Chapter 317

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Inside the restaurant.

Shirou glanced at Barthomeloi Lorelei and pulled back the black wall behind him, revealing a crowd of civilians.

"Oh no! It vanished! It just vanished!"

"The walls are disappearing!"

"What in the world is going on!?"

"Oh my goodness... Dear God, I beg you, please don't let anything awful happen to me."

As the black wall began to fade away, the people trapped behind it erupted into panic and shouted in alarm.

Fear consumed them.

Initially, many had hoped to escape through the rear kitchen. But as they opened the door, instead of finding an exit, they were confronted with a bewildering chaos. The scene outside was anything but reassuring, and not a soul dared to go outside.

Such a situation was to be expected. When Nrvnqsr pursued Arcueid, it was only natural that he would leave no means of escape.

And after Nrvnqsr met his demise, Barthomeloi Lorelei, a distinguished Lord of the Clock Tower, had used a spell in the vicinity, ensuring that none of the secrets would leak out.

Glancing around, Caules quickly realized that Nrvnqsr had vanished, leaving behind only a decaying corpse lying on the ground.

Despite the tattered coat and partially discernible human features, there remained a faint trace of recognition—the remains belonged to none other than Nrvnqsr Chaos, the Tenth Ancestor of the Dead Apostles!

Caules was utterly astounded. He never could have anticipated that Nrvnqsr, an enemy so formidable that even the Church's Burial Agency struggled to handle, would meet his end in this very place!

The sheer disbelief of it all was simply overwhelming!

"Fujimaru-sama...!" Caules called out, intending to say something, but his gaze landed on Barthomeloi Lorelei, and he trembled violently.

"Lo- Lord Barthomeloi!" Caules was deeply shocked.

However, both Shirou and Lord Barthomeloi ignored him. Only Arcueid, known for her gentle disposition, responded with a smile. "Indeed," she said, "Shirou just mentioned that her name seems to be Barthomeloi."

No way... This Clock Tower Lord, she actually showed up here, of all places!

Caules couldn't help but break into a cold sweat, unable to conceal the astonishment from his face.

And who could blame him? After all, Barthomeloi Lorelei was a magus who commanded respect at the top of the Clock Tower!

She was revered as the Crownless Queen!

Within the Clock Tower, there existed three factions: the Aristocratic faction, the Democratic faction, and the Neutral faction.

Waver and Kenneth were members of the El-Melloi faction, a part of the Aristocratic faction.

At the helm of the Aristocratic faction, reigning supreme, was none other than the Barthomeloi family—a lineage of utmost prestige and nobility that occupied the highest echelons of the Clock Tower hierarchy.

Those born into the Barthomeloi family possessed a profound sense of elitism and often regarded those outside their lineage with disdain. They held themselves to strict standards, and failing to meet those standards was considered a disgrace.

Put simply, individuals hailing from the Barthomeloi family were deeply self-respecting, filled with pride, and possessed an abundance of self-love.

And before them stood the epitome of this prestigious lineage—a woman widely acclaimed as the greatest modern magus. She was none other than the Queen herself, renowned as the Supreme Mage of the Present Era.

Fate: I Will Eventually Become the Hero of Justice IITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon