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"Who is it?" Enji asked

"Its eijirou dad" she said to him letting her boyfriend inside.

"Hey hon" the redhead said as he walked in

"Hey baby what are you doing here?" She asked curiously while closing the door

"Well you weren't at the dorms" he said

"Yea im staying here for a bit to get closer with them"

"Think you can leave for a week?" He asked

"A week? What for?" She asked curiously as she stood there.

"Because I want to spend time with my gorgeous girlfriend" He said

"Hey dad is it ok if i leave for a bit? Eiji wants to take me somewhere" she said looking at him.

"Why are you asking me?" He asked. "Id rather you go have fun than stay here and be miserable"

"Right sorry im just used to asking aizawa for permission" she said before going to her room and packing a bag for a week.

Eijirou and enji talked for a bit while he waited on her.

once she was done she walked over "ok im ready"

He smiled "bye endeavor" he said and took her hand.

She waved to enji while holding her boyfriend's hand before leaving with him.

"So I've got tickets for a week long cruse" he said

"A cruise? How did you get the money for that?" She asked a bit shocked.

"Well while you've been spending time with the todoroki's I've picked up a 2nd job" He said

She smiled kissing him deeply.

He smiled and kissed her back. "Lets go" he said

She nodded a bit then once they get to the cruise Monuki gets on board with Eljiro while taking some pictures.

He looked around their room

She flopped a little on the bed sighing in relaxation "i love you so much eiji"

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