Chapter 318

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Waver's Apartment, Late at Night

"Adra Castle... You drag me out in the dead of the night, and I'm thinking it's some kind of emergency. And now you're telling me it's just this so-called Angel City?"

When Shirou received the phone call so late, he had expected Waver to be entangled in something bizarre.

"Please!" Waver pleaded.

"I really don't want to get involved in all these magi-related affairs."

Waver insisted, "This is far from a trivial matter!"

With a sigh, he replied, "Look, it's just the owner of this Angel City wanting to make a public announcement about inheriting the estate. Frankly, I have zero interest in such things. If there's nothing else, I'll be on my way."

Waver's expression turned serious as he looked up and posed a compelling question, "But what if I were to tell you that this matter is connected to the Holy Grail?"

Casting a skeptical glance at Waver, he responded, "The Greater Grail was completely destroyed, and the Holy Grail is no more."

Waver shook his head, denying his statement. "No, I'm not referring to the Holy Grail and the Greater Grail ritual in Fuyuki City. I'm talking about the Holy Grail left behind by King Galahad!"

"King Galahad?" Shirou raised an eyebrow.

Since his return from the Camelot era, he hadn't delved into the subsequent history of the Camelot dynasty. Japanese history education he received only briefly touched upon some of the policies and historical significance of the Eternal King.

Having encountered Artoria during the Fourth Holy Grail War and hearing the downfall of the Camelot, Shirou had developed some theories about what transpired. However, Waver's sudden mention of a "King Galahad" left him momentarily bewildered.

Unable to contain his curiosity, he asked, "But didn't Gawain return the Holy Grail to heaven?"

Waver appeared taken aback for a moment before shaking his head. "No, that's not the case," he replied. "Even if it's the version altered by the Church, it's the most widely known one. However, the truth is that King Galahad, through the power of the Holy Grail, obtained the same wisdom as the Eternal King. He then led the Round Table Knights in the next era, resurrecting the shattered Camelot dynasty."

A frown creased Shirou's forehead. While he had already come to terms with the demise of the Camelot dynasty, hearing it reiterated by someone else stirred up indescribable emotions within him.

"How could the Camelot dynasty..."


Her words were interrupted by Shirou, cutting off any further discussion. Arcueid, who had been an integral part of building that very dynasty, seemed compelled to speak up, but Shirou's interruption served as a reminder. He had previously cautioned against delving into the topic of the Camelot dynasty once they returned to the present.

Shirou took a moment to collect his thoughts and focused his gaze on Waver. "So, how did that Holy Grail end up in Adra Castle?"

Waver pondered for a moment before responding, "I'm not entirely sure. After King Galahad's demise, the Camelot dynasty crumbled entirely. It is believed that the Holy Grail vanished without a trace. The Church has been tirelessly searching for it for over a millennium, but no information has surfaced. However, in the declaration of inheritance for Adra Castle, it explicitly mentions King Gawain's Holy Grail."

Shirou reclined on the sofa, idly tapping the tabletop with his index finger. After a brief moment of contemplation, he spoke up, "Considering the Holy Grail's involvement, it's highly likely that we'll encounter various factions at Adra Castle. Even the Church and the founder of the Dead Apostle Ancestors might be gathered there... It's a troublesome task. Why did you willingly take it on?"

Fate: I Will Eventually Become the Hero of Justice IIजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें