Chapter 305

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Reines was one sharp, cunning girl. She could dislike or resent someone, but you'd never catch a glimpse of it on her face. It was like she had a poker face on steroids. Even when she had to be around the people she despised, she didn't show a hint of impatience. Instead, she sported a smile as gentle as a spring breeze, coupled with her stunningly beautiful and charming face. It was like a masterclass in deception.

Loads of people fell for her trickery and ended up getting entangled in her web. But Shirou was a different story.

He had seen right through her act ages ago, and to top it off, her gorgeous looks didn't do a thing for him. So he treated her with complete indifference.

This was like a seamless illusion for Reines. On one hand, she cursed Shirou in her heart for being an old fox, and on the other hand, she played the gracious hostess, wearing that same smile.

Reines had a calculated strategy of leading Shirou to less crowded places, aiming to minimize the resentment people felt towards her. However, Shirou was quick to catch on to her intentions and intentionally steered her towards crowded areas.

This posed a headache for Reines, but she found herself powerless to change the situation. All she could do was console herself internally, reminding herself that it wasn't all negative; after all, it helped enhance El-Melloi's reputation.

But she knew better than anyone that factional struggles were far from simple. It wasn't just about who had the most chips in hand, but rather how those chips were played.

A single chip of immense significance could trigger a frenzy among the factions, which explained why Shirou was constantly being courted by various groups. However, the more chips a faction accumulated, the more attention it would attract, and suspicion from other factions would rise like steam from a boiling kettle.

In essence, it all came down to maintaining a delicate balance of power.

In ancient nations, the monarch had to skillfully navigate the dynamics between his subjects to preserve his supreme authority. Similarly, within the chaotic realm of the Clock Tower, a place without a supreme ruler, these factions had to engage in negotiations and find ways to balance their interests. It was like a high-stakes game of political juggling.

That's why the Clock Tower was more appropriate to be described as being as unstable as a pile of loose sand.

Interestingly, Shirou had a certain connection to the establishment of the Clock Tower.

The Clock Tower's roots could be traced back to the 2nd century AD.

Or, to be more precise, this mage organization had existed since the 2nd century AD. Among its original founders were numerous heretical magi who had been driven away or found themselves without a refuge in institutions like the Atlas Academy or the Wandering Sea. As the Age of Gods gradually waned during that era, these magi sought to ensure their survival. They fled to the British Isles, where remnants of the Age of Gods still lingered, and established new magical strongholds.

During that period, the magical strongholds were not yet referred to as the Clock Tower, and they were not centralized in London as they are today. Instead, they were scattered across various locations.

One such stronghold was the magical stronghold of Morgan le Fay. At that time, some magi became Shirou's initial court mages, starting from Cornwall. They played a significant role in pacifying Vortigern. These court mages requested land from Shirou to establish centers for the propagation of magecraft.

Taking into account the integration of the mage class during that era, he granted their request and allocated them a plot of land to advance the study and practice of magecraft.

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