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He stayed with her petting her hair and kissing her forehead. He was so proud of her. But little did he know what was happening outside their hospital room.

The lov had disguised themselves as hospital staff and while the main team was there for other purposes Eljoro broke into the nursery searching every blag looking for one in Monuki's tag. Until he found it inside the bassinet was an 8 pound baby who was now sound asleep after birth. They were hairless at the moment but Eljiro could tell that it was his. He picked up the card with the information on and noticed that the child had yet to be named, and then he looked at the gender. He had a daughter

after many hours she slowly woke up hearing slight panicked noises as she rubbed her eyes a bit wondering what was happening "baby?"

Shoto just figured it was a medical emergency and didn't think to much of it. When he heard her call out to him he gripped her hand "I'm here my love"

She rubbed her eyes a bit as her eyes was still blurry and held his hand back noticing his voice was distorted, and she started to tear up in happiness and hugged him as tightly as she could "eijirou.....you're here.....I missed you so much"

Shoto looked surprised "baby? I'm not....never mind" he hugged her back letting her think what she wanted

"Please come back and help me with the kids.......I want you in my life....." she said quietly before slowly falling asleep again as she was still tired and loopy from the meds.

He held her as she slept and as he started to wonder how the babies were doing. He pressed the call light button that's supposed to signal a nurse to check on them

"I wanted to know about our babies. It's been a while are they okay?" He asked. "Can we see them?"

"Yes I'll bring them right then over" the nurse nodded and walked out of the room to head to the nursery to get their babies

He sat up a bit excited to see the children

once the nurse got to the nurses she noticed that their baby was there but not eijirou's started to look all around before pressing a button that repeatedly said code amber to notify other doctors and staff

As the code echoes through the halls Shoto heard it he got up and walked out to the hallway.

doctors and nurses were rushing a bit to find the baby as a cops soon arrived and a couple of them came into their room

"sir we need you to stay in this room while we work alright?" The officer said pushing Shoto back inside the room.

"First off you cant confine us. Not unless we are suspects and second off no one has told us what's going on "

"someone has taken your baby we're here to find them and to protect you in case the abducter is still on the premise" he said

Monuki slowly woke up because of the alarm as she rubbed her eyes groaning a bit.

This angered Shoto "how long were you planning on keeping us in the dark about this!" He yelled at the cop

"we just found out about this now calm down and stay with the mother" he said crossing his arms a bit

"Shoto? Why are there cops in our room?" Monuki asked

"Shouldnt the nurses have said something, fuck, I'm sueing this whole hospital"

She looked out the window seeing people running around as it clicked in her head starting to tear up "eijirou took out baby.......you were right shoto......he wasn't going to leave his baby behind......it's all my fault" she said as she started sobbing curling up in a ball.

He wanted to continue to argue with the police officer but he turned his attention to her instead and climbed into the bed with her. "I wish I could say it wasnt but that hasnt been confirmed either"

"I..I know it was him.....only he would do this and you said yourself that he was planning something.....this what he was planning"

"So...what are we going to do?" He asked her, what do you want to do?"

"I want them back.......I want both of them back" she said as she sobbed into his chest while her whole body shook

"Where do you think he would have taken them?" He asked

"He only took his baby....he probably went to the lov.......I wouldn't be surprised if he wanted to kill me."

"Hey dont think like that" he said. "Do the heros know where their base is?" He asked the cop

"we were able to triangulate the area they are hiding but we haven't searched through the building yet"

"Can we get our other child. I dont trust the hospital staff with them now"

the cop nodded and went to get the baby soon pushing the crib into their room next to her bed

He picked up the child and handed them to Monuki

She gently took their baby seeing how small they were as she sniffled a bit holding them close

"I've waited to check what gender they were until you were awake" he said

She gently unfolded the blanket to see the gender and saw it was a boy "what should we name our son?"

"A son? Hmm. I wish I knew what his quirk would be and name him after that." He said

She covered him back up and looked at their son in her arms trying to stay calm and hope for the best but she was scared "what about after your eldest brother touya?"

"I'm not sure about that I barely knew him. And saying his name was almost taboo in our family"

She nodded a bit as she thought for a moment "zuko? It means to love and he's going to need a lot of it"

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