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"About three more hours" He said.

She nodded a bit then after three hours had passed she was sitting outside of his office still as she was waiting the whole time feeling a bit hungry.

One of his side kicks who had been watching her some of the time walked over with a granola bar and a bottle of water. "Here ya go kiddo" she said with a soft smile.

She gently takes them with a faint smile "thank you" Mokuki said before starting to eat the bar and drink some water

Around 35 minutes later the hero left his office. "Sorry for the longer than expected wait I was on the phone woth the commission" he said

"Its ok" she said getting up and brushing herself off a bit "you ready to go?"

"I am" he told her. "Come on ill drive"

She nodded a bit heading to his car with him soon getting in the passenger seat and buckled up a bit nervous as she watch buildings and people go by

He didn't drive to that nearest hospital but rather one a bit further away and private meant for pro hero's like himself

She figured out what he was doing and knew it was a smarter idea in her head as she was feeling a bit nervous

His reasoning for doing it was because his private doctor was there along with full confidentiality. They do not allow any press on the property

once they arrived to the hospital and they got into a room she sat on a chair fiddling with her hands as she was never good with needles growing up

He leaned against the wall watching her

soon the doctor came in with a needle to draw some blood as took off her hoodie and held out her arm while her hands were a bit shaky

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