Chapter 279

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Stepping into the realm of gods as a mortal imposed an eternal curse, a fateful consequence that now unfolded before her.

Exiled to the outermost fringes of the world, a solitary figure stood in a desolate land, devoid of life or hope.

Scathach had long prepared herself for this inescapable outcome, accepting it willingly, as if embracing a predestined path. Yet, her heart bore the weight of regret. If only she had never seen that radiant light before.

It was during her six years in Camelot, where she lived as an ordinary human, that she discovered her own mortal nature, realizing that she was just as fragile as the beings around her.

But the world, in its cruel decree, rejected her very existence. Forever banished to the outer boundaries of existence, she found herself a powerless spectator, eternally severed from the human world, forever trapped in the clutches of solitude.

She might have withstood eternal loneliness and resigned herself to dwell in perpetual darkness had she never known the touch of light, the taste of true happiness. Yet, because she had once basked in its warm glow, she found the burden of this eternal isolation utterly unbearable.

Had she made the decision over 1,500 years ago, Scathach might have chosen not to come out of the Shadow land, sparing herself from the torment of such insufferable loneliness. Yet, those memories—the ones she cherished most—were the ones she couldn't bear to relinquish.

From the very moment she was burdened with eternal life, her existence began to lose its significance, fading into shades of gray, devoid of purpose.

Perhaps that's precisely why she embraced the role of a teacher, offering guidance and sharing her vast knowledge. In doing so, she sought to infuse a splash of vibrant color into the lives of the children she mentored, an attempt to counterbalance the monotonous hues that permeated her own existence.

And it was perhaps for that very reason that the individual known as Scathach did not refuse the command of the Eternal King all those centuries ago. The brilliance and radiance of that person were too dazzling, temporarily casting away the gray skies that enshrouded her and causing her to momentarily forget her true identity.

Thus, for over 1,500 years, despite the decay of her soul and mind, and the relentless yearning for someone to end her life, she stubbornly clung to that memory. It became her sustenance, a feast upon the remnants of a past life, even as everyone she knew faded away into oblivion.

In that desolate realm of darkness, she lingered, marking the passage of time with a heavy heart. Yet, deep within her, a glimmer of hope remained. Scathach had been waiting for the arrival of the child prophesied by the Eternal King, a figure who would carry on the legacy of Camelot and shape the future.

She yearned for that child, solely driven by the hope that he would ultimately become the one to bring about her own demise, thus putting an end to her role as a teacher.

It wasn't for any other reason, but rather a selfish desire to achieve what even the Son of Light, Cu Chulainn, had failed to accomplish. Fulfilling the King's command came second; her true objective lay in nurturing and instructing that child to become the very executioner who would liberate her from the unending suffering.

Indeed, she had long since succumbed to the ravages of decay, her existence reduced to a mere shadow of what it once was. However, everything changed when Merlin, the bringer of revelations, disclosed to her that the child she was destined to train was, in fact, the younger self of the King.

In that singular moment, Scathach found herself dumbfounded, unable to comprehend the weight of this revelation. But as Merlin unraveled the truth further, a potent mix of revenge and elation sprouted forth from the depths of her heart, overwhelming her decayed soul in an instant!

Fate: I Will Eventually Become the Hero of Justice IIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora