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"I don't hate her" he said "just... shes representation of why I cant stand my father. Our mother was a wonderful woman and he broke her. It's not Monuki's fault she exits it's his.  But I just cant look at her and see her as my sister. Sire we share half the same blood but for her entire life untill the last few months she didjt know we existed er...well not in the family since. And now she wants to act like she was raised with us when she wasnt. I'm fine if she wants to be with Shoto, bit as my sister...a biological sister...that's just harder to do"

"and I can understand that but think about things from her life she grew up in a orphanage and probably got bullied for her quirk and once she got adopted she felt like she found her forever home until one day her biological mother came in and told her who she is actually the child of.....if eijirou wasn't there for her she would have had a mental breakdown......but now he's gone and she's slowly getting worse and better at the same time...."

"Shes still not my sister. Not like that. There are adopting people all over the world and they dont consider their biological family as family. They dont act like they've known them their whole lives once they found out. She just came in her and started acting like she was here from day one like our mother was her mother."

"maybe she felt like she finally belonged and felt like she found her forever home....."

He would laugh as he thrusted her. He used them have g sex to get rid of his frustrations so he was going rather harsh on her. "Well I dont see it that way. Shes just an illegitimate Child"

mina tried to gently stop him as she didn't feel in the mood for hate sex before getting up and getting dressed "you need to see a therapist or something and work out your issues"

"The only issues I've got. Is an imposter trying to become family" he said

"Then maybe try getting to know her because she needs people on her side" she said walked out and going over to the table to eat.

Shoto was hand feeding Monuki with a large smiling on his face. Whatever they were talking about had him laughing

Monuki smiled eating what he was feeding her before looking at mina seeing her attitude changed "you ok mina?"

She was sniffling a bit. As she sat down with them. "I'm fine" she said she wanted to keep what Natsuo said a secret from her. Especially seeing how happy she was right now it was the last thing she needed

Her smile slowly faded as she turned
to her and hugged her gently rubbing her back "talk to me you're my sister remember?"

"Its nothing I promise" she said. "Its just not worth it I'll be fine"

She looked into her eyes as she held her in her arms wanting to comfort her "it's natsuo isn't it?"

"Yeah...but it's okay" she insisted.

"I told you that he hates me no matter how many times he says he doesn't" Monuki said as she kissed her head.

She looked away. "Its horrible why does he have to be such an asshole and look like that."

She rubbed her back feeling bad for her then after visiting and getting back to the school she waddled carefully to her room.

Mina went to hers, feeling disappointed that she didnt get laid but she also didnt want to be with someone who was going to do that to her best friend.

She changed into something comfortable before getting onto her bed and opened her arms for Mina

She hugged her "goodnight"

She hugged her back gently rubbing her back

She squeezed tight then let go before going back to her own room

She watched her walk out as she sat there sighing softly.

Shoto looked at her "you okay?"

"Yea I'm fine I just feel bad for mina she deserves someone and natsuo fucked it up of course because he can't get over me"

He laughed a bit. "You make it sound like hes in love with you"

"I'm not trying to but it's annoying shoto.....don't you find it annoying?"

He shrugged. "I kind of feel detached to the whole thing. Theres literally nothing he can do. Hes allowed to have his feelings like how you're allowed to have yours. The rest of the family likes you so not like he can turn them against you."

"You don't know that" she said as she laid down sighing a bit

"Yes I do. First off I'm dads favorite, its sad but its true. Because of my quirk. Then Fuyumi has always wanted a sister and she adores you. And well it's not like he can turn Touya against you since hes dead"

She laid there feeling tired as she slowly fell asleep as she felt exhausted after today

He would hum softly until she was fully asleep before allowing himself to fall asleep. He slept holding her closely with his warm arm draped around her and his icy arm under the pillow to keep it cool

She felt comfortable and safe in his arms as she slept peacefully not wanting to move or wake up

after a couple of months passed Monuki was in the hospital giving birth to the twins first kiri's baby came out then shoto's after many hours of labor as she felt exhausted.

The nurses had to whisk Shoto's away due to him being premature but they were certain the child would survive. They gave Monuki a sensitive to help her relax as the healthier one, Eljiro's was moved to the nursery.

Monuki laid there in the bed watching them take the babies away as she wanted to hold them. But she was too sleepy to stay awake.

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