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Monuki ignored him and walked over as eijirou and gently take his hand "can we please talk? I'm not expecting you to forgive me......or take me back.....I just want to figure things out."

Eljiro yanked his hand away from her "can you just leave me alone!" He yelled "theres nothing to figure out you and I were done, I dated you because you were so insecure with yourself that I felt bad"

She stood there looking at him as tears formed in her eyes nodding a little "I won't make you pay child support or anything........I'm sorry for being a terrible girlfriend." She pulled out her phone to delete his number and any pictures they had together "I'm sorry."

He would just scoff and looked the other way.

She slowly walked away from him as she deleted everything before going back to shoto and hugged him tightly "what are we gonna tell dad."

He hugged her back "im... not sure" he said

"Your not going to leave me too right?" She asked looking into his eyes feeling scared not wanting to be alone.

He shook his head "nope never" he said

She hugged him even tighter being careful of her bump crying into his chest

A couple months go by and Eljiro stopped coming to class. Shoto had asked her to keep their relationship still a secret from the class until the can find a way to break it to them that the two half siblings were in love with each other

Monuki was staying in the dorms more since it became harder for her to walk to class with having a huge baby bump she would just sit in her room and watch TV since she didn't have anything else to do still feeling like a disappointment wondering if she'll be a terrible mother as well

Deciding to cut class, Shoto knocked on her door

She snapped out of her thoughts as she carefully got up opening the door seeing shoto "you skipped class didn't you?"

"Yeah well I'll make it up later, when you're not needing me" he said and kissed her

She kissed back closing the door behind him before carefully sitting on the bed "seems like you already have the superhuman dad senses"

"Of course that's my baby in there, well one of them are anyway" he said.

Monuki nodded a little as she sat there looking down a bit "how are you not mad at me for telling him."

"I told you" he said "I was never mad, just disappointed, because I accepted that due to our relationship we wouldn't be the most accepted couple, so I was comfortable with being the side piece"

"I just thought it was better to tell him then instead of waiting till I gave birth for him to see the second baby with your hair color and eyes."

"Well whose to say the baby would look like me, genetics dont always choose things like that, for all we know they could look identical to you"

"Maybe......" she said as she sat there leaning against him sniffling a bit

He kissed the top of her head. "I spoke to dad....told him about us"

"He wants us to breakup doesn't he?" She said nuzzling his chest

"Actually he said since the public other than our classmates doesnt know the truth about you he said it should be fine. After all he couldn't publically claim you anyway"

She nodded a bit as she sat there feeling the babies kicking a bit as she groaned a little

"So....what do you want to do now?" He asked

"I don't know......I can't do much.....I want to see dad and our siblings but.....I don't want them to know what I did."

"Well dad knows about us. I haven't told him about the 2nd baby"

Monuki nodded a little as she rubbed her bump "I just want to get away from here and start over........if my mom can do it then I can."

"You want to run away?" He asked

"It's better than staying here and having everyone find out and hate me for what I did."

"What about...the baby with Eljiro?" He asked

"I told him that he didn't have to worry about caring for them and that I would leave him alone for good.......he's out of my life now."

"Eh, I feel lit's more complicated than that. I know how excited he was for that baby. I don't know of that excitement will just go away because of you"

"If he wants to see the baby then I won't stop him but he hates me so I highly doubt he would come around" she said yawning a little feeling tired

"Okay how put yourself in his shoes. Your dating a wonderful woman who is pregnant with your child, that is your baby you are its father, you have a nursery made up already for them. But your girlfriend cheats on you. You break up with her sure but would you give your child because of that?"

She slowly sat up sighing heavily "'m gonna take a nap......you should get back to class before aizawa gives you detention."

"I feel like you're not listening to me" he said.

"I am listening I'm just tired ok? Your the one carrying two babies inside you sucking up all your energy and blood"

"Yeah but it just feels like something is going to happen" he said "I feel anxious"

"What do you mean something is going to happen?"

He shrugged and rubbed his arm "Eljiro has left the school"

"Course he did......he doesn't want anything to do with us so in result to what you said it looks like he would leave his child."

"Unless hes planning something"

"Then talk to Dad or aizawa about it........I've given up on trying to fix things with him" she said as she carefully laid down pulling the blanket over her body slowly closing her eyes

He sighed and just sat with her

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