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Hours go by before Eljiro came back from work and he decided to stop and check on Monuki. When he entered her room he was quiet because he expected her to be asleep

She was infact asleep as she laid there snoring softly feeling exhausted.

Eljiro smiled as he looked over her "she must have been tired" he said to himself

after about a month passed Monuki was with Eljiro and shoto at her appointment as the doctor was using the machine to check on the baby but as she looked around more she found another baby. Monuku was a bit shocked to see but quickly figured out it was shoto's

The moment when the second child was revealed Eljiro had gotten a text notification and missed seeing it

"were you expecting twins at all? Because this second baby looks smaller than the other one" she said as she looked at shoto then at Eljiro a bit nervous

"No but I'm not too surprised with her cat quirk. Plus this is the first ultrasound" he said as he was texting back the person who messaged him.

The doctor nodded and soon walked out once she was done. Monuki gently cleaned off her stomach before pulling her shirt down looking at shoto wondering if she should tell Eljiro the truth

Shoto and caught on just like she had and figured the second was his. He had his arms crossed as he stared at the screen. Mesmerized over the idea if him having a child

"E..eijiro? We need to talk.......and please don't start yelling ok?..........just know that I still love you and I want to be with you ok?."

He looked up confused. "Oookay what's up"

Shoto grabbed her arm, he wasnt ready to out the secret yet

She looked at shoto giving him a look saying 'we have to tell him sooner or later' before looking over at Eljiro "the second baby is shoto's."

"What?" He asked thinking he heard her wrong.

Shoto covered his face with his other hand

"I am pregnant with his baby.....and yours." She said fidgeting a bit feeling scared and nervous

"Why the hell would you be pregnant with your brother's child?" He said his tone getting more aggressive

"We love each other.......we both had feelings for each other before we found out we were half siblings............I'm sorry eijirou.......Ill understand if you want to break up......" she said as she looked down at her hands tearing up.

"How long?" He asked he had his arms crossed. "How long exactly has this been going on?"

"About a month or two......." she sniffled a bit while wiping her tears away.

His jaw clinched. Honestly, the redhead already knew his girlfriend was unfaithful, but it was different for her to finally admit it. On the nights when he would check on her while she was asleep, he could smell the sent of fortification in the air even though he wasn't there. "Is he the only one?"

She nodded a bit not wanting to mention sero or natsuo "yes shoto is the only one I slept with." She lied

Shoto looked off to the side knowing that wasnt true.

Eljiro scoffed a bit. "And yes we are breaking up" he said and turned to leave slamming the door as he did

Monuki flinched a little when she heard the door slam as she knew this would happen sooner or later as she sat there sniffling a bit "I'm sorry shoto.........I'll understand if your mad at me too."

"I'm disappointed, He wouldn't have known of you didnt tell him. Some things are better left unsaid" he said

after getting back to the dorms she went her room locking the door behind he soon sitting down on her bed and started crying feeling like an idiot wondering what to do before getting an idea so she picked up her phone and called her mom sniffling a bit

She answered but she didnt have her number saved "hello? Who is this?"

"M..mom........it's monuki...........I messed up........I messed up everything" she said sobbing as her body started shaking

"What do you mean you messed everything up?" She asked

"I cheated on eijirou......and he broke up with me.......and I slept with shoto."

The woman was silent. "I cant even think of the words to say to you first off why would you cheat on that sweet man and with your own brother!"

"I love them both! Before I even dated eijirou I had feeling for shoto!!" She said sobbing more

She sighed "I don't know what you want me to do." She said

"Give me some advice I don't know I don't want to be a single mother with two kids I can't do that" she said starting to shake

"Well have you talked to Eljiro?" She asked

"I told him when we found out at the appointment.......and he broke up with me..........and I'm pretty sure shoto wanted nothing to do with me now......so I'm all alone."

"You need to have a talk with them. Both of them not at once though men can get violent when it comes to these things"

She sniffled a bit "o..ok........I'll try."

"Is that all?" She asked

"Yea....I'm sorry Im a disappointment to you." She said before hanging up then after a few days passed she went up to eijirou and shoto "c..can we talk? The three of us alone?"

Eljiro looked at her, there was a hint of hurt and betrayal in his eyes, he dodnt say a word and walked off. Shoto sighed watching him and looked at her. He cupped her face, his to cub was gentle "what did you need to talk about?"

"What the three of us is going to do......I can't raise two kids on my own and I'm pretty sure my family doesn't want anything to do with me."

"What gives you that impression? The one about being alone and the one that we dont want you?"

"I told my mom.....my biological mom......I could tell that she was disgusted and disappointed in me and once the others find out they'll be the same......." she said gently moving his hands

He sighed and tilted his head "I'm sure that's not the case" he said. He watched her move his hands

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