Chapter 286

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Irisviel noticed the girl's keen perception. Though graceful and composed, she possessed a childlike curiosity and innocence.

One incident stood out vividly in Irisviel's memory: while on a flight, the girl eagerly pointed at birds gliding outside the window, inquiring about their species.

The girl's vibrant curiosity and genuine enthusiasm reminded Irisviel of a child, both amusing and bewildering. Nevertheless, she enthusiastically shared the bird's name and details with the young girl.

However, Irisviel had many concerns weighing on her, particularly when it came to her husband, Kiritsugu. She loved him immensely and had grown to understand his distinct character, but there were times when she felt unsure about how to truly connect with him or bring him joy.

This predicament puzzled the young girl. They had already brought a daughter into the world, so why did Irisviel still feel like an enamored teenager? Despite this, she decided to offer her suggestion.

"Um... giving him meaningful gifts and providing gentle support when he's tired...?" Irisviel repeated.

The girl nodded.

Irisviel looked at her with a puzzled look.

"What's wrong, Irisviel? Is there something weird on my face?"

"No, not at all. I just didn't expect Saber being familiar with these things."

The young girl felt a twinge of underestimation and expressed her displeasure, saying, "Irisviel, even I know how to please a man!"

Irisviel's laughter grew even more joyful, while the young girl's sense of being underestimated and annoyance continued to escalate.

However, despite this woman who possessed childlike qualities, the young girl made a solemn vow to protect her as a knight until the very end of the war.

The first battle of the Holy Grail War began shortly thereafter.

It was Saber who took the initiative and engaged in combat with Lancer.

The young girl approached the fight cautiously, aware that close combat was not her area of expertise.

When it came to swordsmanship alone, she was even inferior to Lancelot, not to mention Merlin, who served as both her swordsmanship teacher and was widely regarded as the greatest swordsman.

She refrained from resorting to harsh words against Lancer, as such behavior didn't align with her personal style. Instead, she chose to communicate through her weapon, expressing herself against her enemies.

However, whether it was a mere perception or something more, she couldn't help but sense a peculiar similarity between herself and the polite, chivalrous Knight, Lancer. It wasn't rooted in the spirit of knighthood or martial skill, but rather a shared sense of guilt as knights towards someone.

But could this truly be worthy of the name "Holy Grail War," a clash that gathered extraordinary individuals spanning different eras?

Merely facing Lancer in the opening skirmish proved to be a formidable challenge, and matters grew even more difficult with the entrance of Rider and Archer.

She couldn't help but lament the unfortunate circumstance of not being summoned as a Rider. Perhaps then she would have possessed a slight edge in the battles that lay ahead.

Bound by her manifestation as a Saber, her abilities were limited to wielding the Sword of Promised Victory. However, whether as a king or as a mother, she refused to yield. With unwavering determination, she pressed on until the final moments, her gaze fixed upon victory and the acquisition of the Holy Grail.

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