Chapter 330

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Shirou and Waver strolled leisurely through the dimly lit basement, shrouded in an eerie darkness. Wisps of black mist rose sporadically, enveloping their surroundings with a haunting ambiance. A palpable sense of terror sent shivers down Waver's spines.

"Heine Istari died here, right?" Waver asked.

"That's right. Heine was an incredibly skilled and dedicated alchemist, which led him to discover this place before anyone else. But unfortunately, his life paid the price for that."

"I don't quite understand."

"It's perfectly normal that you're having trouble understanding it. You haven't come across the necessary clues to see the situation clearly. However, my eyes have already comprehended the truth of the matter."

"Omniscient and omnipotent, huh..."

"Let's just say I'm pretty close," Shirou responded, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Waver let out a sigh, "So effortlessly..."

"Effortless? Everything comes with a price, and this ability is no exception. It's precisely because of its immense power that relying too heavily on it can lead to stagnation."

"So, how did Heine Istari die?"

Before Shirou could respond, his brows furrowed, and with a swift motion, he reached out and firmly grabbed Waver's collar, pulling him closer.

Suddenly, within the enveloping darkness and swirling mist, bursts of brilliant light pierced through the air. Several beams of radiant arrows descended precisely where Waver had stood just moments before.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom—"

The arrows exploded upon impact, shattering the very steps in that particular area. Debris cascaded down like shooting stars into the abyss below.

Waver's face was drenched in cold sweat. Had Shirou not pulled him away in the nick of time, he would have been pierced by those blazing arrows and plunged into the abyss, facing certain death.

Shirou turned his head, his eyes locked onto the swirling black mist.

"Is that...?" he began, his voice trailing off.

Waver also glanced in that direction, his brows unconsciously furrowing.

From within the billowing black mist, several angelic figures emerged, resembling small infants. Clutching pale yellow bows, their faces bore a serene smile, as if they had no connection to the previous ambush on Waver.

"Evil spirits," Waver's expression turned grave.

He saw through the deceptive angelic appearance of these entities. They were not mere angels but "Spirits," and worse yet, "Evil Spirits."


The Evil Spirits wore serene, holy smiles as they readied their bows, preparing to strike. But just as they were about to launch their attack, Shirou's black mud surged forward, engulfing the Evil Spirits like a tidal wave.

In a swift motion, Shirou clenched his fist, and a resounding crack echoed through the air.

The mud tightened instantly, crushing the ensnared Evil Spirits into fragments that dispersed like spiritual particles.

"Geryon Ashborn wasn't a necromancer, so why are these Evil Spirits here?" Waver's brow furrowed as he voiced his confusion.

"Magi explore a wide range of subjects, so it wouldn't be surprising if Geryon Ashborn, the former owner of Adra Castle, dabbled in necromancy. Moreover, didn't he collaborate with Orlocke Caesarmund on Butterfly Magecraft research? If he had preparations for resurrection, it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for him to delve into necromancy."

Waver pondered for a moment before asking, "So, were these Evil Spirits responsible for Heine Istari's death?"

"No, these Evil Spirits are insignificant. Heine was killed by an attack from another dimension."

"Another dimension..." Waver was momentarily stunned, then his brows furrowed.

The pair leisurely descended the stairs, their footsteps unhurried.

Beneath them lay a sewer, its murky water stagnant and repulsive.

Waver took a step into the water, causing his pants to become instantly soaked, coated in filth.

However, as Shirou followed suit and stepped into the sewer, black mud emerged, encasing his legs, shielding him from the grimy water.

Waver couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy, coupled with a sense of helplessness.

They emerged from the sewer, setting foot on the nearby land.

Waver's brow furrowed tightly as he took in the scene before him.

The underground workshop lay in disarray, strewn with severed limbs, shattered organs, and bloodstains. It bore an eerie resemblance to the fabled Temple of Blood.

Among the macabre display, Waver's gaze settled on an arm connected to a suit of armor made of "Living Stone." His brow furrowed even deeper as he remarked, "It seems that Heine Istari was killed here."

"That magus was really diligent and cautious in everything he did. When he was searching for the Holy Grail, he stumbled upon this hidden magic workshop before anyone else did. He didn't take any chances with safety and even called for help from Lord Barthomeloi's elite magi. But sadly, the enemy he encountered was far beyond what any magus could handle."

Waver pondered and then asked, "So, if we're talking purely about combat power... you probably didn't come to me for that. Compared to everyone else here, I'm probably the weakest in terms of combat abilities. So, are you seeking my assistance because of my magical knowledge?"

Suddenly, a deep growl echoed through the darkness, reverberating with a menacing presence.

Thump, thump, thump...

The heavy footsteps drew nearer, causing an air of tension to fill the room.

Emerging from the abyss of the corridor, a colossal black beast resembling a war chariot slowly came into view. Its piercing gaze fixated on Shirou and Waver, locking them in its sights.

"Is that another one of the defensive measures guarding this magic workshop?"

Shirou confirmed with a nod, "Indeed. But they're merely beasts created by magi. They pose no greater threat than those Evil Spirits."

"Roar, roar, roar, roar—!!!" The black beast bellowed, as if its territory had been trespassed upon, and lunged at the duo.

Waver's body tensed up, readying himself to unleash a defensive spell.


"Crack, crack, crack, crack, crack—"

Out of nowhere, the cold gleams appeared, swiftly shattering the beast into fragments that dissipated like wisps of black mist.

In the midst of this chaos, numerous cold gleams sliced through the air, heading straight for Shirou and Waver.

Reacting quickly, Shirou's black mud surged and coalesced into a protective wall, intercepting every single cold gleam.

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