thinking for a moment "then let me spend a day eith her so i can understand where your coming from"

"What do you mean?" He asked "you want a date with her?"

"not a date dont you and her have those sibling days to hang out with each other? Let me be there instead i need to spend more time with her anyway"

"That's what I'm trying to tell you. Thise sibling days" he uses air quotes "are actually dates for us. And yeah sometimes we've gotten physical"

his eyes widened a bit surprised that she and shoto had been having sex "h..how good is she?"

He gave him a look, it was clear that he was in love with her "oh, Natsu, shes amazing. I love every bit of her. If only......if only she wasnt with Kirishima"

"you really are in love with her......well im happy you found someone to love its just surprising its with our sister but for the next sibling day lemme go in your spot ok?"

He nodded "if it will help you understand us then yeah" he said

he nodded a bit then after a few days monuki was in her room waiting for shoto to come in for their sibling day while she laid in bed wearing some lingerie she bought recently wanting to surprise him having a smile on her face.

The door unlocked, Shoto, who had his own key, had given it to Natsuo. He opened the door and closed it as it was after visiting hours so he had actually snuck in.

She heard the door open as she sat up posing a bit ready to see shoto but instead saw her other big brother and blushes heavily "n..natsuo? What are you doing here? Visiting hours are over"

He froze a moment seeing her. His eyes gazed over every inch of her body. "I can see how father fell for your mother" he said

She quickly grabbed her balnket and covered her body "your not really answering my questions"

He looked away for a moment. "Uh well shoto told me about what you two have been doing."

"Your gonna tell dad and kiri arent you......" she said as she looked at him feeling worried.

"No, I'm not but, I am curious. You've got two guys including our own brother head over heels for you. I want to know what the big deal is"

"Are you saying that you want to have sex with your pregnant little sister?" She asked as she sat there slowly lowering the blanket

He out his hands in his pockets. "Eell it's not like you're actual a full blinded sibling. I still barely see you as one. Sure you're my dad's child but that's about it.  But you cat quirks, for some reason are extremely attractive"

She blushed heavily as her ears folded down a bit "t..thanks and your right i just didnt think you would ever want to have sex with me"

He looked back over at her. "I wouldn't not want to" he said. "I'll just have to mentally forget what our situation is for a moment"

She nodded a bit before slowly moving the blanket to the side and laid back down feeling thankful that kiri had an all night patrol

The white haired make stripped off his clothes and turned off all the lights as he climbed on top of his sister grabbing her hand putting it over his erect cock. He was larger than all of the others shes done it with. Maybe it had to do with the fact that he was older.

Monuki blushed heavily feeling how big he was before aiming it towards her pussy after she took off her lingerie

He would rub his hands on her legs then yanked her closer. His hands would explore her curvy body. He would gently put his cock inside feeling her stretch around him

She blushed more feeling him pull her closer to his body before letting out a soft moan feeling his dick slide inside.

He would pin her hands above her head as he started thrusting. He moaned at how tight she was, and it was like she was putting off some kind of pharmones

She started to moan gripping onto the bed as she felt his dick move inside.

"So, who is the best you've had?" He asked

"T..thats kinda hard to say when you're the fourth guy i had sex with"

"Oh? 4th. Who is the 3rd?" He asked.

"S..sero.....dont tell shoto that or kiri"

"Yeah I wont. Plus it helps that I dont really know your class"

She nodded a bit as she blushed gripping onto the bed.

He would grab her legs and lift them up pressing them to the bed's headboard

She blushed heavily feeling the way he bent her body as she bit her lip "f..fuck~"

His breathing was quick and shallow. "So is it my nephew or niece you're carrying in there?"

"I don't know yet~ we haven't decided to know now or later~" she said as she looked into his eyes.

"Interesting" he said as he thrusts in as deep as he can go

She groaned in pleasure feeling how deep he was reaching inside her.

Soon he pulled out to climax on her back. "Yeah you were pretty good" he said

She came with him as her legs shook a bit before she laid on her side panting a bit heavily.

He started to dress himself. "Thank you for that"

She looked at him as she nodded a bit "n..no problem natsuo"

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