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"Do you need me to hold your hand?" Enji asked, it came off condescending bit that wasn't how he intended it to sound

She looked at him waiting a second before nodding  as she held out her hand for him to take as the doctor got ready

He took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze

once the needle was in her arm she looked away squeezing his hand a bit tightly while closing her eyes shut then once he was done he taped a cotton ball where he drew blood as she slowly let go of his hand while opening her eyes "thanks"

"Its fine" He said as he looked at her. He patted her head "you did well" He praise

"Thanks" she said and then the doctor took some of Enji's blood before leaving the room to get them tested.

He looked at her. "So where did the fear of needles come from?" He asked

"One time when i was a kid and i was getting my vaccination done this doctor pulled out a huge needle that was really unnecessary to get my shot and since i was scared that it would hurt really bad my sister tsuyu had to hold me in her arms just so i can stay calm long enough to get the shot"

"I see, I wonder why the would use an unnecessary large needle or kf it looked that way through a child's eyes"

"At the time we couldnt afford a good doctor to trust so we had to take what we got and deal with it.........if you are my dad i promise i wont bug you for anything or even call you my dad.......i just want some answers......"

"Answers such as?"

"My family tree for one now that it quite literally came back to haunt me......" after some time the doctor came back and Monuki was fidgeting with her hoodie strings neevous of the results

"welp this is definitely interesting to say the least....." the doctor said

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