Chapter 265

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Unlike Camelot and the Huns, the army of the other kings surged forward, propelled by unwavering greed.

High above, Crimson Moon loomed in the sky, casting an impassive gaze upon the earth. His crimson eyes shimmered with a fiery glow, and in a swift motion, he summoned forth a multitude of colossal whales.

Known as Marble Phantasm, the power wielded by Crimson Moon mirrored that of Altrouge's. In truth, it was Altrouge who inherited this ability from him. With an astute understanding of the inner workings of Merem's whales, he materialized them in their entirety.


A chorus of deafening roars echoed through the blood-stained night sky as dozens of colossal whales, each surpassing 200 meters in size, loomed over the earth like towering mountains.

With commanding force, their immense bodies shifted, trampling unfortunate souls in their path, reducing them to mere carnage and viscera.

"What... What manner of monstrosity is this?"

"Help us!"

"What in the world is happening... Ahhhhhh!"

Panic and terror gripped the armies of the kings, their frantic screams piercing the air as they scattered across the land like frightened mice, only to meet a gruesome fate beneath the colossal weight of the whales.

What had once been a clash of armies now transformed into a relentless struggle between formidable individuals.

Those kings who failed to comprehend this critical shift faced merciless retribution at the hands of Crimson Moon, enduring brutal punishments that left no room for mercy.

Crimson Moon raised his hand, poised to snap his fingers slowly, but...

"Boom rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble!!!!"

The Tower of Light, a majestic miracle rooted firmly on the earth, gleamed with the luminosity of countless stars. In an instant, a tempestuous storm converged with roaring thunder, and brilliant beams of light, sharp as blades, sliced through the dense crimson sky, hurtling toward Crimson Moon.

Crimson Moon's eyebrow arched, a subtle shift in his expression betraying his surprise. With an open palm, he materialized a petite asteroid, measuring three hundred meters in diameter, erecting it as a barrier against the impending assault.

For a moment, he believed he could withstand the onslaught, but the Tower of Light, now fully unleashed and empowered by the Inner Sea of the Planet, tore through the asteroid with relentless force. Crimson Moon swiftly evaded the attack, his body contorting to evade the blow.

The luminous radiance surged, stretching towards the vast expanse of the unknown. As the brilliant light vanished into the infinite distance, Crimson Moon shifted his gaze, redirecting his attention toward Shirou. His eyes fixated on the dazzling presence of the Tower of Light.

"So, another Divine Construct," he remarked. "No wonder they dared to challenge me. But alas, it is that sword alone that truly instills fear within me."

With a deliberate slowness, he snapped his fingers, prompting a colossal mass to gather in the sky. In the blink of an eye, a celestial ballet commenced as hundreds of meteors, each measuring roughly two hundred meters in diameter, began to orbit around the focal point.

"Oh... dear God!" The collective gaze of everyone present turned skyward, fixated on the spectacle of hundreds of meteors suspended in the sky. A shudder coursed through their minds, acutely aware of the potential calamity that would befall them should those celestial bodies descend upon them.

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