Chapter 303

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"Fujimaru-sama, you don't happen to be interested in this wisdom book, do you?" she narrowed her eyes and suddenly asked.

"Miss Reines, you're overthinking. I have no interest in any wisdom book."

"I see." she carefully observed his face and then said, "Actually, even if Fujimaru-sama had any interest in the wisdom book, it wouldn't matter. Because the one on display here is a forgery. The authentic one was stolen long ago."

"Stolen?" he was taken aback.

She nodded slightly and said, "Probably around nine years ago, after my uncle returned from Fuyuki City. The British Museum was targeted by thieves, and the authentic wisdom book was stolen. Till now, no one has found out who the thief was."

"That's really unfortunate," he said, but in his mind, he thought, who would go and steal such an embarrassing thing?

There were many visitors around him, discussing this notebook with great interest.

He felt a strong sense of embarrassment and urged Reines to quickly take him inside the Clock Tower.

The Clock Tower was tucked away in the British Museum, cleverly hidden behind Bounded Fields. To the average person, the British Museum seemed like an ordinary museum.

Gaining access to the real Clock Tower required identity recognition, a necessary step to navigate through the Bounded Fields. Trying to force entry would only be seen as an act of provocation, something best avoided.

That's precisely why he opted to enter the Clock Tower through Kenneth.

Reines used her privileged access to the Bounded Field, effortlessly leading him into the depths of the Clock Tower.

As they walked through the passageways, Reines couldn't help but be curious about Shirou's purpose. "By the way, Fujimaru-sama," she began, her voice laced with a friendly tone, "which friend are you seeking at the Clock Tower? If I happen to know them, I could have taken you straight to them."

He shook his head and said, "It's not someone important."

She smiled, but deep down, she doubted his words. The fact that her uncle had specifically asked her to escort him and had stressed the importance of being courteous hinted that the person Shirou was meeting was far from ordinary.

Moreover, the way he had shown remarkable insight throughout their journey and his confident and assertive way of speaking all pointed to his extraordinary nature.

Most importantly, she couldn't figure him out!

Reines was a clever and cunning child with a mischievous streak. She took delight in witnessing the downfall or slip-ups of serious individuals, relishing in their frustration. It brought her immense joy. It was this inclination that made her, at such a young age, skilled at reading people's minds.

Yet, even after their encounters, she still couldn't penetrate this person's thoughts. On the contrary, it seemed like this person had an uncanny ability to see right through her, as if he held her in the palm of his hand, looking down on her.

"By the way, something feels off today. Normally, when I step into this place, I see students happily mingling and engaging with one another. But now, I can't spot a single soul... Huh? Fujimaru-sama, what's the matter?" she asked curiously, noticing his sudden halt.

Shirou turned to face Reines, his gaze filled with curiosity. "Miss Lenis, if I recall correctly, you're someone who dislikes tranquility and constantly seeks excitement, am I right?"

"Yes, you've hit the nail on the head, Fujimaru-sama," she replied with a smile.

"Well, then you've accomplished your goal."

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