Chapter 214

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The sky rumbled with dark clouds and lightning illuminated the bloody scene below. The cacophony of the wilderness was punctuated by the haunting echoes of mournful cries and clashing swords that persisted in the cold wind.

The gruesome remnants of the battle lay piled up, casting a grim and terrifying shadow over the already reddish-brown soil. The blood flowed ceaselessly, refusing to coagulate, and the thick haze above refused to disperse. The pervasive stench of blood was suffocating.

Despite the horror of the scene, the war raged on without mercy.

As the sun began to set, its blood-red hue painted the sky. The king's army, composed of both naval and land forces, stood resolute in the face of the beast tide.

A blazing trail of white-hot light burst forth from the heart of Camelot, streaking across the sky like a shooting star before plummeting to earth with a thunderous roar.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom--"

The sound of continuous artillery fire shook the ground beneath their feet, a relentless barrage that rained down indiscriminately upon man and beast alike. Explosions erupted across the landscape, each one accompanied by a deafening boom that echoed across the hills and valleys.

In the wake of the onslaught, the ground was littered with the dismembered remains of those who had been caught in the crossfire. Blood stained the earth a deep, crimson red, a grim testament to the carnage that had been wrought upon the land.

Shirou stood amidst the bloodshed, his eyes fixed on the carnage before him. With a fierce roar, he cried out, "Charge!"

"Charge!!!" echoed his soldiers, their battle cries drowning out the relentless artillery fire. They raised their spears, fully aware of the sacrifice they would make as they bravely followed their king's lead. Together, they charged towards the fortified city of Londinium.

Despite facing tens of thousands of airborne and land beasts with less than three thousand soldiers, their spirit was indomitable, making them akin to fierce beasts themselves.

Like lions and tigers, they braved mountains and rivers, fearlessly charging forward in the face of overwhelming odds.

Artoria rode her warhorse into the midst of the beasts, wielding two spears and the King's sword on her back. She fought her way through the hordes of enemies, carving a path with ease as if the land before her was empty.

As the battle raged on, both spears were shattered, but she refused to back down. She drew the King's sword, and with every swing, she created a living path of blood, relentlessly pushing forward.

As the sun began to set, Gawain, the sun knight, found himself covered in blood, having lost the blessing of the sun. However, he seemed more powerful than ever, his sword blurring with afterimages as he charged and fought his way through the sea of beasts.

His soldiers were no different, leading the charge with fierce determination as they fought their way in and out of the horde of beasts, drenched in blood but refusing to falter.

The army charged forward, and the sea of beasts let out a deafening roar. The two swarms of creatures clashed and intertwined, creating a gruesome spectacle in an instant. The air was filled with a thick mist of blood, and mournful cries echoed throughout the battlefield.

As the army charged forward, a one-eyed man emerged from their ranks, wielding his weapon with fierce determination to fight against the beasts. The sharp claws of the beasts howled, and the man, who had once boasted of his love for wine, found himself on the brink of death. Nevertheless, he summoned his "Battle Continuation" skill, using his body as a shield to resist the onslaught of the beasts.

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